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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Inform the College immediately. Find a new pharmacist
  2. Disney has their own BASS charter service within the park. Fishing locales are in front of the Kingdom, Disney downtown, or over by Epcot
  3. The assailant is inside the bus, 20 cops are outside. How in the heck are they supposed to taser him? At some point, an officer has to enter the bus and face down an armed individual. Is the assailant going to charge, strike out or surrender. You cannot know that. That is the heat of the fight. That is what brings the adrenaline surge. Easy to criticize from the comfort of a padded chair
  4. The truth is that, despite all the training and practice, one never knows how a person will react in a given violent encounter. Especially a first time weapons encounter. Will the shooter make one calculated and controlled shot, or will he lose control, let the adrenaline take over, and empty the magazine. In the moment it is all too easy to let the "rush" take over. I had small arms instructors with experience from both WW II and Korea who admitted they themselves had, in the heat of a fight, fire blindly in the direction of a target rather than pick a target (also known as the American method). Although this may explain the behavior, it does not excuse it. In my opinion the officer in question failed miserably
  5. As I recall, I won that derby with a duct tape wrapped cane pole from D'rama. Too bad they no longer carry that jig kit in the cool colours.
  6. We got our first open water crappies 2 days back on micro bucktails. It's still early, but they are a movin in
  7. Riots are not a frequent occurrence in Canada, thankfully. There have been 7 hockey riots, by the way. However, when they occur, they get nasty quickly. Toronto has quite a history in this regard. Most recently the G20 in 2010 and the Yonge st. riot of 1992. Most famous was the Christie Pits riot in 1933. Personally, I think the best way to deal with a rioting mob is the old fashioned approach. Call out the militia, read the riot act, "God Save the Queen", and after 30 minutes, if you don't disperse, all's fair game. A riot is a violent event, and needs to be stopped with whatever force necessary to subdue and stop the event.
  8. Why remove it? Great mounting point for a water cannon. Much safer means of dispersing rioters than the shield line.
  9. I'll have to pass. On the road Friday evening.
  10. Yes the liberals are crooks, but so is every other dirt bag running for office. The Harris gang was not any better. They all promise everything and anything to get elected, and once in they screw you royally. Not one of them gives a tinker's darn about any of us (unless some here are shoving wads into their party funds)
  11. Total load capacity for the Freestar was 3700lbs and a tranny cooler was recommended. Caravan's max load capacity is about 600 lbs lower. Load capacity also includes passengers and gear in addition to the towed trailer. At least that was how it was explained by a mechanic before I bought the cooling package
  12. Only after cleaning fish for 2-3 hours
  13. I'm looking forward to the Weston show as well.
  14. I do the rod and reel thing as well. A couple of the local organizations know how to find me.
  15. It would just seem wrong to deny a child the opportunity to enjoy something that has given me a lifetime of happiness.
  16. You are most welcome. For a good cause. Just remember..., they are for the kids
  17. Thanks. Missed that part of the small print before. The rep I spoke to didn't steer me straight either. There is also a $5 surcharge on orders under $50. A 10% federal surcharge, plus our border fees and HST, unless you have a US postal box. I've been dinged real good a couple of times by Canada Customs on US shipments from other suppliers.
  18. I am so sorry to hear about such a sudden loss. It hurts. You have my sympathies.
  19. Hagens has a great wholesale selection, but you have to order each component in quantities of 500, as in 500 white Colorado, 500 yellow, etc.... I don't sell that kind of volume in a 2 year period
  20. I make micro bucktails that are just killer under a slip float. I match colour of jig to the water colour and possible forage in the area. Blacks,whites, blue and chartreuse being the standard go tos.
  21. This show just gets better every year.
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