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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Yes salting can dry out the meat. Another option is to use a salt brine. That is my choice of marinade. I did moose sirloins, from an older bull, a week back and they were tender and tasty.
  2. I've tried staying out of this one. It evokes too much emotional response. i've seen both the good and the shortcomings of the Ontario system, and hands down I'll take Ontario. When my daughter was a toddler she was misdiagnosed and lost in the system shuffle up at Mac. According to the treating physician "She's a toddler. What does she really know about pain. She says she hurts so she can have attention" The Shriners came to the rescue and got her into one of their units for treatment. If not for them she would have died a long time back. The first spinal repair cost close to a quarter million back in the 90's. If I had to pay for that I would have been broke then, and never afforded the further spinal repairs that followed. You all know my wife had cancer. You want to tell me how a disabled person pays for all that treatment. They don't because they can't. Disabled people don't qualify for most life insurance or health insurance policies. The exceptions being policies negating prior illness and costing 1000 a month per person. It;s nice to hear from the "never been sick" "never needed the system" types. They will eventually get a huge heaping dish of crow. As for the well to do not wanting to subsidize the poor and needy with taxes. That has never changed in a thousand years. After all there 'no workhouses, are there no prisons" to paraphrase Dickens. To the wealthy those who cannot work are a burden and under social Darwinism should be allowed to die to "decrease the surplus population" A standing conservative argument established by the Rev'd Malthus.
  3. The wife does 2 batches every year at Christmas, and they don't last long.
  4. Beehive corn syrup on ice cream. DROOOOOOOOOOOOL. As wholesome as good old oatmeal with a dollop of butter and maple sugar (try finding that now). YEs I remember the hockey pics, but I remember the Sherriff collector coins much better. There were the players, cars, and airplanes series from what I remember. We had loads of the coins. Gram used a lot of their pudding and pie fillings for her caterings.
  5. All depends on locale, drainage, and soil types. I know a safe cheat is to build a raised garden atop whatever ground you have. That way you put down the desired siol with worrying about existing soil composition, and drainage does not become an issue. With clay soils, it takes more than a year to properly blend and ameliorate the soil. One big disadvantage is people put in too much peat and manure creating a huge mud bowl with nowhere for the water to drain. The further north you go, the less you can grow unless you get into creative cheating. We've got our first tomato seeds sown on the grow bench.
  6. No complaints in my household. Then again I am expected to also have enough workable rod and reel combos for family fishing outings that happen 2 or 3 times a year.
  7. I'd really like to thank the parents of the 2 sick urchins that stopped by and were so kind as to give me the flu this week.
  8. I can remember spending the first 2 weeks of Perchfest icefishing
  9. There are a bunch of different glyphosates out there. We have been using Glyphos for general weed control outside the cold frames and grow house. Quite effective on nettles
  10. What kind of seed to use is a loaded question. Depends on soil type, nutrient levels, amount of topsoil. Shade or sun. Fastest growing mixes are heavy on blue grasses. Rye grasses and fescues are a little more durable.
  11. "Roundup" has been delisted as an agricultural herbicide according to the govt memo we got last year. Not available any more.
  12. It's all about the quality of the coaching, and how bloody minded your coach is/was. Same goes for hockey. I've seen some coaches that would make good poster boys for a nazi death squad
  13. Add to that some Edgar Winter, Iron Butterfly, Deep Purple and Vanilla Fudge
  14. While we are at it, might as well ban school rugby. There is a game that produces injuries. I played for part of a season, and then was bounced to football. At 6'1" and 180lbs, the rest of my grade 9 class were munchkins playing in Jr High. I was bounced to football after hospitalizing opposition players in 3 separate games. Soccer can be dangerous too at the competitive level. Been knocked cold a couple of times. So lets get out there and buy rolls of bubble wrap and invest in nerf sports.
  15. Could be worse. I had to explain what a "pet shop boy" was. And the answer is anything but family rated.
  16. van Leer on keyboard, vocals, flute and whistling. There was a lot of "experimental" music in the late 60's and early 70's where folk music and classical were blended with rock and pop. There definitely was "no same old, same old" then
  17. Don't know about anyone else, but I'm thunkin that Montreal has a good chance at Lord Stanley's cup. That is as long as nobody tries to hospitalize Price again.
  18. It's still about the prima donna mentality. Nobody likes a loser, and every one wants to back a winner. A good coach would take the view that "you can learn a hell of a lot from losing, and a lot less from winning".
  19. One bigger reason for people turning away from the NHL is the cult of entitlement that the NHLPA has created for their membership. A bunch of overpaid prima donnas.
  20. This idea that non-contact will stop the fighting is ludicrous. Bullies will be bullies. Short of expelling players from a league the fights won't stop. Half of the brawling mentality is learnt at home. Not on the ice I believe a league in BC was contemplating imposing sanctions upon a group of parents after a brawl in the stands. Heck, my kid brother was banned from a provincial softball tournament for being a complete jerk at his son's game. Those who are fans of the Philly goon squad will continue to push their kids into that style of hockey. Look at the intermission commentary. We scorecard teams and players on the number of hits delivered. That never used to be a meaningful stat. And that style of hockey will remain popular as long as coaches in big league hockey keep the goon squad in their game plan
  21. Unless the Ontario hockey federation follows suit, the Toronto kids will fall far behind, nor will they get the opportunity to play travel/ rep hockey. Not that Toronto is known for good hockey anymore. LOL
  22. It is not optional. I ain't growin up and nobody's gonna make me!! Want to see the worlds biggest collection of old children? Go to a Gilwell reunion for scouters up at Blue Springs. And these kids are the biggest advocates for respecting one another. Any of the membership here remember the "law of the wolf cub pack"?????
  23. I'm with Lew for different reasons. In uniform, everyone was called by last name or rank. Even amongst mess mates we called each other by last name. Sir was a title reserved for officers. I once made the mistake of calling a CPO "Sir". It was as if I had hit him in the face. As his face went beet red he screams "Never call a petty officer sir. Unlike the "gentlemen" we earn our pay!" I then paid for the insult with 50 pushups. After all that rigid formaility, I prefer to be called by my name, nickname or scouter name. Doing business the proper address is still Sir or Ma'am. Plural it is Folks
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