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Everything posted by StoneFly

  1. Wait!!! Have you caught a steelhead yet?
  2. LMAO..or that guy from 'road Trip'...lol ..just kidding...I could stand to lose a few
  3. Should ban your Habs Avatar..Lol
  4. About 12 years ago,..before the smoking ban went Province wide, it was enforced in Guelph, ON. The univeristy campus bars had a little scapegoat in that you had to have a student card to get in...making it a private club....downtown all the bars felt a choke almost overnight.....Ingenious as i thought the idea...i talked to 2 different pub owners and told them to charge $1 for a lifelong membership...not sure how that worked out as I left town the same year...but it could be a concept here..I would pay $1 to be a member here...anyone else?
  5. Good call...if you want to show off a special fish...Crop it...no harm no foul..takes 4 seconds...
  6. Lol...Sorry it had to be said....but my question is...what does mean...im not sure I get it...
  7. lol..some people should just give up and take up lawn darts
  8. Yep, the dark ones are easier to land lol...but not nearly as rewarding Still pretty cool on the flyrod!!!
  9. Being a river fisherman and sometimes fishing east I see this disgusting speactacle all the time...it really makes me mad,....i think the question is not 'who raised these people'...but moreso 'WHO DID NOT? ' Pigs like that ruin it for all the decent anglers. I for one cant even stomach leaving anything behind...our cities and towns get polluted enough...why spoil nature? Its our place to get away...I have seen some of my favorite spots get closed up over the past few years due to pigs...I hate to play this card...but many countries in the world treat everything as their garbage can...Canada is built on imigrants and our population grows exclusively because of immigration....I personally live in a neighbourhood that 'back home' they throw garbage in the streets..its kinda hard to keep up with as when wind blows it ends up at my place...couple this with how many immigrants fish...there it is. In a ddition to the 30 seconds and $30 it takes to get a fishing license...Ok...Im ranting..dont get me wrong..I have many Immigrant friends from many cultures...and on the flipside alot of Non-immigrants litter also...You pigs...You should be ashamed,..charged and flogged!!!!
  10. Dabbling in atmospheric meterology and climatology when I was in school and then being a supplier to the landscape industry I must admit I have a knack for predicting weather... Heck I remember working from my office with an eye on the radar letting some key clients know their crews were in for a a flash storm...5 min before it happened...understanding weather is key and the radar is your best friend is you know how to use it. Oh yes for river fishing also for real..peeps that have know me well have told me to get into it full time...but meh...maybe some day!!!
  11. Nice Male on the Flyrod...Wholly Crap is that fish Dark!!! Rain Rain Rain!!!!
  12. Gotta love Ontario in the Spring...last Saturday it was 1 Deg C on Saturday...I brought a buddy from work and he wore rubber boots that filled with water...and he was hypothermic in about 20 min...lol...7 days later this saturday its 25 deg C and falling in the water cools you off...thats pricesless..
  13. Shawn, did you get skunked again? I was hoping to see your first post...that said...the lake O north side Fish have either moved up or have been caught several times and with this heat stress and barriers to moving up...better to leave em alone right now....its gonna rain this week which should bring a fresh run..try your luck next weekend... As for getting as experienced as Han Solo,..Well I think he has been at it over 20 years...so that may take awhile As for Steelhead being the easiest fish to catch...that is true to a degree...when they are on,...they will hit anything with the sloppiest presentation....but when they are aren't,..well you have to get creative...and half the battle is right time right place. After that...the men get seperated from the boys
  14. Back to the original point by the Doc...it is interesting though...right now there are 65 members online and 57 guests (lurkers)...thats kindof odd...why not join? takes what about 30 seconds?
  15. I REALLY hope its not done yet...kinda early I think...Im no Niagara expert,..but unless they jumped way up those falls... ..they must be still kickin around....I dont know how many times gus have said to me the run is over..lol..there is a reason they say it...just like when fishing a river...alot of guys always say..'No fish'....a river that sized must be one of the tougher to master and even if you were in the wrong spot..you still had a great time!!! and your right...its a steelhead jumping!!! I knew it!!! But it really does look like that...pretty cool pic along with the others....those smelts woulda looked nice on the end of a jig...
  16. Excuse my ignorance,..but Ive never even heard of 'colored' flourocarbon...doesnt that defeat the purpose? as far as visibility goes anyway? Dont pay much attention to lb test rating...look at the diameter. Unless its IGFA or whatever,..the lb test means notta. For flourocarbon steelhead leaders compare Drennan 4lb with Froghair 8.8lb test,..nearly the exact same diamter,..one is certified, the other isnt. just my $0.02
  17. WOW,..Great report and pics!!!...looks like you had a great time!!! Was the problem the high winds on Erie and mud coming over the falls? That brownie is definately a football and nice Chrome hen as well. In Pic number 6 of the 'Warm Winds' Im pretending what I see is a steelhead jumping 10 feet out of the water...kinda looks like it!! Looking forward to my trip down there in a couple weeks!!!
  18. Notty is where I learned and exclusively fished the first few years almost never getting skunked...although in the last couple years I gotta admit she has kicked my butt a few times...the flow charts help,..but vis is a tough one in the spring and not always related to levels at all...I find it easier to fish in the fall for sure as its more predicatble. you probably know as much about it as I do,..but your Jedi master Han solo might be able to help you out. If not...Im up for trading spots any old time.
  19. From your pics,..the water looks a little off,..but not too bad,..if the fish are there,..theres a way,..bigger brighter,..you know the drill...Obviously..lol Point being last week the run probably wasnt there yet..
  20. I think if I stopped learning, it would lose something for me...Everyone gets skunked at some point, especially if you just are heading out to get out...sometimes there just arent any fish,..lol. I think Mid-Notty in the early spring is a good example...with the stretch being so long and the dynamics of that river and how high it can go and how long it takes to clear out,..the runs could be anywhere...I think only 2 points will give you as close to a guarentee as possible in the spring and one of them is off lmits,..the mouth area with the right conditions....and then the dam at nicolston...totally closed right now...but sure fun to watch them try to jump it. it seemed to be only the smaller to mid-size fish trying to jump and not even getting close,..maybe the repeaters know the ladder is just to the left,..lol
  21. "Even I know" lol...yes I know it VERY well...one hour to the next even...there is alot to be said to get fed tips and follow more experienced anglers around,..there something else to be said for using your own intuition and getting into fish everytime as well. For me the later is half the challenge Like finding new spots and new holes on your own. Like I said elsewhere, I love sleeping in,..and as the crowd clears out becasue the bite hasnt turned on yet,..then showing up with the river relatively to yourself and they ALWAYS turn on,..its just a matter of what you do...another part I love is watching a dozen guys walk right past a spot,..that may not look like a hole,..then jump down and nail a fish first drift....or walk up on a roe pressured hole and drop in a nymph and slam a fish first drift...ahhhhhhhhhhh Steelheading....its different everytime...and so many options and intracacy's....gotta love it!!!
  22. Now that is a problem quite welcomed...Havent had too many of those days...there have been a few where I have forgotten all about the camera and just want to get that line back in....last week It hit 3 fish, 3 drifts in a row with the same Roe bag..lol...landed the last one...5 minutes later,..bite was off...the best is when a bunch of guys get to the river at 6am when its freezing cold...and go home by 9am cuz nothing is hitting....thats usually when I show up and have a great day with few peeps around..lol. that trib you guys hit was probably notta a week ago,..but you guys hit it at the right time. Good on ya!!!
  23. I agree with your last Statement...although how often do you catch fish without Solo? or how many did you catch before you met him? Lol...J/K As for Backgrounds,..to each his own,..personally I crop mine out as I have personally witnessed hoards of people the next day at a spot with a background posted when there none the day before. It is true that 90% of the fish are caught by 10% of the anglers,..to a degree...however,..part of that is the intuition to know where to go and when...and its much more rewarding fishing a hole with a couple buddies and not 10 other guys.
  24. WOW....Nice work boys!! I love Steelheading,..and sometimes I really wish I had that little extra something to make me wake up at 2am on a weekend and drive 4-5 hours to catch them...lol. It does seem worth it...I think I am going to add the Huron tribs to my repetoire this year...or maybe next...its nice to have those extra options if your willing to do the legwork....Lake O too Low and Notty too stained...Huron woulda be a perfect solution,..but I guess you guys already know that..lol Too bad you didnt get more pics...but I bet Han solo has a bunch!!!
  25. I hate to say it...but I bet tommorrow will be a zooo where you are going,..and the lack of a good rain for a while means 'If' there are any fish left down below,..they are gonna be pretty colouored and hurtin from all this warm weather.
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