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Everything posted by StoneFly

  1. Again, evolution!!! i see more fish snagged and deliberately flossed by bottom bouncing (in rivers) than any other method,..and it is usually intentional.
  2. LOL..dont get confused Dara,...sorry if your feelings are hurt...but that changes nothing of how I fish
  3. Ok I will type s l o w e r ...lol...presntation sucks...controlling the fish sucks....and yes I caught well over 500 salmon and 150 steelhead on a spinning reel before a i evolved to the centrepin,...would i ever go back...not on your life...NOONE would!!!
  4. Glad it was fun for you...Im still laughing at all these guys from hickville that probably dont even fish rivers for steelhead yapping....and btw...please tell in your last few posts how many fish did you catch NOT using a centre pin? more than 1 or 2% ? any?
  5. i think its called evolution,...takes awhile up north sometimes
  6. Again.. ..your full of it...I can say Anything I want as well,...doesnt make it true though does it...and its guys like you that talk Bull,.. just for the sake of arguing and defending your little buddy!!!
  7. And the rivers you mentioned...you use what?
  8. Floatrod and Centrepin for Foatfishing/drifting, spinnin reel/baitcaster for throwing spinners/spoons and flyrod for flyfishing...what is so difficult about this? all you up north guys just want to argue for the sake of arguing or defending your buddy? Get real!!
  9. dont forget your spinning reel, apparently it works much better
  10. thats probably becasue you suck!!! As for your other comments...Careful tought guy!!!
  11. Sorry bud...Your wrong!! you obviously havent used one and probably dont river fish for steelhead...so your opinion means Squaaaat!!! its got nothing to do with 'Myself'...get a grip!!!
  12. And i could wipe my A** with you... If anyone is going to tell me floating with a spinning reel is better than using a centre pin,..they need to have their heads examined. bottom bouncing is for lining/flossing...thats what they did in the OLD days when you could walk accross the water with fish...there are times and places that a spinning reel is used effectively with a spinner lure or spoon and sometimes a flyrod is effective...but the rest is Bull!!! Keep on kissing Solo's A** all the way home little doggy!!!
  13. Bull!!!!
  14. Quiet down Stringbean,...lol...Go to the river check the facts...end of story!! the rest is all just arguing...Solo pins over 90% of the time for Steelhead,..guarenteed.
  15. LMAO...sorry WRONG!!!
  16. I bring a flyrod and 9' spinning rod for spinners at times in appropriate places But a spinning reel with float set-up or bottom bouncing,..nuhunh.
  17. Have to disagree with alot of what you are saying!!! I almost never see anyone bottom bouncing unless they are trying to line the fish. Controlling the drag with your hand is way better than relying on the spinning reels drag...I constantly see guys loose fish because they cant lock down the way you can with a pin nor control the drag. Its interesting that 95% of the fish caught are by guys with a Centre pin,..not too mention 90% of Steelheaders use one. there are all facts. Most of what you said is heresay,..and I would bet yu use a pin >90% of the time.
  18. Couldnt you bottom bounce with the pin? It helps to land a fish way better than spinner. but also isnt bottom bouncing just about lining/flossing fish in the river? lol
  19. Good Stuff Laz!! what did you get? My first tip would be if you have 2 rods,..bring the pin and spinner until you are comfortable enough with the pin,..the first few outings can be frustarting especially if you have to cast far.
  20. I know what your saying and I dont disagree, however...A Centrepin will put you into more fish and land you more fish than a spinning setup any day of the week and 3x on fridays,.. all other factors being equal of course
  21. Excellent!! nice looking fish and scenery to boot!!!
  22. WOW... ...I hope it still is that hot in 2 weeks!!!
  23. Vinni...my comment was directed back at Radnine as he made his original comment about 'ignorance and colour' in reply to my original rant. Not sure who you are speaking for when you say 'WE'...
  24. You bet I will be and Im rootin for ya...Im just not sure why you agreed with the guy that said all you need is a crappy tire rod and reel when you went out and bought a centre pin....?
  25. Its got nothing to do with color, perhaps you dont fish the rivers to see what others do?
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