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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Who cares if it hurts. It tastes oh so goooooood. I remember that oh so well served up on toast. YumYum. Our fave was salt pork, lightly rinsed then fried til super crispy, serve on a piece of ruis with a bit of smoked fish or sil. European food is anything but dietetically correct, nor is it boring.
  2. Last machine I bought was an Atari with games like Space Invaders, Missile Command and Pacman. Somewhere back in the late 70's? I do play fish claw extreme online.
  3. Hail and freezing rain and snow all mixed together. perfect day for scrubbing out the oven. Maybe make a few lures and enjoy some of that elderberry brandy from last fall.
  4. Skies here have been solid white since 3am. Just got off the road 15 minutes back. Not pretty.
  5. I don'ts knows howz ya dun it, but I knows ya dun it
  6. So sorry to hear this Cliff. It is hard to even think about, let alone deal with. Your Andy was family, not just a pet. Lucky is 15 and getting close to her time as well. You did right by your dog, and that is the important thing. Sorry for the mismash of thoughts. Sad news About a loved friend always evokes a whole bunch of feelings
  7. It is still March, and we have not had the annual March nasty yet. You know, the heavy, wet sloppy snowstorm that usually lasts 1-2 solid days. March has been a lamb so far.
  8. Stealing a loved pet is almost as bad as abducting a family member. It takes a real lowlife, scum of the earth, type person to do such a thing.
  9. Usually get up 3-4 times a year. Easy lake to figure out, really.
  10. Watch how much higher the price gets after a few more bombs are dropped on Libya
  11. Summer student's nothing. That is the province's standard level of bureaucratic competence
  12. Easiest cheat for spring straightlining is to run your baits along the edge of the mud line. Often the baitfish, and the trout, are along that magical line out from Jordan hrbr.
  13. When research is funded by a party with a vested interest in the results, the conclusions drawn from the data are usually skewed. In some instances, contradictory data will be omitted. If the data is exceedingly contrary to expectation, the results get quashed. Example, butter. Back in the 50's, after extensive world wide research, it was determined that butter, and other dairy fats were bad for you, and since then the big dietary doctrine is that we should all eat margerine. In the research samplings were done in over 150 countries. Results from countries where results were contrary/ anomalous to the expected finding were quietly omitted. No one bothered to look at fat content in margerine. Fact is the conclusion was drawn long before the research was completed. Merely one of hundreds of examples of profit generated science. Certainly not good scientific prectice. Closer to our own time were recent studies on hand sanitizer. The results were not well published with good reason. A soap company, and manufacturer of hand sanitizer products commissioned a study on hand sanitizer efficacy. The result was that many such products often prove to be no more, sometimes less, effective than conventional soap and water. Needless to say, this was not on the 6 o'clock news. Media makes far too much advertising revenue on sanitary products to tip the apple cart. The salmon fisheries issue is no different. You have foreign and domestic vested interests vying for control over market share and money knows only one ethic; "Keep it in the BLACK".
  14. Any man made structure is going to require permission. Rock piles, cribs, Christmas tree piles, have all been used in the past. If caught creating artificial habitat without the required permits, you bear the the cost of removal and restoration. It ain't cheap.
  15. I see you are still going strong.
  16. I only retired my 300A a few years back, and have since found me another solid 300 that I will use for catting. As for those small level winds, they were your normal bass and walleye reels in the day. As a kid I learnt to fish with one. Black line, bobber and hook off uncle's dock.
  17. No exaggeration. A local legend for a young Buffalo team in it's early years. No different than Eddie Shack being a Toronto legend
  18. Another one of life's mysteries explained quite simply: An American tourist asks a Newfoundlander: "Why do scuba divers always fall backwards off their boats?" To which the Newfoundlander replies: "Lord thunderin' Jesus, you must be stunned as me arse. If they fell forwards, they'd still be in the boat"
  19. I can date my visits to the Sportsman show back into the late 60's. Several years back, the Sportsman show was a different creature. There were a lot more mom and pop lodges, tackle shops, small independent manufacturers, etc... at the show. The mezzanine was all small retailers back then. Gradually, the small vendors, and some of the larger ones, were all pushed out by the big dollar. Seems there is not that much that is centered on fishing and camping.
  20. Some of the regular tackle shops are not going to be there either. Just means more space for the T-shirt, first aid and sock vendors.
  21. Parking's not cheap. Nor is a round trip on the GO from Burlington. I've been going since I was a kid. At current prices I can't see going there any more. At least we are seeing more local venues starting up, like the Niagara show this weekend.
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