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Everything posted by BassAsin

  1. i hear where yer comin from but at 1200$ for 6 extra fish thats 200 bucks a fish, seems costly enough to me.
  2. forgot to ask, 30-30 Marlin 336 or winchester?
  3. beauty racks man nice big deer, congrats! the height on the 2nd one is quite impressive
  4. some nice lookin fish! 43? its stilll warm there hahaha about 38 here on a good day
  5. balancing the basketball is easy i have trouble catching that 4' musky is all hahahah
  6. have you smiled in the past week jim?
  7. there are a lot of tournies set up like that you have to have one person setting up the tourny give a random number eg. 45673989 and that would have to be in the picture with the date on a piece of paper to know it was caught that day as the number isnt given out till till that morning. then you have to trust that everyone is honest about the weight as for fish like musky and pike they usually go by length
  8. definately a good idea but the locations are gonna have to be spread out a bit, the names thrown out are all 4-10 hour drives for me and i can imagine the guys in kenora and dryden and the northern parts would feel left out if they're all held in southern ontario.
  9. i have to agree, they dont leave sent on the ground like leathers, as for the heat it would be a great idea misfish, last week i had trouble getting out of the stand my feet were so cold i had problems feeling the ladder to get down and using a gorrilla stick ladder isnt the easiest to start with
  10. didnt have the net all summer so all them pics are new to me, thanks for the share, only 43 days left till specks open up here again.
  11. been a long time since i cleaned a whitie but as for the perch and the wallies i clean them wheni get home i just leave them in the box of the truck until home, toss them in the sink for the amount of time it takes to get changed into some dry clothes and put away my gear and crack a brown bottle, usually about 25 minutes before i start to clean them. usually on a pizza box left over from the night before hahah they clean pretty easy the reason for the cardboard is that it soaks up a bit of the slime that comes with the thawing of them, but no different then in the summer other than the guts arn't so sloppy, good luck on the hard stuff.
  12. c'est beau, looks good jaques you just keep making them and when ya have no place to store them send them this way hahah.
  13. Can't help but notice you have yet to make a comment since some of the pictures were posted, does your mouth open wide enough to fit your foot in it? welcome to the board Bassive and i like the post, congrats on a good day out.
  14. do you mind flippin that same pm to me as well geoff i'm looking for any ideas to make a portable as well Matt!
  15. do yourself a favor and get it just in case http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...mp;#entry393200 Matt!
  16. welcome to the board, i have no idea what it's called but i have caught one before with two tails.
  17. nice catch man, looks like a beauty day forsure
  18. a few lights wraps with light fly thread and some head cement and i have nevr had a rod break in a "weak" spot from scratches or knicks
  19. i think we think alike, hahahahahah
  20. Am i the only one who laughed his balls off at the "nice moustache" line? Thanks doc
  21. seen this one before i love how stunned the goalie looks
  22. i would think thats where it started, i'm a firefighter and it points right to there, the only thing under there was a lifejacket and a tackle box
  23. she was a plain jane 14 when i bought it i put all the work into it casting deck in the front and back 2 pedestal seats livewell plywood floor trolling motor bilge for livewell nav lights all run off a switch it was my mini bass boat
  24. i would like to do that drifter but i was at the in laws so its not my insurance, couldnt hurt though i'll get ahold of them today
  25. i was using a 6 10 heavy rod with a 20 lb braid and a biatcaster with a 7:1 gear ratio worked fine and a trick for scum frogs or bronzeyes or w/e is stuffing them with pieces of foam earplugs it adds weight for casting, buoyancy and it gives scent something to "stick" too
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