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Everything posted by Jigger

  1. Says the the walleye fisherman. Whats next? Guys posting pb musky pics that they got fishing walleye? Point is, if you're taking OOs fish, which find their way onto your line alot at this time of year, they should be released as soon as possible. Unless you plan on harvesting that fish, which is illegal because they're OOS, the priority should be in the the best interest of your catch. Having the fish out of the water for more time than is required stresses the fish out which could lead to an unsuccessful spawn. Theres also predation from other species to consider when the bass are on their nests as pikie already mentioned.
  2. None of us are getting any younger, unfortunately!lol
  3. Just want to direct you to line 6 of the rules guys. I can understand that you got a sweet fish. But if its OOS, theres no reason to keep it out of the water, let alone have a moment to get the camera out and take a pic. I probably wouldn't say anything if it was one post. But thats 3 in a week. More bass are going to be caught as the season gets closer. Especially on the May long weekend, as the bass are on their nests, there is a valuable conservation mindset that every moment off the nest is precious. Please keep it to yourselves. By posting and keeping a pic of an OOS fish on the board, you're giving the impression that its "just a few seconds out of the water, no big deal". This validates other thread starters who in turn post more OOS pics of their personal best bass. To the thread starters in question. I was going to PM you guys with this message, but thought it may be better as a small reminder of our common goal. A better fishery. Its a topic that comes up every year, so don't think this is a personal attack. Hope you can get that PB when the seasons are all open and you can strut your stuff with pride!
  4. Sweet Jeebus man, I was wondering where you were hiding out! Not a moment wasted eh? Nice going. You making any jerky out of the gobblers?
  5. Some great thinking there IrishField! Job well done! Was thinking that theres an awful lot of bending over for you there. Maybe you could rig up a pull cord to lower/hoist the canoe? Also, would it be easier to thread the rods through the canoe in "docking" mode. It looks as though theres a possibility of pinching your hand if you're in the canoe and you're trying to get it set and pinned? Obviously you know better, the video is a little grainy so I can't see the full operation. Just a safety thought. Otherwise I'd have to give this one a big two thumbs up!!
  6. Me fait plaisir Phidal. Anytime man. We had lots of follows and short strikes on board until you brought that first monster in the boat , too bad we didn't get a pick of that one! If we had made the appropriate changeup earlier, I'm sure we could've converted those fish that were lure-shy. Good to see you guys again, but next time, maybe we can avoid the turbulence at the end of the day. That wasn't any fun. (Jigger)" Guys, I think maybe we should put the lifejackets on...", (Lucid) " I was just thinking the same thing..." C'est la première fois que je voyais mon nom écrit en ce maniere. Quelle surprise!
  7. Cases of infected people are only just starting to be confirmed worldwide. Give it a small amount of time for the incubators to fire up and we'll know the full scope of this in a few weeks. Could be really gruesome, or it could blow over. I'd wait to make any decisions for a few weeks.
  8. There is a fish ladder at Milne park. There may, or may not be, fish at said fish ladder. This is the dam you seek.
  9. VERY nice looking fish Leechman! Congrats on a true beauty!
  10. I didn't get the memo about cleaning up the town, but did manage to grab some items off the trails. The crowds were too big for my liking at the rainbow holes, so I hit up some brookie waters instead. Some real nice ones hitting, including a pb for me at about 14in and fat! Man what a pretty fish. I would've kept it, but it was the first fish of the trout season and karma told me to put it back in the drink. Too bad about the skunk GBW, tomorrows a new day.
  11. I love the steelhead opener. I get to put the boat in the water and fish lakers with no-one around but the birds. I'll hit a local stream sometime during the week for a fish when I've got an hour to kill. Trout opener used to have a much bigger spot on my calender. These days...meh. Lack of etiquette, garbage and tomfoolery have left me with a sour attitude. Used to be streamside at midnight, camp out, yadda-yadda. Now I feel like theres better things to look forward to.
  12. Did someone already set up a playoff pool? Or is this thread just for smack-talkin?
  13. Heck of a backyard you have there 'Bunk. I wish I got to have a minute to myself to sit back with a coffee and read that one through this morning. Thanks for sharing, that was a great read.
  14. I just got back from playing Metallica Guitar Hero at a buddys house. Awesome game!!! My throat is ruined. Whiplash, am I evil?, Sad but true...I like pretty much everything they did from Kill 'em all to the Black album. One of my favourite bands no doubt!
  15. Someone mentioned the Hydro debt repayment. Well thats exactly what I thought about when word of the bailout to the big threestarted rolling down the pipes. Get ready for another debt repayment, even though it was our tax dollars trying to hold it together. And why would they allow it to go down? Just like taxes, once they are implemented, the governing body(ies) that follow know that it would be foolish to recind such a cash cow. As far as people making a buck goes, public sector moneys and earnings should most definately be capped off. It is a public sector job after all. If you want a job that pays really big money, you should have to go out and compete for it. If you want the security of a public sector job, I think that going in, you should be made aware of the ceiling for your earnings. Private sector gigs are different. Competition is fierce and the most qualified candidates should be paid as such. Big money CEOs for the most part deserve what they get IMO.
  16. If this isn't a depression, why do I constantly find myself in a depressed state everytime a politician talks taxes/corporate bailouts/stimulous packages? Its times like this when I wish I could casually give myself and my buddies a 25% pay increase. Why didn't they cut everyone a stimulous cheque conditional on spending it in the marketplace where its going to make a difference instead of saddleing us with the burden of paying big bonuses to knobs that didn't know how to spend in the first place? UUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHH and other not so nice words!!!!!!!!
  17. Looks great stout fellow! I did my boat up a few years ago now and sometimes feel like getting an old beater to fix up just for fun. Too bad the garage only fits one boat... Truly one of the more rewarding things is getting out on a boat that you put in some good hours on. Makes for a real enjoyable time! Keep up the good work! Let me know when you want to put the front casting deck in there Sinker. That roly-poly cooler has trouble written all over it...
  18. Im up at 12 Mile right now and it forsure isn´t 4´ lower. I´m going down to the outflow to see if theres a noticeable difference in the water levels at Mountain. I´ll vouch for Singingdog based on what I´ve seen so far though. Plenty of huts out on the ice and, like Sinker said, the shore ice is fairly thin, but once you walk out a bit, it seems real firm. Still, be careful. I haven´t poked any holes and can´t say how thick it is either way.
  19. 364 practise days, ONE ST.Patricks day! Have a happy and song-filled day everyone!!!
  20. I'd like to just look at things one year at a time and so this year, I'd like to get into a Gar pike. That'll knock one off the list. That way, if I meet my maker by some unfortunate turn of events,I'm not going to be dissapointed if I don't get a Marlin, Alaskan Halibut, Tarpon, Mako,or Peacock Bass.
  21. I'll go only because I've got some gift cards to use up. Long way to go for some jigheads if I can just scoot over to Gagnons.
  22. I've heard of items falling off the back of a truck. But boats falling off trailers?
  23. Irishfield, you have by far the coolest "I wonder what I should do today?" option going. And who could complain about the fuel costs? Awesome! I want to build one too.
  24. Spring is 3 paycheques away and ice out is only 7.
  25. Wow man! Thats a huge ling! Congrats on that one. Record or not, thats a beauty!
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