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Everything posted by StoneFly

  1. Awesome report Guys,...Written like a poet to boot!!! so Bill, are you kickin yourself for leaving so soon?..thats one hell of a drive to go home so fast...
  2. Well the radar looks promising for tommorrow,...I dont have alot of time to fish this weekend anyways,...Have a wedding out of town although there are holes on the way,...i think i talked my date into a 'nature hike' on the way and way back.... I like the look of that clipper that supposed to come by early next week,....if it develops...GIDDY up!!!
  3. Just a stab,...looks like it with those rocks current and mist.
  4. Nice shoulders on that hen,...just curious do you guys have jobs? lol...are you milking the H1N1 thingy...lol,..just kidding!!!
  5. Shouldnt you be posting pics from your trip today instead of replying to these posts,..lol. just kidding.
  6. Looks like Niagara, NICE Fishy...looks kinda bruised
  7. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/caon0406/
  8. Try a 5g float set up with your spinning reel, if it is deep, that will be fine and you should be able to get some good distance with the weight.
  9. Eagerly awaiting with intense Envy!!! Is it mainly a fall run down there?...this is what I have heard.
  10. It would be nice if they did,...but I doubt it. Stopping the commercial nets at the mouths I mean
  11. where is the report? how was it?
  12. Dooooood, arent you supposed to be learning how to catch the fish with a spinner before you get a pin? you should seriously consider it for a season,...the pin is just going to confound your learning curve.
  13. If im fishing during the week and may have to take a call or conference etc,..i just bring my ear buds,...I have literally hooked fought and landed fish while on a conference call, on mute of course
  14. I hate it when they hit my float,...lol,..much prefer when they hit whats under it,... How many incidently, Freight trains have you had hit ? If you are this excited now,..just wait
  15. Lol,...Looks like an atlantic missing a few fins.
  16. No wonder it was so easy to land, and I was using Fishingguypats 0.09 mm line,...
  17. Lol, so True!!! I caught a 44" Stelehead weighed about 35 lbs this morning, wouldnt ya know it, todays the day I forget my camera and my phone, lol.
  18. I think a couple of those are mine, lol. but seriously thats ALOT of floats from the tree's. Most of the ones i see are suspended above an area I want to fish,....so I kinda dont bother ruining the hole for a $2 float Good on ya for cleaning up the scenery though,..I hope you pick up all the line and other garbage that people leave as well
  19. lol, what brand and lb test is it?
  20. Thats Good Advice for sure. As for the all the costs, I have an islander and I think my collection of leader material and floats adds up to more than the reel, lol.
  21. Outstanding!!!
  22. Ummmm Dan,...Are you talking North Superior? My guess is the next spot in 30 years is the moon,..they just discovered water there dont you know lol
  23. ItsPat ,..careful on that stuff,...i think the IGFA rating may be around 4 ounces,...lol. you may lose some smolts due to breakoff ,...but let me get this straight,..you were pairing that up with 12lb mono? LOL Cmon,..you are totally messing with everyone on this board,.....get real
  24. Good Job,..Didga eatem?
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