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Everything posted by Governator

  1. Very nice, also I'm jealous.
  2. Finding a quiet island somewhere in Temagami is heaven... Be prepared for mosquitoes & black flies though.
  3. Found a couple other shots u might like. Barrie shore fishing Fishing Huts on Kempenfelt
  4. Sorry don't really got any fishing ones though for some reason lol! I will soon with the OFC tourny and a reason to take pics. Here's kempenfelt bay inbetween those months, March 24, 2010 with a broken up shoreline from Government dock in Barrie (Not big bay point). I'm quickly realizing I couldn't wait to see open water.
  5. From same spot in January 2010 if you wanted to show it in Winter. It's my coffee stop spot which is why I have pics from there lol.
  6. Don't really got any that I can see. Here's a view from Minets Point in Barrie last April when I was just itchin' to get out there. From my car though, not exactly professional quality.
  7. Some very good points there John, thanks. We have an 18 month old, I'm just plain scared to travel far distances right now. My wife and I have had mini vacations by dropping off the kid at one of our parents and hit a hotel for a couple nights. Those are fun getaways for us. We hit the movies, pool, have a nice dinner and go for a walk. It's worth a few hundred bucks to get that much needed break in together.
  8. Yup kids do stupid stuff and they learn from it, it's the only way. We've all had our experiences, too bad in their case it could actually result in death. I remember climbing to the top of a crab apple tree around that age and started swinging back and forth on the top branch. It was all fun until the branch broke and I fell through all the little twigs landing on the bottom branch right between the legs. It was the worst nutshot you could imagine. At least I've had 1 kid so far so I know that department still works but I learned a lesson or two that day.
  9. Giving this a healthy bump. If you haven't signed up yet, you'll regret it later. We just need a few more. Join here: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=50035
  10. Apparently not according to the law. However when you are driving towards an intersection it's often difficult to tell if the car opposite of u is in a dedicated left hand turn lane or if it goes straight through. A simple signal tells u if you get a yellow light you're best to stop if you can so the person can make their left. Just my opinion.
  11. Please always signal, I'm so sick of the odd person not signaling when they cut me off. Sure they can get away with it when there isn't other cars around, but it's the 1 time they forget to when changing lanes that causes the accident. If you do it every time than it just becomes a habit... It should be routine for everyone...
  12. Winner. End thread.
  13. When we go on vacation it always feels like there's a plan, there's something we have to do, etc. It's just not as relaxing as I always hope and before you know the trip is over, wallet is empty and your boarding the plane on a dreadful Sunday knowing you're back to work the next day. I just like being secluded more, up north, fishing & going at my own pace. Every trip seems different, often an adventure with real stories that isn't about how you lost your luggage but how the "Big one got away". Sure sippin' cocktails on the beach is good times, but definitely not something I enjoy doing every year. My wife on the other hand would have a different story....
  14. Yes please I second this. I typed there to join as well. I hope to come part of it.
  15. Wow I hope that's not the case! I must've slaughtered a dozen gobys from simcoe last summer. Although I've then seen birds come and take the carcass which after reading that doesn't do any good. I guess there's no easy way to rid them.
  16. Were you snagged? lol j/k Looks like heaven.
  17. Awesome video thanks for sharing. My buddy and I went out yesterday afternoon on kempenfelt bay. Setting up the tent in 50km/hr gusts was nearly impossible but we got it. We don't have a flasher and it was our first time ever targeting whitefish. All I got was 2 herring which of course went back down the hole. It was still exciting though to land anything even accident fish. I was mostly using a blue fox jig'n spoon tipped with a pink grub near the bottom. Hopefully I can meet up with some of you at the Fishing for Tyler event and get some tips.
  18. Me and my buddy will be there! Question, I'm assuming Innisfil will waive the parking fee?
  19. Did anyone else try to lick their elbow?
  20. After reading the article, they actually have found no earth like planets yet, they predict within 3 years they will find one at the rate they are discovering candidate planets.
  21. Coming down hard here too. Just another day in Barrie...
  22. CTC Always has a better selection and usually where I go. I only check walmart if I've been dragged there by my wife. No disrespect to anyone here but I can't stand half of walmart's customers. Then again when I checkout and spend $40 for a handful of lures I start realize I'm a sucker.
  23. I just use a normal hand scaler, but my biggest peeve isn't the time it takes or the mess it makes but that the dorsal fins usually point straight up afterwards... I've nicked myself on those spines a few times when scaling and it hurts like a bugger.
  24. For microbreweries I'm a fan of Creemore. It's just good stuff but will really only have it when I'm in the mood. In general though if I'm having beer with dinner like at a restaurant 9/10 I'm having a red beer, Rickards Red is much better than Keiths Red but I'll take either. If I'm going watching the game, just having drinks, etc. I usually prefer an ice cold MGD.
  25. Great looking site T.J., I'm hoping to attend this year. Do you know if the town of Innisfil will waive the parking fee for those attending? I'd rather give the additional $ to this instead.
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