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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Yep, starting to make their way in. Another week or so of half-decent warm weather and they will be really on!
  2. Golfing has always been a good idea. Depending on the time of year, maybe a pool party type of thing. Guitar Hero is always a good idea after a few drinks. Stay far, far away from the peelers. Don't even try it.
  3. Just got back from the Peterborough information session and I must say it was very well done. Some facts (I think I am remembering correctly): Rice Lake is the 3rd most fished Lake in all of Ontario, second to Lake of the Woods and Lac Seul, which are huge in size in comparison. Almost a third of anglers in that fished in Ontario are "Non-resident." The fishing industry in Ontario is worth $2.5 Billion a year. All money from licences goes directly back to the MNR. Fisheries Management is separate and distinct from Fisheries Enforcement - I had always though they could be looked at in conjunction, but my opinion has changed somewhat on that. My take on the presentation: We need to protect and develop a sustainable walleye management plan to ensure angling opportunities are around for our children and their children. Regulations are required for panfish to ensure continued angling success. A winter panfishing season may be a welcome change. I don't think an ice fishing season will increase poaching - poachers are law breakers and will do what they do regardless of an open season for a different species. I really think I could have answered the survey better had I been to the presentation and then answered the questions. I highly reccommend that everybody attend. Surely some great information. Separate and apart from the presentation - I fully support a single tier fishing license fee. All money raised from licenses goes directly back to the MNR and stays in the Ministry. We can only hope that leads to further enhancements in management and ENFORCEMENT, which should lead to a very strong fishery for many years to come. We need to make an example of poachers in order to deter other law breakers. I'm going to write/e-mail my MPP and the Minister of Natural Resources about that. As far as other OFC'ers that were there, some I met for the first time tonight - b2kptbo, always a pleasure. Jeffbornfishing, Ron and Michael Brown nice meeting you! Hope to see you all on the water! Thanks again Ron and Mike for serving on the advisory committee - it is a very beneficial cause and I hope your service will bring all of us more and better fishing opportunities in the future.
  4. Welcome, you've joined a great bunch of anglers by signing up for the forum.
  5. Only thing you can do is explain they are in violation of the regs and they should know better. The license they buy gives the impression they should know better.
  6. Yeah, move that trailer stem up, the stern of the boat should only over-hang the bunks by at most an inch or two. Nice looking boat though...good luck with it.
  7. Wonderful dinner tonight with family, great turkey and a bit of a surprise to share. There seems to be a lot of wild turkeys out around my parent's place, and I don't mean the neighbours. They often wander through the fields, along the fence lines grazing around. Happens all the time, just a bit of a surprise in the flock this afternoon - a PEACOCK! That's right, I though one of the bunch looked a little off and I was thinking it may be a small male with slightly different colouring. As they wandered closer to the house, we could definitely tell it was a peacock hen! Grabbed the binocs, just to make sure and definitely saw the tuft of show feathers on the top of the head, light grey breast and greenish coloured hood of feathers. She looked really at home strutting around with the rest of the turkeys. In all there were 7 females and this lone peacock. Funny thing is she stayed right in the middle of the turkeys and if she fell behind or out of the pack at all, she would fly right back in the middle. My uncle, who's a hunter said the peacock must have 'added' something to the flock or they probably would have forced it somehow to leave. I assumed since it was smaller and really stuck out the turkeys would keep it around as it would probably be the first bird attacked by a predator. You may think I'm nuts, but there were 4 others that saw this and the birds were only about 20-30 yards away. Still shaking my head about this one. Unfortunately, no digital camera around to take a pic, but I may go out tomorrow around the same time to see if they pay another visit. Never know - maybe next easter, or come thanksgiving, there may be a new kind of bird on the table...wild Pea-turkey, or a Turcock!
  8. What's with this comment - what does it mean?
  9. OFC Anthem Thread got a lot of replies and views. Thanks again CCMT.
  10. Love the truck - they should've filled 'er up for you though. I bought a GMC Sierra back in August when gas was at $1.40 and they still filled it.
  11. Here is a list of some of the more common things that will go up 8% (I added the bolding): Newspapers; Magazines under subscription; Restaurant meals costing $4 or less including cups of coffee and tea; Taxi, bus, airplane and train fares; Gasoline, diesel fuel and propane; Residential electricity, natural gas and firewood; Campground site fees; Home Internet services; Certain residential Energy Star appliances; Vitamins; Gym and fitness memberships; Bicycles (and related safety equipment) costing less than $1,000; Accounting and legal services; Certain financial services fees; Construction labour including home building and renovation labour; Dry cleaning and laundering services; Car towing services; Grass cutting and snow removal services; and Real Christmas trees purchased in December The Gov't is also sending everyone with a family income under $160,000 a $1000 cheque. This is a bribe - I hope everyone sees through it. Liberals - out, next election. I am livid about this crap......
  12. I took the plunge and spent good dough on a Broil King last year - XLS90, it's real big, bigger than I need actually, but it had all the features I wanted at the right price point. A must for me was 100% Stainless Grills and this beast has 3/8" beauties. There aren't many brands that actually have SS grills - I looked at porcelain coated cast iron and regular cast iron as well, they are somewhat prone to cracking and rusting if the coating cracks, so that's why I wanted SS. In my reaserch I found that Napoleon, Weber and BK were consistantly rated very well. Stay away from no-name brands, you'll replace every 2 years and won't ever get even heat. HD and CTC sell brands of Napoleon and Weber, but they are NOT the same as you buy at speciality BBQ stores. They are made for Big Box and some of the parts are inferior. As for Vermont Castings - their parent company is in Bankruptcy as have the last 3-4 companies that have owned that NAME. There is a lot of Value in the NAME, but stay away from the BBQ's, they are now made in China and are no-where near what they were 10-15 years and 4-5 owners ago.
  13. Article that ran in my local paper I'd like to share. By no means am I slagging GM employees by posting this, more the sad state the executives have let that company become. The writer seems to try and pin this on the employees, but I thought the facts laid out in the article were the most telling points, even if the author seems somewhat biased, it's the facts that ring home. GM is in a sad state and I don't think taxpayer dollars should go to support mis-managed industries..... ====================== Deal by GM, union fails to impress Posted By GREG WESTON Posted 6 hours ago Judging by all the breathless media coverage of the "historic" deal between General Motors and its Canadian union, one would think the autoworkers agreed to sacrifice their left lugnut for company and country. Alas, objects in this mirror are much smaller than they appear. The federal and Ontario governments have been demanding the unions take a tire-iron to their gold-plated employment contracts before GM gets a dime from taxpayers. With upwards of $7 billion in government loans on the table, GM and its workers have oh-so-reluctantly agreed to a deal, which union president Ken Lewenza describes as "a major sacrifice by our members and retirees." Here are some of those heart-wrenching sacrifices, with a warning that what follows may cause ordinary hard-working taxpayers to experience fits of dizziness and nausea. * The deal freezes base wages until mid-2012. In fact, it changes almost nothing -- last year, the union agreed to a pay freeze until mid-2011. * Quarterly cost-of-living increases are suspended until 2012. Those pay hikes had already been suspended until mid-2010, and with inflation near zero, the increases wouldn't have amounted to much anyway. * Ditto for annual cost-of-living increases to pensions until 2012. Increased pensions had already been nixed for a year, and with low or no inflation, GM pensioners will barely notice them missing for another three years. It is worth noting that unionized GM employees do not contribute a dime to their pensions during their working lives. We would also note that at a time when the car companies are asking for billions, the GM pension fund is short, um, billions. * Spa time is reduced by 40 hours per year. Before your head explodes, "spa" stands for "special paid absence," an extra week of paid time off that all GM unionized workers get in addition to their annual vacations. A union exec explains spa weeks were originally negotiated in part to force GM to hire more workers to replace the ones on spa weeks. This also helps to explain why the company is now broke. * "An annual $1,700 special bonus payment is being diverted to help offset the cost of retiree health care benefits." Translation: Unionized autoworkers are giving up their $1,700 Christmas bonuses so their retired brethren will each get an extra roughly $250 a year to cover new health premiums (see below). The net benefit to GM -- and taxpayers -- is precisely zero. * GM is cutting its contribution to a whole range of employee perks by a third. Those include subsidized daycare and even legal services for union workers buying a house or getting divorced. * Finally, unionized auto workers will have to pay a staggering $30 a month each for their health and other benefits; retirees $15. Truth is, all those years of huddling around the flaming oil drums on the picket lines have left the auto workers with the sweetheart of all benefit packages covering health, dental, disability and even tuition. Until now, the employee contribution to the premiums has been exactly zip. Add it all up, and the "major sacrifices" being made by the autoworkers for billions of taxpayers' dollars are as follows: Their pay and pensions stay the same. They lose a spa week, and give their Christmas bonus to the oldtimers. They have to pay a bit more for daycare and a divorce, and $30 a month for a benefits package to strike for. Hold the hankies.
  14. I replied to that Fisher boat ad on kijiji assuming it was a fake. When the guy e-mailed me with the crazy scheme he said the boat was in Alaska or something blah,blah. I e-mailed back saying he was an ASS and to get a life. Reported the ad to kijiji and got a reply saying they would take it down. Saw it again 2-3 days later, reported again. And the saga continues......
  15. Please do yourself a favour and DO NOT buy Magellan. There are many, many reasons other than WAAS not to buy Magellan. Search around on the net for the CS issues, you will find lots. Buy a Garmin! By the way - I do have a Magellan.....
  16. Visited the Store here in Peterborough tonight. Some noteables, sale price listed: Black Mustang floater jacket, sizes XXL, L, M - $124.99 (unfortunately all suits sold out at $164.99) Floater pants - same sizes - $124.99 6" Hand Auger - $64.99 2 Person portable hut - $124.99
  17. Drycleaning or laundrymat. Seriously, those busineses are recession proof. Do a Goog search - if you own a Drycleaning place or laundrymat in a good location you are probably on the way to making a great living.
  18. Good change, thanks Spiel. I'm sure Rick will fix things up. I like the Driftwood Theme!
  19. The option to change the skin is only there after you login, therefore the instructions don't apply to those that aren't logged in - as far as I know. I use the back button so the pages don't refresh - I work my way down the posts (usually not logged in) and I lose my place in the order if the posts are refreshed, that why I prefer the back button. That's just my preference...to each their own.
  20. It may, but it's not as convenient as the "back" button I changed the skin for my login, but is there anyway to change the skin when you aren't logged in, the default skin, i.e. the "OFC Club" skin? There's obviously a problem with the Google Ad script on the Club Skin, so can it be fixed? Does it have to be fixed on my PC?
  21. Double click drives me nutz too. The problem for me is the ad at the bottom of the page in the Middle. It says "the webpage cannot be found" and then when I click back once, it goes to all white, back a second time gets me back to the topic lists. Under "properties" the ad says: res://ieframe.dll/http_404.htm#http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/cpa/ads?&oe=iso-8859-1client=ca-pub-2657697424611361&dt=1235005657428&lmt=1235005657&output=html&slotname=3015636094&correlator= 1235005657053&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ofncommunity.com %2Fforums%2Findex.php%3Fshowtopic%3D28851%26st%3D0%26gopid%3D308038%26%23entry308038&region= _google_cpa_region_&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ofncommunity.com %2Fforums%2Findex.php%3Fact%3Dpost%26do%3Dreply_post%26f%3D2%26t%3D28851&frm=0&ga_ vid=1394780536.1234925512&ga_ sid=1235005344&ga_hid=118730333&ga_fc= true&flash= true&dtd=62&w=468&h=60&xpc=d59nUZbED2&p=http%3A//www.ofncommunity.com The Christmas skin was fine for me, so I may use that. Can the mods set the default skin to one that we don't have to double click on?
  22. I am a generously proportioned fella as well and I am also venturing out to drap a few lbs. I research everything, almost to a fault. Here's what I've found out so far: 3500 calories is equal to 1 pound, so in order to lose 1 pound a week you have to take in 3500 calories less than you expend. In order to find out what you need to maintain daily life, you need to determine what your BMR is: http://www.healthyde.org/tools/bmr.php That is the number of calories needed to sustain, you need to cut about 500 calories a day from that to lose a pound a week. You need to tracks everything you are eating and the number of calories they are - you honestly can't lose weight without counting calories. Eating 6 meals small meals a day is the trick, also drink only non-calorie beverages, water and green tea are considered the "best" types of drinks. A lot of beverages out there are just empty calories. A safe rate to lose is 0.5-2 pounds a week, if you are very-big 3 isn't out of the ordinary for the first little while, but more realistically a pound a week is what to aim for. You can lose by diet alone, but adding exercise is considered the best routine. Good luck with it - there's a lot of info out there, just do a search. BTW - it doesn't really matte what type of calories you are eating, carbs, protein, fat as long as you try to keep fat to 30-35% of your daily intake. There's no magic in the Atkins or south beach diet. Good luck with it.
  23. Debit cards are not fraud-proof, they are actually really, really easy to copy. Easiest way to avoid it is to use a credit card for everything, pay off your balance monthly and check your statement on-line often. You also get free "points" by using the CC as well. In every way a CC is better than a debit card, or cash. Glad the bank fixed you up.
  24. I'm really glad they pulled that one out! I'm going to the Gold medal game with my wife, leaving tomorrow a.m., part of an OLG slots package she won. Get to watch from a box....so glad they won, will make the game a lot more sweet!
  25. Sorry to hear that, condolences.
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