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Everything posted by Jigger

  1. It sounds to me that on TOP of their guaranteed salaries, and a per diem that most of the general population would consider a daily wage, they want to maintain a healthy cut of league revenue. If they were advocating cheaper tickets at the gate , i might have some sympathy. But theyre not and I dont. Dont get me wrong. The owners are absolutely swimming in money and i have none for them either. But you can bet that, ticket prices will go up, beer will be $20 a shot and a hotdog inside will cost 5 times what it would two steps from the ACC. Hard to pick a side on this one.
  2. Is it me, or is there an explosion of big fish being caught recently? Tank laker for sure!
  3. Read through the first half and was shaking my head at the fish you guys got into. Then the second half was great until starting to unfold and then the pics werent showing up! Stupid iphone. Cant wait to re-read later on the desktop. The story is a banner one MB! Cant wait to see that pike! Thanks for sharing. Huge fish wow
  4. Cant really appreciate the size of that big girl until it starts waddling away and the camera goes topside. Then its a different ballgame. Congrats on the pb DJeep! Looks like the lsc crew has em figured out. Handlebarz Pro Team coming soon? Keep up the great reports guys, ive got a feeling things are gonna get busy for you real soon Mike!
  5. Welcome, nice intro! Some great photos too. Looks postcard worthy!
  6. Nice pic, cant wait for the story!
  7. Everyone in hockey makes too much money as it is. This whole negotiation is a farce imo and i wont be paying much attention to it until the seaon starts.
  8. Sweet looking gators! Love how clean they look. Is the guy on one foot because he stepped on the rod?
  9. Friends dont let friends drink Old Mill. Id go with the one that would be most quiet as far as boat traffic goes. The weather looks spotless and that will bring them out in numbers.
  10. X2 to what Harrison said! Ive got teepees made of old rod ends. Edit: seems that theres a growing interest in cork reel handles. Any way to convert the rodends Spiel?
  11. Nice fattie JDub, congrats on the pb dood!
  12. While the topic of whether or not there was a lunar landing is a debate, the topic should have its own thread. This one is to remember a man who, at the time, gave immeasurable hope to an entire generation of people. The world needs more Neil Armstrongs and is a lesser place because of his passing.
  13. Oh man that looks soooo good!
  14. Yup, got out for about 2hrs this aft. Non stop the whole time! Biggest was creeping on 20". Just got a txt from a buddy across the way downrigging and doubleheaded a laker and a 4lb smallie. Theyre hitting great right now! Cant wait for the evening bite!
  15. That may be one of the best release shots ive laid my eyes on! Awesome looking lake youve found Dan. Gem seems like a very fair word. Tres cool
  16. Noticed last weekend that the bigger fish that were missing in July have started to show up. Nice fish fb! You out there this weekend?
  17. Great vids PFJ! Wish i lived closer to LSC these days. Like ehg said, some awesome fish coming out of there! Congrats on the great fish!
  18. Congrats to your daughter Cudz, the smile says it all!!
  19. Yup. 80# is the way to go.
  20. Just to show what a cool site this is, i read an introduction on this page that made me PM a member. He responded and turns out its an old highschool buddy of mine. We havent seen each other in over 15yrs! My names Jarred and im a plumber based out of Brooklin. I fish near Haliburton mainly for smallies but have a soft spot for LMB, Pike and Musky as well. Gordy, youll be happy to know that i still have that snaredrum Great idea Misfish! Thanks for starting this one up.
  21. I documented my reno here, maybe 3yrs ago. Just tried looking for the thread to no avail. Could be because im on my phone. Pimp my Lund was the title, if i recall. I would hesitate to remove the middle seat. But you might be able to move it back without affecting the strength of the hull. Call the manufacturer and see what they think? Personally, id deck the whole thing right up to that bench. Theres never enough deck space.
  22. I enjoy hot peps as much as the next guy, but the Bhut is just silly. If youre going to do a sauce, dont leave it in to stew. Itll be pretty much inedible to anyone exept maybe Superman or the Hulk. Edit: that being said, im intrigued...
  23. You still on that same bait Shane? Sure slayed em on Sturgeon!
  24. Sweet! I went looking today but didnt find anything. No bait, no bottom huggers and certainly no success like yours! Thanks for the tips though. Reports like yours offer great clues on what to be on the lookout for! Thanks for sharing!!
  25. Ive been using the Crystal this season for Senkos and jerkbaits. No problems thus far. Its very easy to watch the line as its lying on the water. I got away from pp altogether unless its real high test for my muskie rigs.
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