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Everything posted by BassAsin

  1. arms must be gettin big Glenn, you been stirring up the pots all winter long now! hahah
  2. was that CO's name Dave Kunkle? by any means?
  3. just read the post on them splake!
  4. nice pics dara some real nice sized semi square tails there.
  5. not even close i;m goin to a litle lake for rainbows tomorrow and specks the day after and splake the day after that, still 20+inches of snow here in the bush too!
  6. hahahah went fishin today and had to drill through 20 inches of good hard ice and 12 inches of garbage!
  7. thats a great report Jaques glad to hear the two of you had a good day on the ice and that the weather co-operated thanks for the read Matt!
  8. I was scrolling through the comments to see if anyone had said this yet, its the first thing i think of when i hear it! hahaha Matt!
  9. HAHAHa i was thinking more along the lines of "sharp as a marble" candle on the cake is a new one to me
  10. wooohoooo 296 circles instead of 300 sounds like you guys really missed out hahaha i'm jk not a nascar fan myself and if this upsets you guys thats ok, when you guys are chasing me, i'll confuse ya all and run in circles to my right! hahah Matt.
  11. this lake is gonna be a wierd one come spring i think, it's no more than 60 acres i do get out lots all winter come summer i'm usually pretty busy. its an actual mount, i may get in poop from some others but just not a big fan of replicas personally, to me it just isnt the same fish
  12. nice lookin shots, the 1st one is like a grandson and grandfather one tree passing the torch onto the next
  13. and just some advice radnine, cut the cable, turn off the radio and with the saved money buy some long johns, a sweater, a touque, hockey skates and a stick. oh and a puck. Matt!
  14. i'll be ice fishing until i fall throught the ice in mid april then i take a break for a week then break out the canoe or rubber digny
  15. its one thing to snag a fish, likely not intentional fishing for lakers, but to know its snagged then gaff it? there was absolutley no need at all to gaff that fish! i hope the heck they get fined and hard!
  16. 12.72 lbs is the current ontario ling record, that looks like it may have it beat. congrats on a beautie fish/creature for sure Matt!
  17. ya just gotta head north to the 72km marker and go fish jackfish lake and river, some nice pickeral in there and the pelicans have added some nice scenery
  18. -10? hahaha it's -19 here without the wind and we've got close to 24inches in the past 4 days!
  19. good report, ling are amazing tasting!!!! not a bad outing for tough conditions, plus temagami can just be a plain ole' queen sometimes thanks for the read, Matt!
  20. you could have just taken a bunch of pitures of that net empty and still get compliments but it looks great with all them beauties in it, i hadnt realized how deep the net itslef was back when you had originally posted the pics, great report and congrats on getting some slime on the mesh! Matt!
  21. good on ya for getting out there, them are some beauty lookin fish to top it off thanks for sharing Matt!
  22. it's the best way, i used a chunk of blue styrofoam, cheap for a guy who worked in a lumber yard and finishing nails, also handy in a hardware store
  23. we are all just kidding hellfish, its part of our jelousy we like to tease a bit all fisherman do, i dont know if you noticed but afterwards everyone is congratulating him on a good fish. i dont believe any harm is being intended Matt!
  24. i'll look into that glen, thanks thanks sinker, nothing better than chasing squaretails all over the country, makes for a good nights sleep. there was no way that i was walking to the far end of the lake to pop 4 holes, hahah that woulda put at the 27km mark! i was burnt out, i didnt sleep the night before, a little too excited i think
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