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Everything posted by StoneFly

  1. Mouth of the Credit in Early spring, I use to live in the highrise and looked directly down onto 100's, some must have been close to 50lbs. Also Lake O harbour, near cherry Street was doing some work one day down there, took 30 min to fish by the old tanker beached by the Docks,...First Cast pulled the biggest carp I have ever seen from beneath the boat, he followed my spinner for about 20 ', then left and never came back.
  2. Or you can buy em for $2 with the same Daichi hooks
  3. Wow, Great news!! congrats LAZ!!!
  4. That was pretty cool. Did I hear them say that they were going to intentionally break the last one off becasue they had already kept their legal limit? That Kinda ruined it for me.
  5. 24 Hour Shifts? How is that legal? Something is inherently wrong with that How you can you be awake for 23 hours and be expected to save someones life? Or do they sleep on the Job? if so, I want 24 hour shifts also. lol
  6. that looks like a blast!!! decent sized cromer for that little rod
  7. So what was the result? you cant start a poll and not post the results....Musta been a Skunker...
  8. your not going to Fish that same spot that your buddy posted on the other board are you? Sure there are lots of Fish there, but apparently several guys saw you guys and you werent exactly following the rules,..**cough** I mean laws. That post got yanked pretty quick lol.
  9. I got 100 in an hour
  10. Nice Work!!! Looks like a good day out!!! and Thanks for cleaning up after the pigs, sometimes I really cant beleive the crap people leave behind.
  11. Lol,..Yeah it wasnt my first time that happened,...slid down an 8 ' embankment on my butt,..fish still on,...another logjam,...lost that one though...Water comin in the waters in December doesnt sound so Fun
  12. Good Job Laz....what is the red spot on the last fish behind the eye? just some kindof marking?
  13. Snapping Turtles several Times, a couple that were HUGE and I would guess over 100lbs,...Man those things can be viscious on land.
  14. Quiet Down Chorus Boy...'Im too sick and getting maried to fish'..booo hoooooo.....lol....are you really sick or are you just doing the womanly stuff around the house?..WHippped...booooooya....lol just kidding ya big 'tub a guts'...lol......oh by the way your Brown roe is starting to lose its shelf life, so Im gonna have to freeze it very soon....
  15. Well I really only need one,...lol...But If Im paying,.. Im making sarcastic obnoxious jokes the whole time...lol
  16. that was last week...lol didnt you read the regs?
  17. My guess is Mike Gets Alot Back....it just may not be measured in $$$. that said,....if anyone has the ability, skill and dedication not too mention percerverence,..it would be him ....and I dont even know the guy!!! I have run the numbers and done the math,...and I dont think you can make a great living out of just river guiding,....but maybe Im wrong....Mike,..If you do it,..Keep it Stateside will ya,...I will pay also,..even if I have to pay extra,..LMAO... PS,..one thing I though about,...would you have to be constantly babying the Guideeeees? Like retying for them etc,....what about their gear? I would think you could only get newbs with no gear to pay a good price to make a living,...
  18. Lol,..Too Funny....dont worry Bud,...I lose many hooks and Floats along that whole stretch for the same reason....Its frustrating,...but its also serenity now,...and the way I look at it,..is you got a clean fresh rig with no knicks if that big fish hits,....and Oh yeah I pulled a nice Fresh one from your famous logjam on the way out.. about 10 min later,...lol
  19. Hey DanJang,..did we see you on the River today ? Your float high in a tree and my buddy came along and wrestled the tree to the ground so you could grab it? was that you? if so,...that pool is better fishe from the otherside....and watch out for that log, lost many a hook on it,...never got a fish in that pool as good as it looks though!!!
  20. I was laughing the whole time,..lol,..thats why I took the pic,....Really hilarious woulda been someone taking the pic of me Fighting that fish today on my backside....
  21. Two years ago,...when I was still a relative Newb to CP fishing,...I kept seeing all these posts from stateside,...with like 20-30 fish per day while up here we were getting 1, 2 or 3 per day,...and it was a dry fall....anyways,..I posted something like 'Willing to pay for guiding to the U.S' and I got 2 replies,....one from Louis who wanted to charge me like $300 or so,..and one from Mike who said,..Yo bud,...share the gas and lets see if we can make it work....I never ended up doing either,..and I think Mike thinks Im a Loogan now...lol,..due to my off the cuff sarcastic humour that some get, some dont,....but thats ok,..anyone who has met me on the river knows Im a good guy and I can fish well. I know another guide who frequents this board sometimes,...and I fish with him often,....I think the general consesus for Chronic steelheaders not wanting to become guides or charge for it is as follows: 1) they dont want to give away their spots to complete strangers,...(its not all that lucrative) 2) they feel bad asking for $$ when they feel great about giving someone the Joy that comes from that first Fish etc. Im no guide,..although I have thought about it as something for the future as I just keep getting better at it,...but I took a Newbie guy out recently and we had a stellar day and he actually out fished me,....I felt GREAT about him experiencing what he did and I really didnt know him at all before....but the thought never really entered my mnd to charge him for it. So i think there is a difference between Boat guiding and River guiding,...the lakes are alot Bigger than the rivers and arguabley see 1000x the pressure. Besides with a boat and down riggers etc etc...I think it is easier to charge people. that being said,..Im going to venture in to Huron Tribs next year and I would NOT be against paying someone to show me and a buddy or 2 the spots and holes etc....as long as he drives,...lol Just my $0.02
  22. WOW,..thats a pretty Good Job for your First Successful outing. you did better than we did!! Good Job Bud!!!
  23. It was a pretty Tough Go today, saw quite a few Anglers out,..but not many fish,..so I approached the last log Jam before calling it a day,....I decided to Giver a drift or 3,...not caring if I would break off, so I buried it deep in the Wood,..lol. sure enough..I felt a very light tap and set the hook hard and this pretty Silver Girl came out to play, I locked the reel down with my finger and Began Pulling her out of the Wood,...she was a little stubborn about it though,...just then I lost may balance and landed up on my butt, but luckily I kept the line tight,..so I kept fighting her from the sitting position for what felt like 10 seconds,....(Now I know why the arm chair guys do it in August,..lmao)...when I felt the chance I quickly got to my feet and continued subduing the princess, she really wanted back in those logs,...but I finally landed her, thanks again Mr. FrogHair!!. Thanks to buddy who took the pic for me,..I think he is from this board,...musta been a laugh watching me fall down and still fight the fish. Sorry about the quality,..my Digi still aint workin right,..so the pics are Bass Pro Specials. Yes, I only Caught one Fish,..so Took 4 pics...lol, is that wrong? Also, I had to add this one,...my buddy and I on a different river,..nothing hitting,..so he did some 'Float' fishing..a different LogJam...lol,...Got 9 in total I think, I was just waitin for him to crash though. Cheers,
  24. Oh Boy,...those are some Sweeet Pics...Musta got in right before the Storm....Bad move BillM,..It must hurt to read the post...lol
  25. So we arrive around 7am to find 7 cars in the parking lot already, lol. It was Cold and the wind was starting to pick up. We quickly changed and hiked over to our starting spot, low and behold, yes there were 5 other guys already fishing the hole. I ended up staying up until 2 am last night and woke up at 5:30am this morning,..that was painful and so was trying to re-rig my whole sut up river side in the dim light and cold gustling winds,....took me10 minutes of squinting, but now Im ready to go,...so now 8 anglers were on the spot and noone had cuaght anything in those 10-15 minutes....or before this morning,....So from my spot I had carved out for myself....I pulled a little lob cast for the first Drift,..and Wham,..Strike, set,...fight,... land the fish....that was a great feeling. Second Drift wasnt so Fun,...Got a snag up and as I pulled it out,...Wham,..Birds nest......Retie the whole Rig again...take the good with the bad I guess. So we hiked up river a bit got a few more fish,..lost a few more...My buddy gets a call from his wife who had just gotten out of the hospital...and I hear him yelling 'Call 911'...Im like 'Dude what happened'.....apparently she almost burned the kitchen down,....So they take off around 10am. Now the wind was pciking up bigtime at this point and all around me,...large Sticks and Branches are falling,...So I decide to head back to the starting point,..but the fish had shut right down, so I too left. Went 3/5 on Fresh shakers in the 3-4lb range, on the morning,...My hands and face are still windburnt,..lol,..but it was fun nonetheless. thanks Ludi and Alpino.
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