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Everything posted by BassAsin

  1. can't tell from the pics but the center seat was a livewell too hooked up to a bilge at the transom with an on off switch
  2. thats nasty man, no other way to say it
  3. Boat cover 4 rods net trolling motor new foot control seat life jacket 2 paddles tackle box lures 5/8" plywood weigh bag ---------- 1500$ thats not counting the boat if it can't be fixed
  4. and the rest
  5. heres some pics
  6. brand spanking new tarp and the gas is all under the casting deck in the back of the boat. no leak anywhere, although it was the tarp that kept the fire spreading down the length of the boat.
  7. no sign of a butt although a possibility police have been called they took A as in 1 picture and said "we'll let ya know if we find out anymore" didn't sound to positive, As for meeting it was a pleasure had my eyes peeled for ya everytime i was in temagami.
  8. So i havnt been on here a whole heck of a lot this summer as i had the net cut off in april, so going back to mid august i bought myself a boat a 14 foot springbok with a 20 johnson and a trailer. Thrown in was a couple new paddles 4 life jackets 2 brand new leather swivel seats new trailer bearings and a few other things for 1000$ what a steal. so i'm down at the in-laws right now doin a bit of fishing and bowhunting, went out today and got into 2 largies and had two musky come off. back the boat up beside the house and came in, ate some dinner and took a nap and got up around 7 watched the tube for a bit when someone started knocking on the front window yelling "your boats on fire" i run outside to see the massive flames rolling off the brand new boat cover and grab the hose and put the fire out. Assuming the fire was electrical i checked the cables on the back battery hooked up to the bilge wires are good no melting not the problem checked the front battery attached to the bow mount trolling motor and wires are good because i always unhook them at the end of the day so i dont accidently flip on the motor and get hit with the prop. i peel back the part of the tarp that hasnt burned and see 4 melted rod 2 brand new fenwicks and 2 brand new quantums. the tears started to roll at this time. i made up a quick list of whats lost and it works out to close to 1400$ not counting the hole melted through the side of the boat which isn't all that repairable either, so somewhere around 2500$ as a loss with no insurance on the boat. so as the the topic in the title i keep asking why someone would do this, why? the house is right beside a track and field where many people walk by and there is no fence. why?
  9. you forgot to put the OFC sign in the picture! congrats johnnyb and laker jessie on a beutiful little girl!
  10. i could only wish for that! season here is open and i woulda had enough time to grab the bow and take it!
  11. it's the same here i caught mine last night and today on rocks near deepwater with aeither a bit of woody material or dock temps around 50
  12. Nice fish kev what kinda water temp u guys in?
  13. sounds like some tough fishin! any idea on what the surface temp would have been? i would give it more than 40 this one is 36 and i' 6 feet tall
  14. if your battery freezes up then how does your truck start at 15 below?
  15. i like them jaques they look nice! i dont see why they wouldnt work!
  16. way to go Simon thats a beast of a an eye, nice to be able to catch them right off the lawn mower.
  17. i'm pretty sure the leafs are the only team that could be 0-81 and still manage to sell out for game 82, no clue how.
  18. a way i use to get soft plastics to sink faster for bass is rather than using solder i pull the lead out of the center of lead core line same idea though amazing how well it works.
  19. the bass i have caught are not my usual in size many in the 3 range but very tough fishing so far more miss than hit. i have had to change my style and tactics quite a bit
  20. thanks dirk, like i said though it was really tough fishing and we did rather poor compared to normal. a fair amount of factors stacked against us todays report should be better the wind has calmed a bit and the weather is stable.
  21. one from two days ago was an upgrade none from yesterday unfortunately, havnt hooked into a 4+ yet but hopefully today i can.
  22. thanks jaques it sure is a good spot, one of my favourites, but somebody blew a dam one lake up and the water is 3 feet higher than usual so my stumps have all disappeared!
  23. thanks mike i was starting to doubt myself the bite was slow and i started downsizing lures there was a bit of a coldfront that had moved through the day prior and it made the fishing tough. so slow and small and they started to hit. it sure was a god time Roy. a bad day on the lake is better than a good day at the office.
  24. those are some nice looking bass. thanks for the share!
  25. so a day off work means a day on the water! put a casting deck in a buddies boat changed the ball on my truck my transmission filter and managed to hit the water by 4 with my friend adam. fishing was really really slow, it took us close to an hour to catch a bucket and another hour before we caught a second a few in following hours and the last two hours really picked up, I also set a first time for myself my buddy adam and i thought we had a double header until we reeled up and realized we had the same bass on the line! a 2 pounder hangin on 2 lines and 2 lures in his yap! the wind was swirling and a front was moving through, causing the fish to slow down and making boat and lure control a real pain in the made the best of it and had a good day numbers were low but, here are some pics of the decent fish and our "double header" biggest one was just over 3 and a half. day count 15 largies 1 smallie and 3 snots. the smallie came off shore after launching the boat Matt!
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