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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. She's good! But I'm still in love with Janice. The thing is it wasn't just her sound, the holding company just fit her like hand in glove. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzNEgcqWDG4
  2. That would be some honour to play beside Earl Scruggs. We used to listen to a lot of Flatt and Scruggs, Stringbean, Roscoe Holcomb, Don Messer. We just liked folk music more. Still don't care for country. We also watched a lot of HeeHaw.
  3. Don't know if any of you related to Yorkville, the Riverboat, concerts at the Masonic Temple, the old Mariposa festival. Here's a listen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiJ4vFZhxQI&feature=related
  4. Nobody does Christmas like the muppets. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pR_8kmOmxyk
  5. Supposed to be the PE-2 magnum? Thing is as big as my bed. Too big to even open up in the living room. Sure will make things a lot more comfortable on the ice. I'll still keep the backpack hut for days when I'm on my own, and it's not too windy.
  6. This fall has been a continuation of a series of nightmares that have gone on for 2 year and some. The wife and daughter have serious health problems, and the relationship with the son has been anything but easy. With one piece of bad news after another, and my wife's condition getting progressively worse, I figgered Christmas was going to be another horrible experience. This morning the son asked me to run him to the tackle shop ( police pulled the plates on his rust bucket) Nothing new in browsing there. I can do that every week. Any how my son tells me it's time for something better than the backpack, so I'm getting a new ice hut for an early Christmas present. Of course it also means that he will have to get out with me every weekend. http://www.icefish.com/catalog/item.php It certainly is more than my broken body can handle by myself. He didn't have to, and he should not have, but I am still a little off guard, and certainly as tickled as a school boy with a new toy. Like the Grinch, I'm feeling "all tingly inside", and I may just have sprung a leak.
  7. Thanks for the misty moment. The son took me out this morning for a wee shocker.
  8. Late 60's to early 70's saw some wicked Canadian talent flooding the airwaves. We've heard from Neil, the Guess Who, the Band in this session. How about... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yay4YMyL8U0 0r some full sound. Used to love playing the horn parts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45PhxoPxeT4&feature=related
  9. Reminds me of these boys. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jadvt7CbH1o Remember pogo dancing?
  10. Every road trip the cousin and I made was with the 8 track blast out their Greatest Hits over and over again. That and a lot of "Locomotive breath"
  11. I like the groups that led to Zeppelin, better than Zep itself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRC0rdFokKM&feature=related
  12. Canned Wheat......... Great album. I'm starting to regret having given all my vinyl away last year. Had no where left to store 12 milk crates full in the apartment.
  13. My tastes were often a little more "eclectic" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W37x7lNP4DY
  14. LEt me guess. He's hoping for a life sized replica under the tree.
  15. Only the French could take a simple measure and turn it into a ruddy great wad of bureaucratic bumpf that has to be continually defined and redesigned, thereby keeping several hundred idle minds on the public payroll. On top of it all, the French still can't shoot straight
  16. Be nice, France terrified Europe under Bonaparte. Then again he was Corsican/ Italian. Not French at all.
  17. If it is shiny, or rattles, a cat will chase it. Nothing more disturbing than trying to unhook a cat stuck on 4 barbs of a rattling rap. Someone left it rigged on the rod, and kitty thought it was a great toy. Guess who let me know their was a problem; the Dog. She just kept howling and running back and forth to the stairs until I went downstairs to check it out. As for the culprit, I never saw my daughter ever want to actually kill her brother until then. I could have used as many stitches as the cat got after releasing the poor thing from the lure. By the way, both animals are stupid enough as to love chewing on my feet when they are bored.
  18. Not all cats are intelligent. My daughter left behind her cat with us. It empties it's dish every couple of hours and then hits the dog food. My dogs stretch out their food until they catch the fleabag's face in their bowl. My little jacks are far better at being ratters than the cat. The only time I really find cats annoying is during CFL season.
  19. That's the area near Kejimkujik. There is a lot of fresh water oportunities in the area.
  20. Whether they wear trousers or a skirt, a soldier is a soldier. Kinda thought the spin was overdone. Even by U.S. standards
  21. The beer store is next door. It don't get much better.
  22. If it's a child in hospital, they can often hook you up with McDonald House. Otherwise, Ive spent a few nights sleeping in lobbies and waiting rooms. Hotels just weren't an option.
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