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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. What a great OT shootout between the Oilers and Beanie boys. Both goalies doing a great job on a 12 round shootout.
  2. I've got a full CD of Great Big Sea playing in my head, or the Royal marines playlist.
  3. I never get any of these scams. Filters work great.
  4. I know it hurts. Life just got more miserable as we lost first Peanut, then Lucky. I did not feel too terrible when Lucky's time had come. We were sad, yes, . However, we had many years of friendship and, yes, love. I was actually glad she wasn't going to suffer. You and the children enjoyed Tala's company for 12 good years. They aren't just dogs. They are our children, and for children they are often something more. Remember and cherish that as you move forward and find a new friend
  5. As a Muskoka brat, we only had 3 or 4 go to lures ouside of live bait. Eppinger Daredevle Jitterbug frog Black Fury mepps Broken back blue Rebel minnow Rebel diving crawfish
  6. My dream would be a baby Cape Islander with cuddy. I had the opportunity to buy used 10 years back for a meagre 3,000 but passed. What a mistake.
  7. You've just joined a very long list of people who have been burnt up there. Sadly, Haliburton area has long had a theft problem. Skidoos, ATV's, trailers, boat motors, generators, are the usual targeted items. Lord knows how many times friends and relatives up there have been burnt. During the 80's got so bad that a few neighbours were known to walk their neighbourhood with a loaded shotgun. They caught one punk trying to steal a local pilot's tractor.
  8. There are good facilities and staff. There are also some less than stellar facilities and staff. An institution is only as good as thee people running it. Last I saw, we had not yet perfected humanity. That aside, I spent 10 years in health care admin, and am ever so glad I was downsized out. The patient was, all too often, treated as an object rather than a person. And yes, some hospitals have horrible standards of care. It is also true that there are far too many bureaucrats and not enough care givers. A fact of life in any government funded or managed industry. On the plus side, I have seen some outstanding levels of care. Juravinski cancer facility in Hamilton has been fantastic in every aspect of my wife's treatment and care. My two spinal surgeries have been done with absolute professionalism and great care for the patient. I know of few facilities down here that meet that level of care.
  9. Weren't that far back when the wealthy in Ontario would have armed guards on their properties ( I'm sure some still do), or lay snares like the trip wire and daisy cutter for the undesirable visitor or poacher.
  10. I may be a Leafs fan, but I'm not blind. Can't have much of a bandwagon when the mules won't pull the cart. A third of the old mares need to be sent to the glue works. If you want to really shake up the slackers start rotating players up from the farm. They've lost the season already, now is the time to see if they have any real talent in the farm network.
  11. Trip wires, daisy cutters and land mines.
  12. Beautiful rte. Having family up in Minden I've gotten quite creative in finding back routes that avoid all the traffic there and back.
  13. Any rural route with a mix of woods is great I'd say run Hwy 12 to Rama rd, hand a right on Reg #45/ old 503, takes you to Norland on #35. Follow that back south to the #115, then the 401. Good 4+ hr road trip.
  14. Dogs and evidence of redneck chique can be very useful deterrents. It may sound too simple, but leaving lights on in the house will work.
  15. Was supposed to go tomorrow but the water heater blew out and I'm still waiting for the gas company's contractor, Enercare, to show up. They've missed 2 scheduled visits so far. They'll be getting a chewing out in the morning.
  16. Big Brothers/Sisters, local scout troop
  17. Not a joke I want my bride to see just before Valentines Day. Just not wise to poke the bear.
  18. Felt like a little kid yesterday playing in the snow. Was out harvesting pussy willow stems at the farm and getting stuck wading through the waist deep snow
  19. The 20 years I lived in and around Toronto were just one big pain for one raised on outdoor living. I was called all sorts of unpleasant things when people found out I fished and hunted. Was called a Barbarian, amongst other things, while travelling the Red Rocket to urban fishing holes. I just tried to make sure I was out of Toronto every possible weekend with family up in the Muskokas or Haliburton.
  20. Today, a lot of people overlook the simple pot of soup or stew. Cheap to make, great to have on hand, and good for you ( depending what you add). Tonight a 1 gallon pot of leek and potato soup. Total cost $2.
  21. Might as will give the fans some worthwhile entertainment. They sure aren't getting their money's worth from the Leafs. All they need now is some brass poles and the ballet to move in.
  22. pretty soon City of Toronto won't even deserve a crappy hockey team. All this talk of banning contact hockey in the GTA minor leagues!!! What happens when the kids have to face teams that play real hockey? They all pull a "Leaf" and skate away from the puck.
  23. Agreed. Lots to enjoy in winter. Being semi retired gives me the advantage of picking and choosing my outings. Beyond the dampness bothering the joints, and that isn't gonna go away, today was a perfect day for getting caught up on things once the shovelling was done. Tomorrow I'll go do some pruning and pour more jigs.
  24. Single choice would be white jig and white twisters 1" -6" size, as so many others have stated.
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