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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Squash and/or sweet potato soup are thick rich soups perfect for warming you on a winter's day. I've still got a couple dozen squash in the cooler. Time to turn some into a decadent sweet squash casserole with graham crumble crust,
  2. No different than home developers upselling a new home. $199,000 bare bones, but around $249,000 when you add those ever important upgrades. Cars are no different. I don't hear too many complaining about all the extras in their new rides.
  3. The relief valve does not always work. I just refilled my 20lb last month. Guess what? It got over filled. The attendant was not paying attention to the scale and was relying on the valve to do it's job. Was spitting liquid for a bit, but I've got it working fine now.
  4. Nothing beats good old sheep grease.
  5. We've had smoked bowfin on more than one occasion.
  6. That's like asking OFC to come up with a fix for Target... Actually, that would be easier. LOL
  7. Sorry, I'm so used to thinking in feet. Never got used to metric.
  8. I've had some wicked good night bites in shallow off the docks in summer. Never tried staying out on the ice at night.
  9. Based on last quarter showings in Canadian retail, Target is just one of a number of retailers that will be closing up. It was said some 2 years ago that the Canadian retail market was over saturated. Now that the economy is struggling, expect to see a major correction and a lot of empty stores. A lot of people will be looking for work.
  10. Simcoe was once a whitefish factory in winter. Stories of my Grampa going out for a weekend, once a month, to bring home a bushel full. Gram would then get royally pissed, because she would spend 1/2 the night cleaning them and then Grampa would give 1/2 of them away. Of course, he gave them away because very few had a lot of freezer space back then. I certainly remember going up to Orillia in spring for smelting at night when I was small. My job was to hold the lantern.
  11. Well done. Hope to get up therein the next week or so.
  12. Binbrook is day use only. The only other Conservation campground is Byng, on the Grand. There are a couple of private campgrounds along the lower Welland R. Don't recall the exact names. One is tied to Marineland, King Waldo?... The other is one of those Yogi Bear parks. There are other campgrounds in the Niagara area. Many without any water access. Erie shore campgrounds would not be suited to your boat set up.
  13. Heard of her, but never met. We hear of 40"+ pike every year coming out of L Ontario or L Erie
  14. The lake and surrounding area might recover fully in 50-60 years, assuming there won't be any more blunders. It would also require the province getting off it's arse and doing something constructive. That is not going to happen.
  15. That is one beautiful pike. Don't see them that big down in Niagara. Best I've managed was 38" northern.
  16. There were a lot of broken sticks last night from "slashing" at both ends of the rink. The refs didn't call any as a penalty.
  17. Tough loss for the Habs It was a good tight game, and they kept Crosby and Malkin well bottled up. That O.T penalty killed them. You can bottle up one, but not both playing the same shift.
  18. Left whole, scaled and gutted. Rub cavity with salt and butter. Make a standard poultry stuffing, but add a can of crab meat or cocktail shrimp to the mix. Stuff the cavity and truss it shut. Drizzle lemon juice on outside. Wrap in foil. Bake in oven at 350F for at least 20 minutes.
  19. Leafs are playing some tight hockey. Amazing how well they can play with the right "encouragement" from the front office. Phaneuf even tried to get physical.
  20. We always figure that it was not that good if the tackle shops did not carry it. That said, my son convinced me to buy a pack of OBO floats, because Italo said they were the best slip floats. Looked like a pair of lopsided dumbells They fell apart real fast
  21. The Windstar was a great vehicle, but the Freestar, that followed was a typical Ford lemon. After 2 years of the Freestar, Ford got out of the minivan market. I've driven the Caravan, It's nice. A little under powered, but they seem to last.
  22. I'm so glad to hear things went exceedingly well. Must admit there are days where I avoid opening this thread. Afraid of what I'm going to read next.
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