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Everything posted by BassAsin

  1. i think a poke in the eye would have been better for me today GCD!!! blowin cold and nasty on the hardstuff today and not a bit! those are a deccent lookin sink of perch, cant help but notice the one in the dead center appears to have a blue tail! please, just please dont put up a pic of them all cooked up at midnight tonight! my guts were mad at you last night HAHAHAHAH Matt!
  2. that would likely be the best thing that could happen! was on a lake today just starting to get slush, hope rhe weather man is right hre as well lots of rain and warm make them lakes hard and slippy. break out the skates!!!!
  3. Did you write the book of love, And do you have faith in God above, If the Bible tells you so? Do you believe in rock n roll, Can music save your mortal soul, And can you teach me how to dance real slow?
  4. you sure do! a 101st post! if u want to claim your pize reply to this thread! Matt!
  5. the colour of the ones u have work great as well when the bite seems slow dont know what it is and use a 3 inch to an 8 inch even a 12 inch largie will take the big 8 inch dinger all depends on thier mood!
  6. that is esentially a senko, wave worm makes a tiki stick or a fatter version called the bamboo stick yamamoto baits makes the yamasenko yum makes the dinger northland makes some called slurpies BPS makes em u can rig em wacky texas rig carolina rig weightless drop shot many may argue this but i use a 2/0 or 3/0 hook depending on length of them a wide gap worm hook i use the matzuo and gamgatsu ones. work great around structure rigged weedless and your just gonna have to play with them they work great i'm personally a weightless style guy, never had great success on wacky i fish pretty thick stuff. dont be afraid to run them over lily pads as a topwater lure and make sure to set the hook hard play around and have fun if you feel disappointment comin on try a new style or change it up a bit dont give up on these. the bass are gonna wish u had! Mat!
  7. looks like A2F has the 1st loaf bob has the second i got the third i spose and u can have the last! put me in for a cheddar
  8. good report johnny, should have given me a call the creek is only 25 minutes from me and i know the area fairly well, next time. good report too bad for no fish, what were you targetting in the first lake you were on.
  9. by the looks of it you should make some time sheldon, Matt!
  10. is that supposed to be a ling or a walleye? i cant really tell. HAHA very nice lookin drawings, the flames on the cowling look good too something diferent and not so bland Matt!
  11. nice report man love seeing them specks, gettin ancy only 13 days till all lakes open here!
  12. them are some nice lookin perch! not a bad game last night either!
  13. depending on feed, the colour of the fish/meat will be different that peticular fish may feed primaraly on insects bugs shrimp rather than smelts or minnows, all depends especially this time of year becasue a laker could be in 90 FOW for a day then spend 3 weeks in 15 feet, never know with them guys! good job on the fish that were caught and glad to hear a good time was had by all! Matt!
  14. what the heck are you doin in sucker ditch?
  15. that doesnt look like a great big perch! hahahah very nice lookin work though, the tree looks to be very well done.
  16. sorry to hear about your loss Lew, although knowing she went peacefully it is sad news to hear. Matt!
  17. the last cull was a terrible idea bernie, it was'nt a tournament it was a tv show and many of the participants had no respect for themselves let alone others many of the entrants had hardly fished before in their lives i knew several of them, i vounteered my assistance for half a day on the show before realising that none of the overhead staff gave a crap about the sport or the fish simply making a show and a dollar i quickly realised this and stopped volunteering. but i do realise where u are coming from although it is not simply the ignorance of a tournament angler but people in general.
  18. in fact my face did not turn the slightest bit red while i read any of that. as a matter of fact my burning did from feeling somewhat insulted to the fact that you compare all bass tourny fisherman to the select few holes that do act that way i always make sure to have respect for anglers on the water when in a tournament and in everday life as a general rule it is just the way i was raised dont think that some of the "new generation" didnt get a good whip across the crack with a belt or a hand in that regard i have come across folks in "my" spot where i catch big bass and simply shoot them a friendly wave and smile and head to the next spot hoping they didnt just pull a big bass off that log and check it out later, i have been on a lake before fishing for nothing but pride and joy no money no prizes and had tourny guys fly by with a good distance between and a smile and wave and i can just imagine they're muttering to themselves that i just caught there big bass. regardless of how some individuals feel about the desire to compete in tournaments it is an obsession of mine and opinions of others are not goin to change that. i take much pride in doing as much as i can to help my fish stay lively and well, using the best tags for culling and handling by their bodies as little as possible. as for nets i use a rubber net removing as little slime as possible. what kind of net are you using that weighs only 15oz.? is it them rough green nylon light weight nets with the knots tied in it. becasue they're great it allows you to clean a fish and not have to scale it, the net already did it for ya! unless your using on of them butterfly nets, they should weigh in around a pound but then again who can trust their scale? how do ya get an accurate measure on your fish? lay them on the carpet of your boat or just hold em in the air and slide the tape out and get a quick read? and as for the fish losing weight out its rear end thats not a problem becasue with money on the line i make sure to stitch that up real good, sometimes even carry a seringe full of mercury makes them at least 3 oz. heavier each adding up for almost a total pound at the end of the day. but keep that quiet thats just a little trick i like to use! dont need all them other jack to be doin that. and the fact that we leave impressions for every other tourny fisherman is the same as fishin up here on the hardwater, if a guy comes and drills a hole 10 feet beside ya on a 500 acre lake make all icefisherman jerks? maybe its just the cold gettin to our heads? then again being the way i am i dont get my tampon all tied in a knot but rather chat with them and let it slide i dont own the lake and neither do they they're usually pretty deccent folks just lookin to meet a few similar interest folk on the water. this being said you can carry on to argue the fact that tournaments kill fish but so does driving a boat maybe ya'll should sell that motor and buy some really nice paddles with it. and dont think of gettin a trolling motor instead becasue you have to use a battery and keep it charged and that uses electricity and that kills fish too i imagine. so how about we all live in the dark, fish from shore with worms tied to the line yes the line not a hook, wouldnt wanna chance killing them. Matt!
  19. sounds to me like that small plastic sled is gonna have to be 10x4 to carry all that!
  20. i just pop em out as well Dave 95% of the ones i catch on some of "my" smaller lakes have worms theses two did
  21. looks likes he jiggin for lakers! is there ice under that or are ya'll just standin on a pile of floatin snow? hahhahah looks to be brutal!
  22. hahah i like that line! Matt!
  23. not a big fan of them personally just seeems as though the bag would removed and abraise the slime and skin more than anything and restrict the fishes movement, thinking i'll stick with the tag in the mouth, even though in 2 weeks all them fish are gonna die becasue of it
  24. dont tell me you work at RONA as well! hahah actually i am no longer there, Ripping Of the Northern Area we always said hahaah great report Jaques good to hear all had some fun and as for walking in slush, sounds about as fun as eating glass, we've been lucky here and the lakes are holdin tough, how big was that perch? 10 11"? looks like good table fare too, when do the lakers open? good luck with the eyes too! Matt!
  25. page 15 in BASSMAN a small write up on "great gifts" the new berkley cull tag clips and scale they work great Nodie to get back to the original question you posed, they are the best ones for the fish. This being said you can see that fisherman and companies are still improving and doin there best to reduce this "post release mortatality" that seems to kill so many fish
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