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Everything posted by hammercarp

  1. Thanks guys.
  2. Please accept my condolences.
  3. I went out today to visit one of my favourite winter spots . The weather forecast was for high winds and rain turning to snow but I liked the rising temperature the south wind was bringing. When I got there I found that snow and ice covered the banks which are steep and rocky. This was not a safe situation so i checked out some other spots but ended up going back to my original spot. With the application of a few buckets of gravel I had a safe place to land fish I took a while before the action started. I banked four fish before I decided to head home. Here is one of the four. The day turned out to be pretty decent. The rain stopped when I set up and eventually the winds calmed down as well. All in all a great afternoon on the bank. Oh and one more thing, puffs rule!
  4. I totally agree with you Bruce. Although I have not broken 40 yet myself , I do know some guys that have.
  5. Thanks Mike and Mike good luck on your quest for a forty. You have the waters for it.
  6. Thanks guys.
  7. We did not have much of a winter so far. I far as I could tell there were no "re-captures".
  8. It's been almost a year but I thought I would continue this thread with some catches from the past month. All fish were caught on puffs with a simple bread pack bait from Dec. 10 to Jan. 10.
  9. Not that those that would need to heed them would anyway.
  10. Satellite view of cormorant damage, Hamilton Harbour shoreline. How many fish did they eat to create that much whitewash/crap?
  11. Stompin Tom Connors - There's a Fire Way Down In the Mine The Men of the Deeps - Working Man The Men of the Deeps - Coal Tattoo
  12. Gordon Lightfoot - The Ballad of the Yarmouth Castle Stan Rogers - The Mary Ellen Carter Stan Rogers - Barrett's Privateers
  13. Billy Joel - My Downeaster Alexa Stan Rogers - The Northwest Passage Gordon Lightfoot - The Canadian Railroad Trilogy
  14. lol The poor bugger. I hope it heals soon.
  15. Wow , what a beast. Congratulations on their fine capture and my hat goes off to them for the release.
  16. Does it work for you?
  17. Is that what they call lying to people. Like the statement that the registry was used 11,000 times a day. Talk about misinformation.
  18. Fisherman's Pier. CARP!
  19. I know , I know. I am using the new PC name for those ducks.
  20. We did not suffer the worst of it but we did not come out completely unscathed either. We are still seeing the effects here. There was plenty of debate on this forum about bail-outs at the time.
  21. <object width="480" height="360"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2RzRv8yQXQ?version=3&hl=en_US&rel=0"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2RzRv8yQXQ?version=3&hl=en_US&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2RzRv8yQXQ?version=3&hl=en_US&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="360" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object> "In a speech on the Floor of the House of Representatives in 1999, Congressman Dingell warns against repealing the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. He argues that repealing the law would allow banks to become "too big to fail," which would cause instability in financial system. Nonetheless, Congress repealed the law and the nation suffered the tragic consequences of the 2008 financial crisis about a decade later." I copied and pasted this. I guess if your government wont listen to common sense from it's own members, taking it to the street is one alternative.
  22. Like I said,long tailed ducks. This happens every once in a while.
  23. Those look like diver ducks to me. Maybe long tailed.
  24. In Europe perch (Perca fluviatilis) get much, much bigger.
  25. Pigs are pretty ugly so the reward for doing the job is high.
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