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Everything posted by Bondar

  1. Great report ! We found the same thing out there from Friday to saturday was getting a lil warm in the floatsuit on friday and then saturday was a total different game freezing hands , guides , white out snow !!! Love it ! Friday Saturday
  2. http://ontario.kijiji.ca/c-buy-and-sell-sports-bikes-Fishing-Rod-Storage-Display-Racks-W0QQAdIdZ254067155
  3. http://www.thornebros.com/winter/rods/thorne/custom_rods_menu.html
  4. Heres one from Today , its a 2010 90 Etec tiller had it out all december , january , one click of the key and it fires right up never had a bad day because of this motor its been great and fuel isnt an issue either , its on a 18'6 alumacraft tournament pro, runs like 35mph , big boat
  5. Awsome fishin Man !!! Guess i should have been on the ice instead of at the Ranch last weekend LOL !!!
  6. follow the crowds ? look for old holes with signs of weeds , used minnows , blood ..... watch the people around you take notes for next time , buy a map of the lake and locate structure .............
  7. seriuosly .............................this question takes that many post in reply 2 pages of yup it'll work just fine sorry to bunk on your report but come on !!!!!! ever heard of google dang
  8. i will second the riverkeeper !!! its a niiiiiiice
  9. I skipped the 6 pound club this year and got a 21- 1/2 " 7.2 smallie on Erie LOL now in search of the 8 lber
  10. December 27th @ 3:34 in the PM
  11. www.walleyeinc.com http://walleye.outdoorsfirst.com/classifieds.asp
  12. it likely wont let you do the 3 year because your card isnt expiring this year, pretty sure you can only get the 3 year once your card is up to be renewed
  13. 7.2 pounds on the scale in the boat 6.78 on the tourny scale at the weigh in after being in the livewell caught this summer on Lake Erie
  14. lol you beat me to it !!
  15. in the Glen
  16. I found this article on a fishing web site ........and it was mentioned the word should be spread about these colourful critters . They release a cyanide gas when annoyed or handled which could cause serious risks for humans . They may be found in our own wooded areas like Rockway , St.Johns pond ,the Niagara gorge, etc etc . They are a millipede with very bright colours and a hard exterior shell . I wouldn't pick one those things up anyway , but curious kids might ! They look more like a centipede to me (100 legs) a friend took the time to post this on another site so i copied it to here http://bugguide.net/node/view/8260 Heres the one we saw last week that my buddy took a pic of Good thing we didnt touch it as we had no idea what it was
  17. that one in my picture was actually swimming up current and making some good distance , he got out about 100 yards up river from where i was standing, i couldnt believe how well it swam either in that water
  18. HAHA you too eh !!! I found its mate, this was last saturday down there This deer too eventually got to the Canadian side and climbed up into the glen
  19. i've been looking forward to this one for a while !!!!! see you sunday should be a great day !!
  20. what did he shoot it with?
  21. Congrats Bud !!!!
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