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Everything posted by hammercarp

  1. People are working more hrs now than they did 20 years ago. Less leisure time.
  2. I guess that's why mallards have so many young. Like McDonalds ( over 1 billion served ) everything eats them.
  3. Looks to me like a chunk of lily pad root with and egg mass or one of those bryozoans on it. The jelly could also be just a result from the root breaking down. But I like the pod theory the best.
  4. My guess is fallfish. I have caught them from shore on a worm under a float and even on small spinners.
  5. pics I tried to google up any information on carp ruining Lake Niapenco. As stated above the waters there have a much bigger problem than carp. That's what almost all the responses were about. I did find this statement from a local angler. I don't believe he is a carp angler. "I used to fish there some time ago on the far side, outside of the park, off the bridge. It was great fishing for Pike, Largemouth, and Crappie (good sized fish) It went to crap when they were trying to kill the Carp in the 90's. Sound like it is getting better again." This year we had a cold wet spring which caused high water levels and high turbidity throughout the region. The Chippewa, the Grand , and other creeks and rivers in the region have always had high turbidity due to the clay soil.
  6. You will probably see a bunch of guys fishing at the end of Fishermans Pier ( Hamilton, Harbour side ) . They will be fishing for carp.
  7. One of the guys in our carp fishing club used to commercially fish common carp and buffalo fish for the pet food industry. I believe that disappeared when it could not compete with the offal from the chicken industry. If you look at the ingredients in most cat and dog foods you will find chicken , even in cat food that smells like fish.
  8. I came across this article recently on another forum ... Asian carp: perhaps not so threatening to the Great Lakes after all? Published: Friday, August 05, 2011, 8:55 AM Updated: Friday, August 05, 2011, 9:07 AM Russ White By Russ White TL.jpgTina Lam By Laura Young Detroit Free Press environmental reporter Tina Lam joins Greening of the Great Lakes this week to discuss her six-part series on Asian carp. In it, she tries to unravel the web of complex, often contradictory information surrounding the impacts of Asian carp in the Mississippi River Basin, and what it would mean if Asian carp migrated into the Great Lakes. Lam traveled with video reporter Brian Kaufman to Baton Rouge, La., and then up the Mississippi River until reaching the Great Lakes region, interviewing scientists, anglers, businessmen and government officials about the Asian carp menace. Surprisingly, as Lam talked with more and more stakeholders in areas infested with Asian carp, she discovered the fish wasn't having quite the dramatic impact on ecosystems that many fear if Asian carp ever reached the Great Lakes. "In the Great Lakes, we've often heard that if Asian carp get into one of our lakes, it's game over," says Lam. "What we have learned from our trip is that it's not game over—it's taken decades for Asian carp to establish themselves in the Mississippi." She found inconsistencies between most anglers on what native fish species are decreasing in number because of Asian carp. Scientists she spoke with often reported while some native species are thinner or fewer in number than usual, the dire predictions that Asian carp will outcompete native fish for food and starve them off may be premature. Lam also learned that even when reviewing the scientific literature on the subject of Asian carp, one must be wary. In her own research Lam uncovered a significant misinterpretation of fact. It has been widely reported in the media that Asian carp comprise 80 to even 95% of some rivers in the Mississippi River basin. When Lam talked with Asian carp expert Duane Chapman of the USGS to verify these claims, Chapman feared it referred back to a statement taken out of context from an informative lecture he gave on Asian carp. According to Chapman, on one of his research outings to specifically sample for Asian carp, 80% of his catch consisted of the invasive species. If his equipment had been set up to target every fish species in the river, he believes he would've had different results. "It's often hard to wrestle these things to the ground," says Lam. "That's why there continues to be policy debates because the science is not completely clear." Funding encompasses just one area of debate. As the government pours money into the Great Lakes region to prevent Asian carp from entering, little financial support is given to southern states where the fish are breeding. Lacking the resources to harvest the fish in these states, their numbers keep multiplying. "If you don't get rid of these seed populations, no matter what you do in the Great Lakes those fish are going to keep swimming north in search of new food and habitat," says Lam. One of the most recognized and controversial solutions to this problem is hydologically separating the Great Lakes Basin from the Mississippi by closing the Chicago Sanitary Canal. While it appears this issue is "being studied to death," Lam believes no swift progress will made unless Great Lakes states reach out to southern states already battling Asian carp. With Illinois and Indiana opposing the separation, Great Lakes states simply won't have enough pull in Congress to get the canal closed, Lam suggests. "We need to be thinking of this as a national problem and not just a Great Lakes issue," says Lam. An international problem I would say. Please don't get me wrong I hope we never see these fish in the Great Lakes. I also wish they had named these things something other than carp. The article Another article/video
  9. WTG Mike. That was a great report. Congratulations on the win and on outfishing Mr. Moore.
  10. An old married couple was at home watching TV. The husband had the remote and was switching back and forth between a fishing channel and the porn channel. The wife became more and more annoyed and finally said: "For god's sake! Leave it on the porn channel. You already know how to fish!"
  11. Great stuff Mike. Thanks I enjoyed it very much.
  12. That is a dandy carp. I guess you had the best of both worlds , A great fighting fish and others that eat well. That's a good day in anyone's book.
  13. What a beast. Congratulations to your dad. That was a very enjoyable post.
  14. WTG Bruce. That is a beaut for sure.
  15. WTG!That is quite a mixed bag.
  16. The winners caught over 1000 lbs . Fish under 10 lbs. are not counted. The results of the last two years tournaments have not come close to 3 years ago. The winners that year caught 2800 lbs in total and again fish under 10 lbs don't count.
  17. There is a 50 hr carp tournament going on right now on the Seneca River in Baldwinsville New York. Here is a look at how it is set up and how it is fished. Carp Tornament Channel 9 news
  18. WTG guys. Congratulations on your new PB frozenfire. Great write up.
  19. Thanks Mike You brought back many good memories of fishing for those little gems.
  20. That's a nice fatty.Thanks for the report.
  21. Very cool pictures laszlo . Thanks I enjoyed them.
  22. Congratulations on your new PB. Nice lookin carp.
  23. Alright! What a beast. Congratulations on your new PB. That is pretty good for only your second time carp angling. I think the carp are in trouble. And so are you . Now you will be after a 30 lb'r.
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