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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Terrible avoidable tragedy. Hotfoot should be standard on every bass boat. IT would have at least slowed the boat to idle when the driver's foot came off. Still, the kill switch is fool proof.
  2. I know tax is payable at the 13%, but I don't know the details of when it is paid. Probably at the time of Federal registration (i.e. getting the license number transferred over) as the HST is collected federally. Although it may be collected provincially and then forwarded to the feds.
  3. Well, in case you haven't heard the winner of Dave's boat will be announced Friday, August 27. I for one have never seen a contest set up like this one before. The winner, along with the secondary draw winners, were apparently drawn on July 30, 2010 at 2:00. It would have been nice to know the winner would be ANNOUNCED nearly a month later. For whatever reason, probably becuase the boat is required for more filming, which I suport 100%, there is a month wait to find out. All it would have taken was a sentence in the rules that said "Draw on July 30, winner announced August 27." Instead the rules read "The 48 remaining secondary prizes, will be drawn and distributed with the Grand Prize at the Cundari Office, approximately 2pm on July 30th 2010." The words "drawn and distributed" tend to mean to me that the prize winners would be announced and packages sent out or winners contacted to pick them up. To me, this is frustrating. I did go to Subway more often to get my name in the draw as much as possible and I feel misled. I'll rethink my action next year if there is a contest. The communication regarding the draw time and prizes could have been a lot better. Instead, all I have seen are comments that the delay is due to the lawyers....they are the easy ones to blame. Anyway, looking forward to FINALLY hearing who the winner is of the main and secondary prizes, but the announcement that the date was going to be this Friday should have been made shortly after the draw - not nearly 3 weeks later on August 21. Hopefully Subway will do a better job next year.....
  4. Sounds like a good trip fish wise, Terry. Shame on the weather though. Sounds like you made the most of it. You'll have to get the 10 pounders next time.
  5. I am speaking from anectdotal evidence here and on other things I have read. Asian (in general, I don't know if it Chinese, Japanese or ??) are very superstitious and luck is viewed in their upbringing as a big thing. Think lucky numbers etc. Perhaps they did take offense, maybe they construed your comment as saying they were unlucky, which would be a big deal to them. A common phrase to us, may not be a common phrase to them. They may have never heard that phrase before. There comments to each other indicates to me they understood what you said, but maybe didn't totally understand the intent of the words. This is just my opinion and I would not expect you to change anything that you did in the situation.
  6. If you are moving or dragging, it is better to have a bit of a larger separation between the book and the weight. Same goes for casing - if you are casting you need more space based on the angle you will be reeling in at.
  7. Thanks so much for sharing your story and the pics.
  8. That some great looking work! All the more satisfying that you did it yourself. Congrats on the maiden voyage.
  9. I am a mild mannered chartered accountant by day and a fishing maniac when I come home.
  10. Buy some 2 or preferably 3 inch power grubs and some 1/8 ounce jig heads instead. I forget the actual name of the colour, but the brown one works best for me. They work just as well and will last a lot longer on the hook than a worm. You won't have to re-bait near as often.
  11. Use a turkey baster or one of those sauce bottles chefs use to add the water to the battery. No drip and fairly accurate fill. You can stop the flow whenever you want. Can get either at the dollar store.
  12. 21" smallies is a nice fish. They fight like no other. Largest I have caugt is right at 20" just under 5 pounds.
  13. Kill'em, kill'em all.
  14. OK - so I my heart in my throat about 1:45 this afternoon. My wife answers the phone and says something along the lines of "OH MY GOD - THAT's FANTASTIC." I was just getting out of the shower - I know bad visual and I almost slipped and fell on my ass. I was just about ready to start jumping (probably another bad visual, ooops), when she says away from the phone - it's not the boat. Aww, snap. But we did win something today. My wife won the WOLF (local radio station) July draw for their summer giveaways. All totalled, a $10,000 prize package. We are happy with that, so I won't be too upset if I don't get my name pulled for the boat, although I wouldn't turn it down....lol.
  15. The draw for Dave's boat is today at 2:00. Who all is going to be dissappointed when my name is drawn as the winner....ha ha. Hope an OFC'er is the big winner.
  16. Results are up at BFB thanks to Charles Sim: 1. Derek Strub - 60.75 2. Rob Laframboise - 56.6 3. Chris Johnston - 53.65 4. JP DeRose - 53.15 5. Bob Izumi - 52.2 There's a scan of all the pros and ams placings at BFB.
  17. Good lookin dog right there. Congrats!
  18. Pop off the tops and add the water with a turkey baster or small funnel. Don't over-fill, there should be a line, if not, just fill barely over the lead fins.
  19. Good report - thanks a lot for sharing.
  20. Hey Red, tough day for me and my partner too. We thought they would be slow in the a.m., and they were. We didn't have a fish in the well until around 11:00. The spots we were on picked up around 1:00, just like they had in practice, but it was too little too late. Long bodied plastics worked best for us - light colours. We wold havw liked to go weightless, but couldn't due to the winds. All fish caught 1-3 fow. Ended up with 10.5 pounds, 5 clones. We would have loved to find your 4 and 3, but that's what everyone would say. Biggest fish we had was a 2.5 SM. This will probably be the only event I fish this year, so I will be practicing until summer 2011.... Good luck on your quest for the classic.
  21. I made my own culling tags: 1) Five $1 store floating lures - remove the hooks 2) Five lengths of weed eater line small enough to go through the reaer hook eye of the lures 3) Attach the weed eater line with aluminum compression fittings used with cable (small size) 4) Five old stringer clasps attched to the other end of the weedeater line 5) Write numbers 1-5 on the lures 6) Black china marker and 5" X 8" clear plastic clip board from staples Total cost was about $8-$9 and about 20 minutes of labour - had the weed eater line sitting around along with the old stringer. Much better than $40 or more from the fishing stores. Got the idea from BBC boards.
  22. Congrats!
  23. Glad to hear everyone is OK. Must have been an eye opener.
  24. The "correct" way to do it is to use marine grade and cover it in resin/fiberglass although what most guys are saying will probably work as well, just won't last or be as permanent. The advantage mg has is that it is very dense - there aren't voids in the various layers of wood which can create a spot for water to hold if it does get wet at some point. The layers are put together with water proof glue that won't let go if it does get wet and those layers are also thinner so there are more of them than in a standard 3/4" sheet. I rebuilt the transom in an older bass boat - 2 1/4" thick - 3 courses of marine grade ply offset. Took about 1.5 sheets. When all assembled, it weighed maybe 125 pounds. It is heavy stuff.
  25. Draw is scheduled for the end of July according to the rules which are posted on Dave's website.
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