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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. At least you know you were being fed chicken
  2. I was too tired at the end of the day to think about the camera, and to think I had perch tonight. Have enough left for 3 more meals too.
  3. First, and primary, rule of business " Keep it in the black".
  4. If they insist the lake be kept private, so be it. In turn, the public (the fishing community), should be pressuring the MNR and GRCA to ensure that no public funds are spend in that waterway for stocking, rehabilitation, etc... on a private pond, as the work is not for public benefit.
  5. Another alternative is a modular insert to sit where the tub sits now. It is a complete unit of tub and surround. You tear out the old tub and slide the unit into the wall space without the hassle of wall or tile repair. Removing old tubs always becomes a major project.
  6. Now that I've had a good sleep, I'll post a report. Finally got out on the ice for some perchin with CPH. Fantastic day. Kinda nippy before first light,, and the beard had a heavy layer of ice by the time we hit our location. Once the sun came up, the wind was gone, and we were treated to bluebird skies and no crowds. Glad I left the hut at home. Too nice to sit inside. The company I was keeping was none too shabby either. Was great to sit and chat when we could. Conversations kept being interrupted by all the fish. As for the fishing. Was impossible to keep working 2 lines in the first part of the morning. I was missing too many fish. Once I settled down to 1 line the bite was non stop. Fished a buckshout tipped with a Berkeley plastic maggot ( I've had the package for 4 years ). Over the course of the day we pulled up at least 200 perch. massive schools of them around us. The downside was that most were dinks and wannabes. Even so, I still managed to bring home 25 respectable perch. Darned neck and shoulder are a little pinched now, but a little linament and some stretches will work that out. Can't wait to do that again.
  7. My prayers go out to you and your Mrs.
  8. Regular part of the retail game. Open new store, hire army of prospectives to get store ready. After the opening ( or after Xmas ) drop the surplus.
  9. Sad to hear you've had a hard time. Sadly, the health system in Ontario has been deteriorating since the mid 80's. Fewer beds and longer wait times are the norm it would seem. I am so glad I was downsized out of the system in the 90's. The system stopped looking at patients as people back then. All that matters are stats and dollar signs. Amalgamations were just a clever way of rationalizing and reducing the number of available hospital beds. Support staff and nursing staff were laid off to meet budget restraints, but there was always a new job for management personnel who's departments had been closed. Combine 2 ortho wards as one, 1/2 the beds, 1/2 the staff, keep the mgmt. A hospital that once fielded over 1500 beds has 700, and lots of nice office space. It happened in Toronto, and Hamilton, now Niagara. Without knowing who you had seen, Had you tried for a referral to Dr Devillier? One of the best spinal neurosurgeons around, and he never messed about.
  10. Are you asking about the harbour or the marina? The 2 are very different.
  11. Buying at sales does not give you anywhere near the discount that buying direct does. Every item, in store at regular price, has a mark up from 100% to 400%. Even a product at 50% off can offer a margin of profit. For instance, I purchase shrubs in 1 gallon pots, or yard ornaments at .99 each from the west coast. In turn, I sell these items from $5.99 to $8.99. This enables me to cover my purchase, plus shipping, plus taxes, and still have a 250% margin on my purchase price. Every retailer does the exact same thing. Biggest hurdles are warehousing and distribution after having purchased a bulk product. The supplier will only want one point of delivery unless the multiple POD's met a delivery minimum. In selling floral product direct to Lowes, Home Depot, Sams Clubs, there was a minimum case count or dollar value per store. From the POD the big challenge is in effectively and economically getting product to the members.
  12. From what I've read so far, one can easily gauge the quality of an individual's mettle from this thread. Dozer, you based your opinion from comments made by police. True, they are the front line, but they are also biased. Far too many officers view the average citizen to be, and I quote, " lawbreakers waitng for an excuse to offend". Yes I've Known a lot of cops in my day Some of them put Sly Stallone to shame. Just like the Rambo types that are drawn towards today's military. It is the perspective of the self righteous and self justified who can't be bothered to look deeper into the facts. Many of our police officers are forthright and good people, but they are slowly becoming a minority. I've come to know several senior members of our police forces, and they don't care for the attitude of many a young constable. Then again, one police acquaintance was an instructor at CO Bick who was an outright bigot.
  13. A rare instrumental version. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QS-Riog-eQ&list=FLlEdYLs6kKUqyERyN0fBmBA&index=2&feature=plpp_video
  14. Gotta agree Brian. The license is still pretty economical. For the price of one musky lure, or 2 Koppers you get to fish a whole year. A better comparison. How many of us drop $500-700 on a single fishing combo? Just be thankful we don't have the same licensing rules you find in England and parts of Europe. You purchase a different license for each local jurisdiction. The bungling of the whole license system is an entirely different matter. I also think it is a major mistake of any government to outsource public services to an offshore provider.
  15. Pretty sure they are starlings. 2 species of the bird were introduced to Canada a long time back. At times they can be a serious nuisance. Some provinces and states used to have a bounty on this bird and crows as they were harmful to various crops.
  16. A lot of bass guys run batteries in series. You are still running 12volt, just a bigger power reserve and having double the running time.
  17. Had the typical spots of a pike white on dark green. There are some big pike, as well as muskie, in the region's waterways, and this was not the Niagara R. I've had a few, clean deep, pike slices from big pike in my time. 6 stitches the one time. Another time we were back in the bush so we duct taped them shut. By the time I was back to a doctor they had sealed up nicely
  18. Late fall bank fishing has always been fairly steady down here in Niagara. I've fished shoreline til February in some warm years. Always manage some perch and pike. I've had one really big pike grab my perch a couple of times now. These are 9-10 perch he's grabbing, and this pike looks to easily be 4x as large. Even got it up to the dock, once, before he spit the perch. Sure messed up the perch. Close up These shore spots will dry up soon enough once the perch move out onto the flats beyond casting distance.
  19. Most of my shirts are disposables. 1 day of nicotine stains from greenhouse tomatoes and the shirt is ruined. Not worth trying to wash. I have just enough decent shirts not worn when farming.
  20. I keep em on hand for weddings and funerals. I do have a couple of leather ties from the techno-pop days. Yanno back when skin tight jeans, padded jackets, and Portuguese fence climbers were the rage. Spoons, B 52's, Blue Peter, Elton Motello,.......
  21. Been first across a few times. Shoulda soiled my drawers on more than one occasion. Running 6 Mile, full out, on an old Olympic listening to the ice breaking beneath me as I ran through one of the narrows. Also been fool enough for several years to be first one swimming after ice out. First few seconds is mind numbing shock followed by sheer exhilaration and an adrenalin rush. Mind I was one of them Finns who jumps out of a 200F sauna to roll in the snow.(before the coronary )
  22. The pics of Jack, smiling and full of glee, just warm my heart. On the other hand, the icefishing pics are burnin my britches!!!!
  23. When I was building houses, we refused to ever use chipboard. Would be perfect to use in Arizona and southern California. Here in Canada, moisture is a serious problem, and chipboard degrades quickly.
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