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Everything posted by hammercarp

  1. 30 years of deregulation has brought about bigger and bigger financial disasters, bigger and bigger cases of fraud along with stupid useless war and you wonder why people are pissed and why they just don't go to work and bury their heads in the sand? The wealthiest and most powerful people in a nation have always ended up doing the same thing. They end up squandering the accumulated wealth of that nation in an orgy of greed and egotism. This has happened since the time of the pharaohs. Sometimes the people get angry enough to stop them as just happened in Libya. Only a strong set of laws and regulations can prevent this.
  2. Comfort? I drove a rented Chevy Cruz or should I say tried to drive it. I took it back. Simply horrendous. No matter how I adjusted the seat and the steering wheel. You had to stop 75m from a light in order to see it. This stupid idea of slanting the angle of the bottom of the side window frame. Try and parallel park and it will drive you batty. You always end up crooked because it screws up your perspective. I drove the Chev Impala as well and it was almost as bad. No view at all in the rear view mirror because of the gigantic ass end sticking up in the air. You step on the gas and all it does is make noise and does not accelerate until the pedal is 3/4s of the way to the floor. These guys forgot how to build cars.
  3. Page 8 of the regulation summary. It is illegal to: Use artificial lights to attract fish except: – to fish for smelt, or to fish for lake whitefish or lake herring with a dip net – if the light is part of a lure attached to a line used in angling. So it's illegal to do what your friend does, here. Here's some fishing trivia. In Texas you can use up 100 hooks and shoot cormorants.
  4. lol. If you knew the gentleman like I do political correctness is about the last thing you would accuse him of. He meant what he said. Luck has nothing to do with it.
  5. I just read a post from one of the competitors in the event. It sums up what you can gain from an event like this. He is not limited or defeated by a "bad peg". This is an excerpt from his post. " The peg draw offers an angler many extra challanges and opportunities. Some pegs had only swift deep water, some were in a cove with dead still water, while others offered a little of both. The peg that I had offered swift water at the mouth of a major river. One thing they all had in common was the carp. I am thankfull for the peg that we drew because it offered me the opportunity to learn skills I had never challanged before. These skills learned have made me a better angler than I was before the event and this is more than any trophy could do. While a team from Holland, I believe, that was two pebs below me left the second day due to no fish, There was no way I was going to pack my stuff and go home. I came to win and a challange like this was one in a lifetime. While our total poundage was less than a winner, the challange was world class and I wouldnt swap it for anything. Yes, I learned a few new tricks and for this old dog that aint half bad. "
  6. I think they are doing well without boats. Half way and 11845 lbs of carp caught already !!! 673 fish I also find it interesting that the Brits have jumped into first place with over 1,000 lbs and they are fishing the middle of 5 pegs.
  7. You could say it's tradition or more correctly European tradition because boats are seldom used in Europe for recreational fishing. It would not be very fair if we had the Europeans fishing from boats. If you know what I mean. Also typical carp gear and methods are not suitable for fishing out of a boat. I am not sure fishing from a boat would improve tournaments or the sport in general.
  8. Good points Mike. But during that CanAm the results were not typical. The Grand River is chock full of carp between 8 and 12 lbs but not a single fish was caught in that weight range. Also we did share pegs with the Americans. I agree that when fishing wild water carp, location is very important but things are never set in stone. At this years Canadian Carp Club Championship I drew the same peg that I had drawn on three previous events. I finished in the money this time after blanking on the three previous occasions.
  9. The luck of the draw is not always the deciding factor Mike. When you guys beat the US team at the last CamAm , the peg draw had nothing to do with it because one Canadian and one American shared a peg. Also during a five day event like the CAWC held on the St. Lawrence you not only have to catch fish but you have to hold them there as long as possible in order to catch as many as possible. Fortunes can change dramatically over five days , hot pegs can turn cold for any number of reasons.
  10. Here is a link to the leader board.CAWC Canada is well represented and they are on the board.
  11. Hello and welcome.
  12. Wow Those were great pictures. Thanks I enjoyed the post tremendously. That wasp with long tail that is it's egg layer. It finds grubs in rotting wood and boroughs through the wood to lay it's egg in the grub.Then it's grub eats the host grub alive. Kinda gruesome.
  13. He was poaching...................................................................................... eggs. I guess he like eggs. I like them fried, boiled or even scrambled.
  14. The fish with the lamprey is still on screen.
  15. Great pictures Mike. Thanks I really enjoyed them.
  16. Another dead fish post. Are you trying to bump this thread up. Well okay. You can see that even in death carp are as beneficial/good as salmon.
  17. So when is our next visit to the Toronto Zoo?
  18. Not enough carp anglers here. That's why.
  19. Don't blame the gas station guy. I think it's been explained before that the delay in the drop in prices occurs because the retailer has to sell that gas based on the price he paid for it, not based what he will or might be paying the next time he has his tanks filled.
  20. Here's what it looks like.
  21. I have not tried this since I was a kid.
  22. Glad you are OK.
  23. I thought they wanted to kill them not just scare'm.
  24. So far in the east end of Hamilton it's been a big light show but not much else. Hopefully that's all.
  25. A nice surprise
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