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Everything posted by BassAsin

  1. hahahah imagine that! i'm in the same boat, but latched into about 30 perch instead of two little eyes!
  2. great report and good job on the PB all them are tasty and healthy lookin fish, and as for Simon, i seem to think he gets out enough anyhow judging by the posts up every couple a days
  3. good report steve sounds like a real good time was had! sorry to hear about the unfortunate parts but the fishin and partying looks to be a blast!! Matt!
  4. good point if you dont wanna talk about it keep the arrogant remarks to ones self, it;s not an obligation to make a comment on a thread is it?
  5. nice lookin steel jwl, and congrats on bumpin the team up over 100! i've been tryin but just cant seem to catch a whitefish 20+ hahah again nice lookin fish and congrats
  6. looks like you were fishing at the local out door rink hahahah good job on takin advantage of the nice weather!
  7. BassAsin


    thats a huge perch good work, were you using light line and tackle too?
  8. what my friends call "my song" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaQ7ajWwFPI
  9. heres a few more pics to add to the others!
  10. hahahah i think its funny that truck talk and electronics and a broken solar panel topic always becomes a hot topic but a topic of avery which is also NF gets boooooooed why is that? bring him back i say. why not, doesnt affect my life if he plays in the N or not
  11. hahahahahha had u snagged him just before the speck ate it up! i have cleaned a few in march through the ice that have had frog(s) in them like 4 5 6 7 of them they were 4 and 5 pounders but suckin them outa the mud!
  12. that much snow eh? those are brutal walks for sure make a mile feel like 5! do you do much lookin down the hole when fishin your squares?
  13. i'm trying to get off them, and i can relate to the deep snow and snowshoes i bought a set of tubbs 36 inchers 2 years ago and are by far the best i have ever used! skunked? fishin specks? hahahhah happens all too often, although a day of gettin skunked speck fishin is better than a kick in the twins any day.
  14. great report dave those college days are definatly gonna be a story to tell the kids and grandkids. glad to hear the majority of the guys are outdoorsy as well! Matt!
  15. great report sinker, havnt had the snowshoe adventures in about 3 years since my old man moved away, sure love seeing them photos, dont ya just hate when lakes dry up and disappear? hahah good job on gettin a nice catch of beauty specks, as for being packed full they may have been empty the day prior, darn hit and miss fish! never know when they are gonna turn on the feed, good work and dont blame it on being out of shape, but rather the snowshoes are too heavy or not big enough to keep ya up top or the snow was sticky. hahah good luck on the next voyage and good luck if the next trip is for pike too! Matt!
  16. hahahh thats a good point wayne! thanks sinker!
  17. the fishers are incredibly smart and do an amazing and unique job on the porc epic they run them to the tips of branch until they fall off and become "unconsious" for a few moments and the fisher jumps down and eats them from the belly so they dont get quills in them, its pretty neat to see first hand from a deer stand.
  18. the only other thing i can imagine is a badger wayne but doesnt have enough white on it were the ears fairly big or too hard to tell?
  19. thanks pure, dave, wayne and sinker, congrats to you as well dave for the in fisherman pike, and sinker, its not so hard to get it goin but the preperation is a pain in the butt once all is prepared and ready to go 10 minutes and flame is goin!
  20. will look forward to the pics! glad to hear ya had a good time! Matt!
  21. here i am out of town supposed to come down friday for a wedding but ended up here wednesday for a funeral as well, managed to sneak out between the visitations to my secret wally lake for a few hours from 245-505 lost one in the hole about 16-18 inches and was not impressed the slighest bit! made my way back to town washed up and put my suit on snuck away again around noon on the thursday shortly after the funeral and ceremonies for a few more hours about 2-6 had a nice fire goin and 2 lines set, i didnt have a lighter with me and decided i could light a smoke off the muffler of my chainsaw or go a little more on the primitive side and use a bow drill to get my fire goin! heres the stuff i used to get er rockin' not the first time i have used this method i have practised it before in the basement beside the wood stove. in total i was about 45 minutes from start to fire. with an interupption just as i was startin to get a bit of smoke and a coal developping i hear a ding ding and one line down! i drop my bow and spindle and make a dash pulling up a 15 incher! so i get back to making my fire by now it's a matter of a couple minutes before i can blow a coal into flame, all said and done now, finally havin some fireball in the flask a smoke goin, and a nice warm fire when all of a sudden i hear another dinner bell goin off. same hole as the last i make a run for it just as the loop slides off the switch. i set hook and feel some good weight and snugly slide a 24 inch wallie up a 6 inch hole! just shy of 6 pounds on the scal went again today with a buddy fished for 7 hours and missed one in the last 5 minutes last line left after having pulled the other 3! wish i had more pics but dont have the cord to upload from the cell phone! Matt
  22. Forest fire fighter for 7 months hunter for 2 months 7+2=9 12-9=3 and for 3 months i pull trucks out of lakes and fish!
  23. great lookin day Bob! a few rockets and sausage! hope ya had at least one beer to wash them down with!
  24. i dont know how old you are but i'm 21 and do nothin but fish and live in north bay.
  25. i have been using a mitchell 300X for 4 years now on a 36 in ron and never a problem and i am REALLY hard on them!
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