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Everything posted by hammercarp

  1. WTG Daniel. It is nice to find a swim close to home. Personally I am not troubled by people that stop to chat. I enjoy it most times.
  2. Good for you Mike. Hope you make the best of it.
  3. The Korean guys fish for them there and over by the boat launch. They use 13 ft. telescopic poles that can cost a lot. The line is attached to the end of the pole, there is no reel. The floats they use are very long and slender. Some are real works of craftsmanship.They have a lot of fun. Every once in a while a big common carp will show up and just own them.
  4. I was targeting their bigger cousins and using a 2/0 hook. When I was a kid there where a lot more goldfish in the harbour than there are now. I can remember seeing schools of over 30. A few years ago I saw an osprey get one back at Valley Inn. I believe I read that they have been in our waters in North America since the 1830's.
  5. I went out this evening and encountered one of Hamilton Harbour's more colourful denizens. The wily, somewhat elusive and dangerous ( if you're a soggy piece of bread ) feral goldfish.
  6. The only place I have fished is downstream from the dam.
  7. Lots of good advice from the guys here. You can also check this out.Carping for beginners After you have read the tutorial. I would like to add. I have fished downstream from that dam before and there can be a lot of weed drifting down. You can try getting your rod tip as high as possible in order to minimize the amount of line in the water. It is not an ideal for hooking carp but will help prevent your hook being dragged down stream.
  8. I fished Bronte and 16 in Oakville and blanked at both places. Not a twitch. I put it down to water temps. I came across water temps in Hamilton Harbour at the end of April of 36 degrees F. These were shallow water areas that should have been much warmer. The weather in May did not do much to warm the water. One of the places we fish pre spawn carp usually produces fish in ever increasing numbers for about 6 weeks. This year the carp came in and spawned then left. We had about two weeks instead of 6.
  9. Not only is it a very funny skit but like all real good humour it has a strong element of truth to it. In the age of RW Conservativism how many times have you heard or read rants just like that. We have all heard it. The guy that put himself through college working three jobs, slept in a stairwell , ate ketchup soup, etc, etc, etc.
  10. They already used rotenone once in a section of water there.
  11. Asian carp barrier down
  12. I still think it's a cool pic.
  13. Koi. They are common carp that have been bred for their colours. I don't believe you can sell them without a licence. You will get yourself in doodoo for that.
  14. That was cool. Thanks for posting it.
  15. I am so very happy for the both of you Bruce. I wish her success in school and with her art.
  16. Nice catch. I like your attitude. It is all good. Fish and have fun.
  17. I apologize to wantobegone for taking this too far. I'll keep my fingers off the keyboard on this one.
  18. If they were fishing pike why did they leave after I confronted them? I didn't say anything more. They could have just kept doing what they were doing or even corrected my mistake. They knew I had one picture of them and knew I would take more if they pulled in more bass.
  19. Sorry but I was not doing that I was judging based on what they were throwing and where they were throwing it.
  20. I have fished for pike before. I can tell you the area they were fishing is loaded with pre spawn small mouth. I know guys that that target pike in the harbour and they weren't fishing that kind of water on the weekend.
  21. Come on. I could imagine the conversation when these guys set out" I'll show you a spot where I've some monster smallies fishing for pike." When they left they headed across the bay to fish off of Eastport Dr. That is pike habitat. Big weed beds with drop offs into deep water.
  22. Fishing for pike in less that 3 ft of water with a rocky bottom . Huggiing the shore . Ya sure. Those guys were targeting OOS smallies. Plain as the nose on your face.
  23. What a great day you had. Too bad about the walleye. I had the same experience where I was fishing carp. This boat came along. They were obviously fishing for bass as they covered the shore throwing spinnerbaits. As they motored over my line one idiot looked at me and said " Carp" in an all knowing kind of way. I replied "Yup" and then said " I would probably be fishing for bass but the season doesn't open for another six or seven weeks." A few seconds later the idiot replied " Ya right " . They then sped off to go poach some where else. Anybody know these two?
  24. Thanks Mike.
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