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Everything posted by hammercarp

  1. So if a trout ate some guys finger what did this carp eat?
  2. I have always been a little uncomfortable with the whole concept of invasive species and how it is being used to spend our tax dollars. Here is a thought provoking video on the subject.
  3. Here's a few places to fish carp in the harbour. Pier 8 is your best bet right now.
  4. There are still plenty of carp in Cootes. The carp trap is a failure at taxpayer expense. Why not fish the harbour? Lots of different species there.
  5. Hopefully we'll fish together another time. If you see me say hello.
  6. It is good to see they are coming back after the gobies almost wiped them and the sunnies out of the bay.
  7. Hey Brad come on out and fish with us carp guys. How about Peir 8 tomorrow?
  8. That is a dandy carp. Try a local feed store. You can get dried " cow corn " there. There are different size bags any where from 50 to 90 lbs. It's cheap and easy to store. Just soak it over night then boil it for a while. This will soften it and the heat will convert some of the starch to sugar. Bait your spot every day at the same time for three days before fishing. Try 10 lbs at a time to start or just use the biggest pot you have.
  9. I've caught carp on jigs when fishing for walleye and smallmouth.
  10. When I was a kid i went with my uncle up to Elk Lake for a week. I caught a toad one evening and when I was looking at it I noticed something. I turned it over and I saw a light flashing. It had just eaten a big firefly and it was still flashing away inside the toads stomach.
  11. Those some great pictures and a pile of happy kids. Mark and I were actually manning a carp angling "show and tell" booth on the pad. We had two guys, Tristan and his uncle Ken on Pier 8 manning a station and another guy Henry helping with the rods.
  12. Congratulations to your son Joeseph and your son Adam on his first carp. Too bad about the rod. You are not the first and won't be the last guy to lose his gear to a carp. Rods and reels can be replaced nothing will replace the memories you made with your boys.
  13. There was a pretty good turnout despite two bouts of rain. These two pictures show a good part of but not all crowd. Here's what it's all about. A father helping his son land a big one. His sister gets the net ready Heads turn in anticipation of landing the fish. The young angler waiting for the official measuring. Fish on the board and one happy kid. Two of the many volunteers that make it happen.
  14. It appears that in Germany they have found the answer to that awful eyesore " the plumbers crack. "
  15. Great pictures. Thanks for posting them. I have never tried fly fishing for carp. Maybe one day.
  16. I saw some big sheephead cruising around the Haida and Pier 8 last week. They will give you a go on a lure.
  17. From the article "In the Mississippi River the carp, which are meat-eating predators, have destroyed large parts of the ecosystem, decimating the small-fish population, which leaves no food for larger species, including salmon and trout." Really.
  18. PM sent
  19. That is a real shame and very alarming. I think he got some information wrong though. I thought it was Chipppewa Creek that came out of the lake, not the Welland.
  20. This kind of stuff has become standard for them. The more outrageous it it the better. Look how much free publicity they get from every fishing forum that picks it up and posts it. There is no such thing as bad publicity. The more hits they get from it the more money they get.
  21. Goldfish, and panfish.
  22. Bike riding, rollerblading, skateboarding all pose a greater problem than fishing does.
  23. Nice sheepie. Looks like you had a lot of fun.
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