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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. December and January was a repetitious cycle of snow, freeze, melt. In the first 1/2 of February I've shoveled 10 days. Right now I'm looking out at another mini blizzard as i type.
  2. Despite the forementioned news, we have some good news, and some not so good news. After all the testing, Judy is, touch wood, cancer free. That is one sigh of relief. On another note, one kidney has shrunk. Possibly related to the kidney problems she experienced during chemo. lastly, Judy is not a candidate for reconstructive surgery, and that really has the Mrs upset.
  3. Sadly, I heard this evening that he did not make it. Over the course of Judy's treatments. Mazz's sessions often overlapped. We got to talk a fair bit about fishing. It was a welcome distraction for both of us, I guess. His wife and Judy would talk about other things . Stopped hearing from Barry before the summer, and kind of guessed the rest. Mazz was an avid angler, and a good man to talk with. I know he will be missed by many.
  4. Later for sure in Niagara this year. A lot of up and down temps from November to January. We certainly have a lot more snow this year. Now at the point we can't even get out to harvest the remaining 1/2 field of pussy willow stems
  5. They've gotten a few hooks from my family, self included, over the decades.
  6. That says it all right there. Our vet is a tried and true old fashioned, no nonsense horse doctor. A darned good one too! Would not want to take a dog to any other. Casey is with me at the farm most days I go out. He hunts mice, voles, rats, rabbits while I work my veggie plots. Just never know what a rodent is carrying.
  7. In the boat, the son was driving while I sat in the bow seat. It was windy and the waves were getting up there. Robert decides to gun it through the wave. Wrong move. I was sent air borne. I had enough hang time in the air to look down at the console with the realization that the landing was going to hurt. The head hit the corner of the console, just missing my eye. A few stitches and stunned a little but back fishing the next opportunity I got.
  8. In order for a rebuild to work, the leaf organization has got to change the business philosophy. First rule has, for the past 4 decades, been about keeping the seats full. They've been very successful in that regard. Last I heard there was still a 10 year waiting list for subscriptions. That is no different than when the step father picked up his gray's in the 60's. You create some noise, build some hype, add controversy, bring in a few big dollar names, and give the fans a false promise for another year. As long as the seats are full, fans buy gear, and the Leafs organization stays rich, there has been little need to really make serious change and contend for the cup. Why would they? There has, first, to be a sincere desire to build a contender team. I'll believe it when i see it.
  9. We had one dog, Lucky, that was allergic to one of the shots. Our vet would administer a shot for the reaction the next day and all would be well. Ticks down in Niagara are a pain. Even with the medication, I pull as many ticks off Casey as I do off myself. Heartworm is becoming a bigger problem in Ontario. You can put the blame squarely on those rescue agencies that are bringing thousands of dogs annually up from the Southern states. Many of which have not been screened or tested for heartworm and various other diseases. My vet now sees a few infected animals every year
  10. More of these repeat offenders should see the inside of a jail cell. Far better deterrent than the fines handed out. Especially when one considers what has already been spent just to bring this one repeat offender before a judge. TIme in jail is still a big deal breaker for those with families and careers.
  11. The busier you can keep yourself, the less you will focus and dwell on those things/problems that are causing stress. This winter I have had to stay close to home due to family health issues, budget, etc... That means sitting around the house. With stress that can be poison. I do whatever I can to sty occupied/busy. Last night that meant going for a walk despite the cold. Other times it's reading a book, hobby, researching fishing trips, household projects. Just find a diversion that occupies your mind and allows you to focus on other things.
  12. I told you. You're too stubborn to let things get you down for long. It'll be a sad day when the glue that holds your family together (YOU!) fails.
  13. YOu guys are OLD!!!!!!!!!! LOL!
  14. You're not the only person I heard that does not glue their strands.
  15. Look great Roy. I've learnt, as well, that there is such a thing as too much bucktail on the jig. I like to glue the threads twice when tying. Sorry, no pics for now, this old loaner can't post up pics, too outdated for photobucket or my camera program.
  16. One day at a time. One step at a time if need be. It's easier said than done, I know. Somedays life is just wonderful and other days it sucks. I just refuse to dwell on the bad parts. As my Gram used to say. Staunch Lutheran lady that she was. " The good Lord never meant for life to be easy, else He would never have torn down the garden. You just have to make the best with what you've got and just be thankful it isn't any worse."
  17. You just never know what life is going to throw at you. I feel for you, as I know only too well how this goes. I just try to keep to the grindstone. Not much else we can do, Cliff. Either I'm going to wear it down, or it's going to wear me down. Come hell or high water, I sure as hell won't give up. I know you're not the quitting type either.
  18. I wish the NHL would use a league model similar to that used in European and English soccer with Premier and secondary leagues. Bottom 2 teams get relegated down and the top two minor teams bounce up to the premiere level. Huge loss of revenues when teams get relegated. Huge boost in revenue for the teams that advance into the big league. Only way to get lazy organizations back on track.
  19. The banana curse is just one of many old sailor's superstitions. Others would be opening a can upside down. Leaving a knife stuck in wood. Making a glass sing. Never give a toast with water. Not even to the Queen.
  20. Does not matter what time of day or night, our little Casey will let us know someone is near the house. He makes more than enough noise .
  21. If your first bite is a pig, the rest of the day dies quickly.
  22. Same here. Only music on the water is the songs playing in my head.
  23. So many great destinations out there that you can drive to. just stick a pin in the map and go. Lots of great places on the French or West Arm, Chapleau, Biscotasi, etc, etc......
  24. Weren't too many big vehicles with power steering at that time. Step father was driving Gray Coach and TTC back in the early 70's and they still did not have power steering. He let me try to steer one at the Lansdowne barn as a teen and almost went through the fence. With cars power steering was still an expensive option, as were automatic transmissions. Oh, and seatbelts were still optional.
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