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Everything posted by hammercarp

  1. You only need one set up. Here is a post I did a while ago . Carp Fishing Southern Style I use an Ugly Stik and an Ambassadeur reel. You can use this outfit for carp, channel cat, pike and even musky. I hope this helps. Any questions? Just ask.
  2. Looks like Mike/BFA is planning something special. I hope to read about it. Photoz, carp fishing never really stopped here due to the mild weather. I banked over 40 fish the first month of winter. This cold snap has slowed things down some but guys are catching right through it.
  3. I have a 6000 and I have landed 100's of hard fighting carp to over 30 lbs over the last 4 years. I can fish channel cat, pike and musky with it as well. The Ambassadeurs are great reels for the money.
  4. Right in town is great for carp.
  5. The Speed and Grand Rivers. There is great multi -species fishing from shore. If it's fighters you want try carp.
  6. I like the way you think.
  7. This was caught today by the son of one of the members of our carp club in North Carolina. Any guesses?
  8. We'll be there too Carp Angler's Group.
  9. Denis Kreze, Fishin Niagara. Fort Erie ,Denis is a great guy and he lives right there. His facebook page provides daily reports on conditions on the upper river and Lake Erie.
  10. lol! I'm with you on that.
  11. The MNR and our border guards are doing what they should be doing and I, like everybody else is happy they are there to do it. We do not need those fish here. But the odds of something happening like you describe are very , very small. The real threat is from anglers in the states using asian carp fry as bait and dumping them out into waters that connect to the Great Lakes at the end of the day. Also there is the possibility of a malicious nut doing it deliberately. Just think about how tempting that would be for some ARA lunatic. Destroying commercial and sport fishing in the Great Lakes by simply allowing life to spread. And the fact that this was started by farm raising fish. Now there's an ARA crazy's dream come true. The more media coverage this gets the more likely that this will happen. There is also the fact that life does spread and we are almost powerless to stop it.
  12. Sing it Stan! <object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVY8LoM47xI?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVY8LoM47xI?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVY8LoM47xI?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>
  13. Them's that parks together sinks together.
  14. In short. Yes.
  15. John Prine - Jesus - The Missing Years
  16. Get healed up Bruce. I'll be out to visit your home area this spring and we'll get into some bigguns.
  17. Us carp guys will be there in building 4 by the Fly Casting pool. Drop by and say hi.
  18. Bit by bit our freedoms get chipped away. What the powers that be are really afraid of is what happened in the Arab spring. Where the internet played a major role in people organizing and communicating about a revolt. No , our politicians and cops are not evil people. They just think the way they do because it goes along with wanting to lead and control. We always need to be on guard against the loss of rights and freedoms.
  19. That was a laugh but not as big a one as I'll have when I make money off of my " Save the Asian carp" website.
  20. I have decided to send a letter to the ministry regarding this matter. Here is a copy. To the Honourable Michael Gravelle, Ministry of Natural Resources. Dear Mike I am a long time angler and hunter here in Ontario, as well as being a member in good standing in the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. I am also a chairman of the Carp Anglers Group . I have just finished reading an article from the State of Michigan regarding Asian carp. I have attached a link to that article. It was written in a very reputable news paper. I would like to propose that Ontario do something similar. Here is my proposal. Large quantities of live Asian carp can be shipped here from the Mississippi system in the United States. They can be stocked in specific lakes and or ponds here. Only really big fish should be imported. These chosen bodies of water should be totaly isolated so that no live carp can escape. Or we could put them in Cootes Paradise where through the magic of the RBG only very specific species of fish are allowed in or out of the marsh. We all know they are 100% successful in keeping common carp out of the marsh. But anyways getting back to my proposal. These chosen bodies of water would have to be fenced in and large parking lots built adjacent to the entrance. What would happen next is based on proven free market principles. We would use these lakes as " free market" fisheries or free fire zones if you will.The eager fishermen would be allowed in through a gated fence. Prior to entry, each person would have to sign a waiver absolving the province and the MNR of any liabilities due to accidents , mishaps or other assorted mayhem that may occur. I am sure we can get a group of lawyers to consult on this and write it up . For a fee of course. They should have one done promptly in, say a decade or so. There would be no fees for parking or entrance into the lake/pond. Basically the fishermen would be allowed to get as many of these magnificent giants as they can . The methods for taking fish would include just about anything. Spearing, speargunning snagging, bowfishing, gaffing, shooting, noodling ( see attached link of YouTube video) , small explosive charges ( under a 1/2 stick of Dynamite) would all be okay. No nets allowed, though I realize this is contrary to the " free market" principles currently in vogue. The net ban would prevent some one from bringing in a net large enough to completely sweep the lake clean in one shot. Not much fun in that. Boats would be allowed if the fisherman can drag them into the lake by hand as all parking would be outside the fenced in area. They would have to come out at the end of the day as well. These lakes would only be open during daylight hours afterwhich of course the dogs would be set loose inside the fence. There would be no emegency services provided inside the fenced in area. No police,no CO's, ambulances , fire trucks etc. The lucky fishermen who managed to subdue one of these leviathans by clubbing. shooting. impaling, beating, concussing one or more, would be allowed to take his prize home to be disposed of as he saw fit. The cost of running these facilities would , of course be paid for by anglers and hunters through an additional fee on their licenses. The grumblings of a few malcontents over this increase in license fees would soon be silenced when the benifits are pointed out to them. These lakes would bleed off enormous numbers of red neck idiots, loogans ( not sure if I spelled this right or even what it means ), citiots and " white bucket" brigaders. Since they never buy licences any way there would be no loss of revenue to the province. This would greatly enhance the quality of the angling experience for the rest of the angling public. The effect would be most notable during the salmon run. The amounts of garbage, fish carcasses, discarded fishing line would all be reduced. This would also have a positive effect on the number of fights, stabbings, " nipper tippings" and other forms of violence that take place every year on our waters every year . The number of tresspassing complaints would go down as well. I am sure a great ad campaign could be run informing/indoctrinating the public to the benifits of this scheme. I am willing to act as a paid consultant for this project. My fees would be in line with other consultants hired by the province. Yours truly Lorne Morley So, whatcha think guys. Great idea eh.
  21. Some people see things differently and are willing to give even the most despised a chance. Big heads and silvers.
  22. WTG Michael.
  23. Does the word Citiot fit into this thread ?
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