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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Hey Ron - I remember that guy from the meeting at the Navy Club - good for a few rather uncomfortable laughs. If I remember correctly, it was in the context that US stakeholders wouldn't be able to provide feedback as they didn't have internet - good ól boys that don't even have running water....guess I know where NOT to get my bait from. Anyway, glad the meeting went well. Couldn't make it due to work, but I'm sure you and Michael gave 'em hell. Hope to hear a recap soon. Did you get to Nana?
  2. I know that place! Just kidding, of course, but we're practically neighbours now. Good luck and congrats on getting settled in. Hope the kitchen reno goes really well.
  3. I decided I would weigh in on this one. If I am reading things above right, It sounds like the major disagreement revolves around the 300 fish limit, with 30 over 7" vs. a 500 fish limit with none over 7" allowed. Is it really the opinion of the RLTA that a difference of 200 fish is to blame for the decreased bookings? That is hard to fathom - sure it is 200 fish, but if one of our friends from the us heard that they would get 500 instead of 300, would that really bring them back? I think it is time to put this thread to bed, I enjoy the back-and-forth, but really, we're getting nowhere. We have a couple of new members out of this, hopefully they stick around and add value to some other threads, but now we are about bordering on insanity. Methinks there are other things at play here, the timing of the sign-ups just don't flow. It's not often that a new member with 12 posts, or 2 or whatever with 90% in the same topic is here for the long term. "Islander .... you just said it ..... a winter walleye fishery! I think that's what some of these fellas are pushing for, they don't really give a damn about the panfish at all, it's simply a way to open the door" There even ganging up...who are these "fellas" pushing for a winter walleye season....dellusional. I smell a troll....
  4. I shouldn't have even come down to the last end - they really should've won it in the 9th and she missed that shot too. Bernard played well and kept them in it in the earlier ends, but when the pressure was on, she was not on her game. Silver is fine, but it is 100% not gold.
  5. Leading hand sanitizers claim they can kill 99.9 percent of germs. Chuck Norris can kill 100 percent of whatever the _uck he wants. Chuck Norris' calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd; no one fools Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks and unparalleled martial arts ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalized, Chuck roundhouse kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back. The devil, who appreciates irony, couldn't stay mad and admitted he should have seen it coming. They now play poker every second Wednesday of the month. Chuck Norris is the only person on the planet that can kick you in the back of the face. Chuck Norris can drown a fish. Chuck Norris once punched a man in the soul. Jack was nimble, Jack was quick, but Jack still couldn't dodge Chuck Norris' roundhouse kick. Some kids piss their name in the snow. Chuck Norris can piss his name into concrete.
  6. Wow...tell us how you really feel. Ha ha. I thought she did a good job with the anthem. I had no idea she is associated with the organization that shall not be named. She's living in NASHVILLE, and she don't like rodeo...I'm flabergasted. She's OK in my books - she's engaged to a good óle Peterborough (well, Ennismore) boy.
  7. I like the show, and Capt. Phil was one of the more likable characters. Bad lifestyle choices has consequences.....I feel bad for his sons. Hopefully they will stop smoking.
  8. Some tips: Don't play slots - they keep the casinos in business. Sign up for as many frequent player cards as possible - they sometimes have a free gift or give you free matched slot play - this is the only time it is permissable to play slots. The players cards are also used for the free shuttles from one casino to another (sister hotels). You should be able to get all up and down the strip for free. No need for a car or taxi in Vegas. Time goes by very fast, you won't ahve a lot of time to do many things, so you are doing a good thing by reasearching. Pick the top 2-3 things and go at it. I never heard about the gun place. I would have been there in a heartbeat. Don't do timeshares - the free shows aren't worth the hassle. If you play poker, you can make a lot of money in Vegas at the lower limit tables if you are even close to a decent player. Wait for your spots and play semi-tight, aggressive. There is a place called the Gold Coast across from the Rio, off the strip. Take a shuttle from Harrahs or some other sister Hotel to the Rio and walk across the street. The absolute best "real" Chinese food (not buffet) I have ever had - restaurant is called Ping-Pang-Pong - reasonable priced too, $10 - $15 per person. Their buffet is good too and reasonable $10 lunch, $15 dinner. THe rio was $25 - $40, I think. We saw Elton John at Caesar's Palace - not cheap, but well worth the $. Most of the Theatres are quite intimate (2000-3500 people per show) so we did not feel the need to pay more for close tickets. We are saving Hoover Dam for our next visit - just too much to allocate a day to on our first trip to Vegas, other things to do/see. You'll have a great time.
  9. Hey Lew. If you are going with granite, I highly, highly reccommend Delray Granite, they are just outside Lakefield, about halfway to Bridgenorth on the south side of the highway. We had out counters done last November and they look great. They deal with a number of suppliers/distributors and you can pick out your slabs in toronto and have them shipped up. They deal with 3 c.m product, vs. 3/4 inch, which looks so much better in my opinion. They do all computerized measurements and templating. It was more expensive than going with a Toronto installer, but I don't mind supporting a local business. We actually had a T. installer come measure because the price was right. When they showed up with a tape measure and no other way to template, I was skeptical. When I asked how they would get it to fit tight to the wall, they said they would just fill the gap in with silicone.....buh bye, I said. Anyway, we went with Delray and were more than happy. We did the same research you did and went with granite. I is really amazing with the totally natural patterns, each slab has character.
  10. I read the article in the local paper and was immediately annoyed with the one-sidedness of the information presented. I'm not about to start name calling or debating the facts in this forum. The reasoning for the open season has been vetted over a number of years for what probably accounts for thousands of hours and that cannot possible be replicated in a forum with any numbers of informed (or uninformed) posts. I will leave it to the scientists and panel members, the experts, to determine what is best for the long-term management of FMZ17. An open ice season has been deemed by the experts to be beneficial for the fishery - I thanks them for basing this decision on solid science, also taking into account the opions and thoughts of many interst groups. Mostly, I thanks them for increased fishing opportunities in FMZ17. The resort owners that sit on the RLCA are missing a grand opportunity to expand their revenue base by catering to ice fishermen and are instead wasting their efforts on slamming the new regs. They are giving up 3-4 months of revenues from ice fishing to try and protect US fishermen that come up for a week or two in the summer - or am I simplifying things. Anyway - I will be writing to the author of the article. The exaggerator tends to print this one-sided garbage, not to raise issues, just because their reporters are too lazy, or uneducated, to get both sides of the story.
  11. Congrats! Now, where are those crappies?
  12. McGuinty shuffled his cabinet today and changed the Minister of Natural Resources. Linda Jeffrey is in, Donna Cansfield is out. Jeffrey represents Brampton-Springdale. Here is a link to her biography: http://www.lindajeffrey.onmpp.ca/bio.aspx?id=biography Overwhelming outdoors experience.... Hopefully, a new perspective will mean great things for the MNR.
  13. Sorry to hear, Ron. Keep it immobilized and go to a good physiotherapist when you are ready.
  14. Looks great. What kind of wood you use? Does the orange even out over the smoke, seems like it may overpower the flavour of the turkey?
  15. Police and fire have been more prevalent on the list due to overtime and and crazy arbitration decisons. Provincial arbitrators awarded a select few fire services "retention" pay. They were losing quality fire fighters to other services and professions (like EMT). In order to retain the people in those jobs, pay was increased. Unfortunately, ALL fire services wanted wage parity and when it came to collective bargaining time, the unions held out, but kept working. Well, in a lot of cases, the collective agreements went to arbitration and they were awarded retention pay even though retention was not an issue. The arbitrators reasoned that all fire professionals should get paid similarly across the province. The smaller municipalities were essentially forced into paying "big city" wages. Well, the police got hold of the same concept, but theirs is called "recognition pay." They get certain increments depending on how many years they have been with the force. The reasoning here was that if you pay people more, they are more likely to stay on longer and not retire as early, being able to train up and comers. Thing is, they argued that oficers were retiring early, but they weren't. Again, the decision came down in a large centre, by an arbitrator but was extended in many circumstances to police services across the province. Don't know much about the nursing situation. What I can say is that many of the people in the categories above make the list due to one thing - Overtime. Overtime is a systematic problem in my opinion. When people are making 20-50% of their base wage as overtime over the course of a year there is a problem - it just can't be healthly and points to a systematic problem that needs to be addressed by management. Not sure why these people are working so much OT, but a lot are making more than their managers and even Chiefs, which is absurd. Anyway, I'm not here to say if they are "worth" the money as I haven't done the job, but they are necessary and I appreciate the work they do.
  16. I'm surprised at the support in this thread for the sunshine list. Some people on there deserve what they make and others don't, but rest assured many of the jobs on there require a lot of hours and education. For someone that has experience in both the public and private sector, you would be astonished at the salaries in the private sector at both small and large companies, thing is, there's no sunshine list there. People would be outraged, especially if those people were being paid with "my money" or "my taxes." Thing is, since the sunshine list came about in the mid '90's, the threashold has been $100,000. Who came up with that number - it may have been a lot back then, but it is outdated. By applying simple math and looking at the rate of inflation since inception the $100,000 becomes somewhere around $140-$150K in "today's" dollars. For those that complain about how much these people make - walk a mile in their shoes, go back to school and get and education, work all those years to get the proper experience to get a job like the ones on the list, and put in the hours it takes to do the job. Then say those on the list aren't worth it. Maybe, just maybe, then your comments would be valid.
  17. Man, this debate seems to want to continue despite your reply having absolutely no relevance to the OP's original question. Guess I am fanning the flames a bit though by even replying. A change in the regs will not increase poaching IMO. The vast majority of license holders are aware of the regulations and will put any incidental catches back where they belong. People that are going to poach, will poach no matter what. Having an open ice season isn't going to change that. You think someone that catches an OOS walleye is going to keep it just because there is an open season now - get real. These are the same people that would abuse the system in the "regular" season. BTW - people have been catching walleye in rice and the tri-lakes for years in winter - they have native status that allows that right. Scugog has had an ice season for walleye for a long time, so have other areas, have those fisheries taken a hard hit? There aren't enough CO's now to cover the spring/summer/fall season why do we need more enforcement just because we now have an ice season for pan fish? I suggest all the arm chair biologists, like yourself and many other that have made assinine comments on this board like yours, keep it to themselves. Your comments have no basis in fact or science. I will leave that aspect of fishing to the experts, like the ones at the MNR that given the go ahead to EXPAND recreational fishing opportunities in this great province.
  18. Definitely NOT worth that money IMO. Seller is trying to get too much for the "new" motors. Did you check kijiji for comparables - you won't find the exact same one, but probably something similar. NADA guides are OK, but are relied on more heavily in the US. Most boats in Canada sell for a premium of the nada guide amounts. Speaking of US boats - have you looked for one there? The dollar is very favourable right now and it is really quite easy to bring them across the border. DON'T be in a huury when buying a boat - you will find one eventually. Being in a hurry leads to irrational decisons. The boats looks terrible with all those different carpets in there - should raise alarm bells.... A boat that size "should" have a built in gas tank, but I see a jerry can in there - why? Can you water test it somewhere? If you can't don't buy it. For comparison purposes, I had a line on a new non-current 2007 with a 2009 115, only 17 foot though with full top and 55 pound tm for $17K taxes in. I guess no kicker and no riggers, but still that boat is 9 years old...just seems like a lot to pay.
  19. Fished OPC lake a few years back and remember the passage to red cedar looked like more of a portage than a navigable route - maybe in the spring when the water is higher it could be do-able, but would be pretty treacherous. There is a lodge on the lake, forget what it is called, they may know better.
  20. Great report, thanks for sharing the pics.
  21. Sounds like you have a smaller driveway - like mine, and being in Brooklin aren't going to get HUGE snowfalls like they do through Barrie/Orillia. I would definitley consider a single stage - either Toro, Lawn Boy or Honda. I got mine just off the 115 on Taunton Road - T&C Small Engine. Good dealer, although I haven't been back yet - pretty relaible so far. I have NEVER had a problem with clearing any amount of snow with mine, even wet, heavy stuff AND the plow remnants. Throw distance is about 20-25 feet, heavier stuff may not go as far. Good luck with your search.
  22. Purple with emerald fleck - colour 213 (I think)
  23. I suggest Rice Lake or the Tri-Lakes, maybe a resort/cottage on Pigeon Lake. If you go Rice, you might want to consider finding a place on the Ottonabee River, near the main lake. Rice blows up pretty good and with rentals it can be dicey. If you are near the river, you can just fish all day in sheltered areas if the main lake is rough.
  24. Need more info before reccomending anything. How large is your driveway - gravel or paved? Reason I ask - do you really need a 2 stage? I bought a single stage Lawnboy (toro) last year and have never looked back. It's a 4 stoke, so mixing gas is out, really helpful in the winter, not messing around with the correct mix. We just have a double driveway, 2 cars deep and paved, so the single stage is perfect. Never had a problem with plow snow at the end of the driveway either. All my neighbours have big 2 stage throwers taking up a ton of room in the garage. It takes them twice the time to do the driveway as they are at the mercy of how slow the blower pulls them and 2 stage throwers leave at least an inch of snow on the driveway depending on how close you set the feet. You may want to consider a single stage if you haven't researched them yet.
  25. If I were buying a cottage in this area JUST for fishing, I would go with Pigeon for certain. Further to that, I would stay closer to the South end, maybe as high up as Grenadier Island. Depending on your boat, the middle part and more Northern area of the lake can get rough and windy. Keep in mind the South end is VERY weedy, but is great for crappie in the early spring, walleye early in the season, bass all season and muskie (and walleye) in the fall. You should be able to find a pure cottage in your price range. Don't even think about finding "weed-free" frontage in your price range. There isn't much weed-free frontage in the Tri-Lakes area as it is, if something comes up, you pay a premium. I haven't fished Sturgeon much, but hear it is a great fishing lake. You may also want to consider places on the Otonabee River, near the mouth of Rice Lake. Rice is a great fishery, but can get nasty in windy conditions. If it is windy, you can tuck in the river and fish the breaks for walleye or wood for bass. Lots of muskie in the river as well. http://www.youronlineagents.com/peterborough/ Use this site and set the filter to show only waterfront - good site and beats the heck out of that junk MLS site. The "Call a Ball" people out of Lakefield list and sell a lot of waterfront around the Tri-Lakes.
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