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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Phew!!! Almost had to strike up a conversation with the Mrs
  2. Blackfly Lures Ugliboys baits Leechman's lures
  3. The first lie was that "everything is made overseas". You have only to look as far as OFC to find some quality made stuff.
  4. On a blue you need 30 rays on the anal fin and a squared leading edge. Channels have 24 - 29 rays and a roundes shape to the anal fin. In the L Erie watersheds there have been a number of incidental catches of blues conforming to the accepted description of the species. Most likely causes for the extension of their range would be warming water temps and artificial connection tween the Ohio and Mississippi systems and the Great Lakes.
  5. I forgot to say... Cherish every moment you have with them. Eventually comes the day when they begin to strike out on their own, the home feels emptier, and you feel older. I'm experiencing that event this year and would give anything to have a few more of those father child moments.
  6. Boy does that ever bring back memories. First days of school were scary. Just remember Dad, you are the parent. If you and the daughter need a little extra together (fishing) time, then so be it. I was notorious for yanking the kids out for some prime father/ child time (So was my one uncle). The kids would be at school next day bragging at show and tell, and I'd be having another talk with the school principal to put him in his place. Besides, you can probably give your child a far better education about nature than some stuffed shirt in a classroom or another NFB reel.
  7. Big fan of Ian Anderson. My fave would be the Boure
  8. Bin there and done it. Nothing like drawing cable watch in a force 10 or worse and sitting in the eyes. had that displeasure aboard Margaree. My uncle told me of a few times when the Bonnie stuffed a wave. They hung on to whatever they could and prayed the bow would come up.
  9. One of the greatest pieces of classic rock ever recorded. For those who like weird and unusual
  10. I've known that feeling only too well when having to put my furry friends to rest. All these reminders can just choke you up. My condolences, they are special to us. That being said, there is an animal looking for a happy home, that wants to be loved and will love you unconditionally in return. As for all the other stuff piled on your plate, it is only temporary, but yes it feels like someone has dumped the world on your shoulders.
  11. I grew up there, fishing every rock and stump with my cousins. If you go out to Hungry bay, scoot across the bay mouth to an opening in the rocks. The place is called pretty channel. You can tie off on the shore and walk up past the falls, or run an electric up into the needle. Used to be one of those hidden gems, but it's been 5 years since I was last there, and I never go on a weekend.
  12. Crooked Bay is at the opposite end of the lake from the park. Easily a good 1/2 hour run for 2 people with a 10hp. If you run from the park to the main lake, go right towards Hungry Bay. There is a sreies of islands and channels with good ledges and breaks to work. 2 weeks of hard fishing every day might get you to where you've fished a good portion of the lake. There is a lot of productive water starting right at the camp's doorstep.
  13. That's because the bears are all after the easy pickins at the campground. Hey BooBoo! Lets go steal a picnic basket before the ranger catches us
  14. Sorry to hear about the car. Airport lots are anything but secure. Beautiful countryside for exploring. Thanks for the pics. That lad is sure growing some. The face and red hair say pure mischief in the making
  15. The pure satisfaction is in cooking the catch. I'm not down in the maritimes so I just have to be satisfied with what's available here til I'm down East again. Once I'm there I'll eat fish every day. ( the wife hates me ) If I go south I eat loads of cat and crawdads. It's whatever the catch of choice is.
  16. Hey splashopper. Perhaps we should get the opinion of the real fisherperson in your family; that wonderful daughter of yours.
  17. My mother, and my daughter love to fish. The Mrs could care less beyond one or two outings a year.
  18. Dredging is supposed to run to December. it will mess things up a little.
  19. I appreciate each for their distinct differences, whether it be East coast halibut and cod, BBQ char from Frob, gravlax from Sweden, or fresh perch from the ice on Simcoe. I don't play favourites. They all have their place on the plate.
  20. Fish is fish either way. The fresher the better.
  21. It depends if you still live outside the new quarantine boundaries. If not, the fine was $400
  22. Yes you need to be bear wise. Smallies, buckets,pike and lots of pannies everywhere.
  23. You don't want just any dog. The breeds mentioned, along with several others, are excellent ratters.
  24. Couple of Jack Russels or daschunds running loose in the yard will solve problem.
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