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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Hey bud! Hope the move went well. I dont get to this forum too often anymore. Glad to see an old OFC friend back at it! Sell the place on Belmont? I have fished it a tonne since that first time with ya, but never did as well as the one night at dusk with the smallies hitting those top waters! Non stop action and nice ones too. I still tell (true) stories about that night. Take care bud. I heard the fishing is good on the River there. Go get 'em.
  2. I agree, the garbage is terrible and the few have ruined it for the many. They could have dealt with the actual issue, the garbage and enforcement of the already existing bylaw rather than banning access to the water. Were gonna see a lot of people fishing from dingies slighly off shore to get around the access issue and still have to deal with the garbage. They are simply moving the problem to another shore fishing spot. Im against limiting access to fishing even though I know people making the mess are the pigs causing the ban.
  3. Gas excise tax should go down as well as gas prices then since we are essentially paying for water and not fuel.
  4. I'm extremely dissapoointed about this decision. It essentially takes fishing rights away from Ontario residents. They have essentially banned fishing by limiting access to the County owned land surrounding the Causeway. If anyone sees a way this ban can be challenged, please contact me. I would gladly risk a fine if there is a legit chance to beat the ban in a legal challenge. I hope those that littered are held accountable at the next fishing spot they intend to overrun, probably Gannons Narrows. http://www.thepeterboroughexaminer.com/2017/12/06/peterborough-county-council-bands-fishing-from-the-causeway-to-combat-garbage-issue
  5. You need a battery back up.
  6. Very sorry for your loss. Deepest condolences.
  7. Edges are tough to find sometimes. Plug the gaps and holes with a flippin jig and pig. Pop it once or twice, rinse and repeat.....a bunch. Keep it wet. Eventually a fish will hit it. Need to find green weed.
  8. I use Seaguar 14 pound test. I used vanish before that and hared it.
  9. I use dollar store crazy glue with texas rigged senkos. Dont see why that wouldnt work with grubs. Rig the grub, pull it down from the head a bit, couple of drops of glue, then thread the grub back up. Glue cures real fast. Added benefit is using the pill type bottle the tubes of glue come in the store hooks. I use the glue that comes 3-4 small tubes to a bottle.
  10. Was it me or was Roussey trying to box an Olympic medal winning boxer. She was over-confident and out classed standing up. Rematch will be good to see.
  11. Could look at the used market as well.
  12. Not questioning the source of the info, just the measurement by the computer. Thats 28.685 mpg - there's just no way thats realistic.
  13. I remember back to one of the first debates where Mulcair just kept saying "what's the number, Justin." It was comical and Trudeau nenver, ever mentioned what his number was. Facts are facts - the vast majority of people/families identify themselves as middle class, even if they aren't. That's part of how shady and aloof this guy is. Can't be trusted.
  14. The most important thing to me as a voter is the economy. Harper's government has done a remarkable job weathering us through the worst Global economic downturn in history. If not for this oil issue recently, which was not created by any decisions made in this country, our economy would be booming. I heard a radio spot the other day that Trudeau was touting his economic plan as he was the only one that was willing to carry a deficit in his first few years, touting debt as a positive thing...lol. Just like saying the budget will balance itself and the economy will grow from the heart. This guy cant be for real. Hes in Wynnes back pocket too...and look what she has done to this Province lately...yikes. If you value the economy, theres only one choice.
  15. Everybody is taking that article for fact. It doesnt even say or confirm why the firing took place. Also the timing of the article is suspect. We dont know the political leanings of the author, although I can guess from the tone. Vote for the conservatives due to their record on the economy which is the MOST IMPORTANT aspect of this election. Their record on the environment is not great, but the Liberal and NDP policies on the economy are attrocious!
  16. Maybe look into teaching your trade at a college. Home Depot/Rona/Home Hardware. What about a home inspector?
  17. Shouldnt the town be lobbying the Province to actually enforce the regulations or are these all municipal issues?
  18. Ford sure puts crap tires on their cehicles from the factory. I had Pirelli Scorpions on my F150 from new and they lasted less than 2 years at optimal pressure. Less than 30,000 k.m. I replaced them with Goodyear Duratracs and the difference is night and day.
  19. Im not a psyhic, but I think we will be thanking Harper when it turns out some of these refugees are al quaida or other no good terrorists. Put them through the same process as anyone else. Why should Syrian refugees hop in front of any other refugees in the queue? Also big Jean is campaigning for Trudeau now. His statement is purely political in nature. Didnt know poli threads are allowed on this forum.
  20. This thread isnt about banning tournament angling. It has been around for decades and isnt going anywhere. The more people that see this thread, the better. It will serve as a deterrent to those thinking about making a quick buck. Lets get back to the topic at hand. Anyone know these guys or have any idea if they are saying anything? I think their only move is to come clean, pay back the money they "won" and then go hide under a rock and never try to compete again. Top Bass hasnt said anything yet. Im assuming they are consulting a lawyer,which will take some time.
  21. How can the same fish be held up at different tournies? Dont they go back in the release boat? Wouldnt they have to catch and transport the bass to multiple lakes?
  22. Read the FB post above, but cant see any of the other posts about it. Any other evidence?
  23. The way I understand it is Whetung has two licences to harvest - one commercial (he uses an airboat), the other traditional native (using a canoe). I think Pigeon is his commercial crop and Upper Chemong the traditional. I dont see how he can plant and harvest commercially using his treaty rights as a backfall. Homeowners and cottagers need to jump through permit hoops to change any part of their shoreline, but altering the lake for commercial gain goes unabated. He sells the rice at the local farmers market. Anyone up for a protest....lol.
  24. The provincial and Federal gas tax adds a lot to the cost here in Ontario. It is buried in the cost per litre. We are doubled taxed on gas here as we pay HST on the per litre taxes as well.
  25. I dislike agents as much as the next person. In many cases, they make (notice I didnt say earn) way more than they should. As far as FSBO goes the facts are this - Owners often list their own homes for too much. Often they sit and sit and sit, then they list with an agent and eventually sell. Another fact - most buyers mistakenly sign a representation agreement with an agent. What that means is a number of people wont even see your home as the agent simply wont show it to them as there isnt 2.5% waiting for them. You made good points about the comparisons, but most buyers dont look at that. They do look at comparable listings in the vicinity - just like the agent said. Most buyers arent as knowledgeable as you are. When owners list on their own buyers are looking for an even better deal as they know you are saving the 5%. In other words, if two exact same houses were listed, a buyer would expect the one that is fsbo to be listed for less so the same net amount that the full listing house goes for goes to the fsbo. Now isnt the time to list waterfront. Wait to the spring if possible. If looking for an honest realestate guy, give Bill Wolff from Remax a call to see what he has to say. If you do list on your own - do a listing only agreement on mls if you can find someone to do it. Cost is usually under $500. You pay a flat fee to list on mls (so buying agents can see it), but you'll need to offer the buying agent 2%-2.5%. At least this way you save the selling comission of 2.5%.
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