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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Good on you for having a go. It's a different experience from fair weather camping and can be quite rewarding. Used to take scouts out for winter camping. They'd have a blast.
  2. The young one is a real cutie. We all get a bad day once in a while. Got to pay the piper sometime.
  3. You was at least catching fish. Sure beats the white stripe. Shoulda taken Joey's advice and stayed close
  4. My son got me the HT Magnum 2 man for Christmas. Very roomy, but it is bulky and does weigh 80 lbs, hence the difficulty sliding it in and out of the mini van.
  5. Have to admit I'm liking my flip up, but there has to be someone with me to lift it in and out of the van. Cube just has so much more work to using it if you like being mobile. It's a real PITA to handle in high winds. I've seen a few go airborne the past couple of years.
  6. Eeeeeeewww!!!! Bad images of little old grannies at the seniors centre getting Bawdy The things this website is doing to my mind lately with "well dressed guys", "stick close to me and you'll get some", etc....
  7. Got out in the wind and snow yesterday to do some perching. Didn't bring the hut cuz it was calm when we went out. Big mistake. Couldn't see too far in front as the winds picked up. As usual, the bite turned on for the bad weather. I always find the fish to turn on as a front rolls through. Yesterday was no exception. Sorry for the late report, but the Mrs had me busy for the evening playing euchre.
  8. I won't say the OFAH is perfect. In fact there isn't an organization on the continent that hasn't suffered some measure of scandal and embarassment. Nor is there one that is lily white without at least one skeleton in it's closet. It's part of human nature. We aren't perfect, so how can anything we create be perfect.
  9. 6 different people from 6 different offices, having the same item on the menu? And no, the 6 of us were not members of the "nicely dressed guy" fraternity. Besides the health inspectors confirmed the findings.
  10. Business lunch and meeting in T.O. The meal was their chicken dinner special. Service was prety good. Food was good. All but 3 of us had the chicken. 3 hours into the meeting, the meeting was called on account of salmonella. We weren't paying the bill, they threatened to bill the company. We called the health inspector from the Emerg. Had to be about the worst 12 hours of my life Restaurant gone byebye.
  11. Been waiting for a chance to be fishing,It was a perfect day outside. Bluebird skies, no wind, decent ice, but the perch weren't so co-operative. Spent the day in the harbour waiting on some finicky fish. Even so we patiently dangled our baits down the hole and were rewarded. A lot of dinks, but still had enough decent volunteers for dinner.
  12. A whole bunch of very disturbing images have popped into my very disturbed mind..... Pass the sedatives please
  13. I have the same thing in a Rasta pattern for dem good vibes.
  14. Unfortunately, a 1/4 of the drivers down here have only just recently experienced snow and don't know how to drive in it. Vehicles with low ground clearance weren't meant for winter driving either. That's what I get for letting wifey pick the vehicle.
  15. Niagara is still getting a whomping. Son was fool enough to go to work. Cars in the ditches. Got stuck twice in a couple of blown in streets, but just for a few minutes. We got more than the 15cms.
  16. Gonna have to make a concerted effort to make it this year.
  17. I get the son to clip the back of my head. No way I'm trusting the Mrs. Too much temptation there You got off light.
  18. Looks like you guys had a great trip. Fun, friends, food, rerfreshments and lots pf fish to boot. Lying in bed catching fish sure sounds sweet.
  19. Well done. Gotta love when you find the sweet spot on a lake.
  20. Great report. Thanks. Seems you guys were suffering the same slow start we had down here. That monster pike is beautiful. Under the circumstances they had to keep it.
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