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Everything posted by BassAsin

  1. next time you plan on rollin throught the bay let me know give yourself an extra day and i'll get ya on them! might even get ya one over 3 lbs depending on where i wanna take ya!!! i cant tell ya where that is though
  2. no typo. was covered by insurance and it was 7 km from shore and we had to plow a road to it through 2 feet of snow anfter we checked ice depth with a drill and 4 wheeler the whole way out, 2 people had to spend the night to do "security" on all the equipment 2 full days with 6 people adds up quick.
  3. by the sounds of it we may have the tender on that one... not 100% yet, off to do some hoisting and rigging training in a few minutes! to increase what i make above the ice, not crazy enough to go under!
  4. not sure where fish bay is? what type of vehicle was it?
  5. no problem i'm in a few of those pics, the brains behind the scene more often then not though with the set up of the extractor
  6. my buddy put his shack out on friday 4 of them pulled up 20 pickeral and 21 perch in 2 days of fishing 12 hours in total 3 in the slot and 18 keepers.
  7. but we are all in agreeance that mitts are warmer correct?
  8. when we were using the fish tv last year lookin for a sunken trunk we had a large pike chow down on the camera for a few seconds before realizing it was made of lead!!! had no lines at work with me!
  9. i'm not sure if you know where elizabeth lake is just outside of espanola but i pulled a 3.5 pound smallie out of there in 65' of water lake trout fishin 2 seasons ago quite the suprise. still the only smalie i have ever pulled through hardwater and only 3 largies ever
  10. i remember doing about 45 kmh on the ice road a few years back with the ole' man in march of 3 feet of ice i wouldnt wanna do much more than that though! and if you type in bartlett's towing on google you can go to ice recovery part of the site and se just how we pull them out.
  11. as a kid of 12 -13 i wasnt allowed to use dads auger so in march my buddy rob and i chiseled through the 36-40" of ice there was no moving around to find the fish! 4 holes and no more!!! i also carry a thread together 3 piece chisel in the cab of my skidoo at ALL times just in case!
  12. did he also mention there was a plow on the one in nipissing? and that he was doin 30 mph? lol too quik made a wave in the ice and it fell apart as he got close to a pressure crack!
  13. leather mitts with a sheeps wool liner all the way, 100% better than gloves!!!!!
  14. so my summer job is putting out forest fires my fall job is hunting and my winter job is pulling trucks from the lake! one has already gone through lake nipissing and as far as i know the boss called today and heard of one more through lake temagami as for where on the lake and details he's not sure yet may just be a rumour but he's trying to find out more as i type!
  15. January 5th my buddy rob (stylincatch) and i got out for pike on a little pond where we have pulled out 10 pounders as kids, caught a 12 inch pike and missed a 7-10 pounder in the hole! i was kinda disapointed. jan 6th managed to get out to nippissing for a few hours in the evening went to a random spot miles from any shack,shoreline,person. managed to catch 6 perch and snapped an awesome shot of rob jiggin his tip up, the bush chiken was taken on the second with the new camera/camcorder at about 65 yards and to my suprise it turned out well!
  16. so here we are in the new year and another season of specks begins, this year being a little more significant than most i got the chance to have my 2 best friends come with me my father who now lives a few hours from me and my best friend james who is a few hours the other way from me. we all managed to reunite and have a blast of a day, after working graveyard and getting off work at 3 am james had about an hour of sleep before leaving to meet my dad at 6. my dad said like a kid before christmas he didnt get a wink of sleep. good to know that the excitement doesnt fade with age it seems as though it actually becomes ever growing! So we get the skidoo's unloaded a family of them a ciation short track a tundra and a tundra long track 62 years of sled experience between the 3! we broke trail the 3 miles into the lake to meet 2 other lads fishing already and to our suprise over the course of the fall a logging road (and much easier) trail was put in. none the less we had our 6 lines in before sun up and were welcomed to a beautiful sunrise. at about 8 oclock we hit a small frenzy, james missing the same fish 3 times before pulling one up, and likewise with my dad, he only missed twice HAHAHA as for me i was running the video camera and getting some chuckles. nearing 10 oclock all 3 of us got into some fish putting the total at 5, lots of good times a good fire and some grilled cheese and we were all set for another run 2 more around noon and a missed fish put the total at 7 for the day my dad left early around 1 ish james and i satyed till close to 2:30 and missed one more at -20C the lines were freezing in pretty quick! January 2nd the 3 of us managed to get out again for about 6 hours and one bite all day and no fish! on a different lake. so happy new year to all and sorry i didnt get a pile of pictures, was more interested in the video (santa was nice to me and left a camcorder)
  17. HAHAHAH funny u say that my ole' man bought one in 87' and still uses the same one, a 6 inch normark swede bore with a lot of welds on it!
  18. CT and WM both sell normark hand augers in the swede bore nad fin bore models! likely your cheepest place to buy quality, 55-65$ on average for a 6-8inch
  19. is it ever a nice shot, very very clear and sharp! nice pic!
  20. the reason is becasue your main spawners are in the 24-34 inch range thats why u are allowed 2 over 24 and one of which can be over 34 at least they are open year round in 10 now consider yourself lucky try being in zone 11 now where u can only keep one speck over 12.1 inches i cant remember the last time i caught one under 12 inches and its to protect natural lakes and creeks that i can understand but i ask why is this "slot" limit on stalk lakes one of the bio's i work with said so u cant say that it came from a stalk lake but meanwhile came from a natural. that being said there are 25-30 stalk speck lakes open year round so the CO must take your word for it that in the season from the end of sept-mid feb that the fish you have came from these lakes that they are not protecting, so why the "slot" on these lakes from the period of oct-mid feb? talk about being "screwed" over with the new regs consider yourself lucky that zone 10 got better.
  21. i imagine pinheads then. ok thats what i thought about the perch. thanks
  22. i always salt them and the first pike i caught this year was on salted minnows i had a in a ziploc bag from march never frozen i had forgot them in the compartment under the seat on my skidoo and they still worked. and are you allowed to use perch minnows as bait? better look into that i think there is a lawa against using a game fish as bait, someone correct me if i'm wrong please
  23. i certainly do, is that a mask? but it also looks like it has some tail feathers a little longer in the center if ya know what i mean? hahahah jk i'm a gobble hunter too and have now shot 6 and not a single tom
  24. i'm in espanola right now and the rain is killing the snow but its supposed to be followed by cold and gonna make more ice but the smaller lakes had 12-14" on them yesterday morning wheni went out, been fishing here since dec 6th
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