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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Like I said, the long way is by taking a trip round either Cape. Both trips are lengthy, and the Horn is nasty.
  2. You can't put on pogo music from the B-52's without putting in some of this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KAXvTvO0TI Bouncing around the leather bar like bobblehead dolls
  3. Used to work the desk at the old 212 Sunday nights, another employee, Serge, would drive Sniderman around to all the top blues joints of the day; the Chicken Deli, Georges, etc... Toronto in the 70's and 80's was full of unique characters in the seedier side of life. Many would become top celebs later on.
  4. The economic value of the Peace Bridge is nothing but chump change compared to the traffic through Panama. In addition there is this huge historically strategic value of the canal that is key to the United States ability to contol the Western hemisphere. The ability to shift a major fleet from Atlantic to Pacific in 3 days is huge. The other alternative is for the super ships to round the Horn, a passage not to be taken lightly, even today.
  5. 2 weeks back I was complaining about having lost my ability to putter around when I got rid of the house...... Today, I look at all the snow and ice you guys are dealing with. I smile and am now thankful to not have that chore any more
  6. You have to remember that the weathermen in T.O. are pandering to a viewer audience that never grew up with real winters, or any winter, for that matter. They wear winter clothing the moment the needle hits 50F/10C. They'd lose their jobs if they stood up and said "looks like we'll have lots of snow for the holidays, isn't it great?"
  7. Nice to have met you. The seminar on dropshotting was quite good. Appreciate the tip. Have to say that, as already mentioned, the selection of Northland gear was poor. As was the selection of other ice jigs.
  8. 25 years back,before GPS and satellite tracking, entire trailer loads of smokes and beer would go missing in and around the GTA. There were a number of stores just around the Yonge st. strip that had a line on cheap smokes and beer for their "regulars". Usually became available a couple of weeks after the latest hijacking 63 cases just would not seem to be worth the effort and risk
  9. In the words of Hannibal "Don't you just love when a plan comes together?" It's fun to tinker. Even better when an idea becomes reality. Well done.
  10. There was A&M records a couple of doors down and MR Music. Sam Sniderman would eventually buy them both out. One of the Snidermans used to have an interest in the old Stage 212 back in the days before table and lap dancing.
  11. You are making me jealous!!!!!!!! We had 1" down here this morning, then the winds came and dashed it all to bits.
  12. Only the wealthy deserve to live? Don't be so surprised if it happens here soon.
  13. When you think back a few years, it is absolutely amazing. There was a time when there was no such thing as enough snow, let alone too much snow. The bigger the snow piles, the better the tunnels.
  14. Was forced to listen to the twice in someone else's car. Never since.
  15. After reading this all I can visualize is this old BBC April Fool's gag.
  16. The real big surplus stores are all gone. Toronto used to have Hercules. In Simcoe there used to be a huge surplus outlet. The forest netting is not in heavy use right now, so not much will be sold off as expired. Everything in heavy use is the desert tan, but they won't be shipping any of that back to Canada.
  17. High doses of vitamin d or B-complex are use to counter a muscular deficiency, and could be of some help if the problem is MS related.
  18. Also possible that the boat washed off someone's shoreline with all the rain and wind just recently, and drifted downstream. Happens every year.
  19. The Canajun answer to Commander Tom was Uncle Bobby. Every once in a while we used to get the signal for Capt. Kangaroo and Mr Greenjeans.
  20. Because the problem is complicated by MS affecting the muscles in your back, you really do need to see the doctor. If possible, see if you can get a referral for a specialist in Rehab Medicine. Long before viable surgical treatments were available for my conditions, I relied on an extensive rehab program and hospitalization, just to stabilize the back. That kept me going for 15 years until they could develop a surgical technique. I've had 2 surgeries, since, to repair and delay continued spinal cord deterioration. Honest truth is that with the more serious spinal problems, there are no cures, just repairs and controls. There are limitations
  21. Sciatica is a fairly common symptom of lower back pain. Personally, I've gotten more relief by combining physio and chiro treatments. No it does not subside quickly. Used to take 3-6 weeks to feel semi- normal. Extreme compression on the nerves can require hospitalization Also depends on the root cause behind the sciatica. Is it a compressed disc, DDD,fragmentation, a fracture, a form of stenosis? You may need to see an orthopedic surgeon or neurologist. As long as that root cause persists, the sciatica, and other symptoms, keeps coming back, and get progressively worse. Treatment has come a long way since Ham Hall's text "The Back Doctor", but his book is still a good manual for back care for yourself.
  22. As ever, I hope for the best possible outcome for you and your Mrs.
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