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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Nice Joe ... makes me wanna go do the 'double eat'
  2. Crap ... I just raided the freezer .. all I could find was sausage rolls .... oh well ... 400 degrees .. and 20 minutes .. I can wait
  3. Very nice !!! And so close to home ... jeeze I have to travel about 12 hrs to get my specks
  4. Welcome brookster ... always room for another speck lover ...
  5. Thats ok ...when I got charged (about 15 years ago) and the regs were OPEN on my front seat to the correct page ... and I had read them less than an hour before... and I had just called the MNR office (less than 48 hrs previously) because I saw a bunch of fishermen there and thought it was a sanctuary ... who told me it was okay to fish where I was ... but failed to mention that it was going to become a sanctuary as of the second saturday in August... dont ask for coordinates because its a secret Anyhow its getting too complicated even for me
  6. Yep .. 100% accurate ! If all the cows are standing fish will be biting ... if not then just the mosquitoes will be biting
  7. After he helps the ducks take home the cup I hope Pronger comes to the leafs
  8. So Sorry to hear Lew, my deepest condolences. I hope his suffering wasnt too long or too painful. No words can adequately share the loss you feel, your pictures however are something to help you remember and share the joys you shared with him. Cherish them. Looking forward, I am sure that every minute in your boat will be a minute spent with them all and every strike and every follow will be shared and watched upon and cheered by them. This lifes a funny thing Lew ... I wonder how or when or even if it will ever all make sense
  9. Well, look at the bright side Wayne ... no cigarette burns or kiddy barf ... sorry to hear about your pains .. but you are sooooo right .. it could always be worse ... be thankful for the good side ... you got your boat ... it catches fish ... even under the 'cloud' .... once the cloud lifts she's gonna be a sweeeeeet purring fishin machine .. I just know it !
  10. St Gabriel De Brandon ... Mandeville .... ZEC des Nymphs .... sorry no GPS coords In the South East corner of the Parc Tremblant (actuallly a few miles south East of it) .. anyhow ... I do have lots of Batteries .. so hopefully no excuses And yes Joe ... I was just struggling with whether to buy a couple mega-pots of Jube - jubes in case the whole wilderness thing gets the better of me Somehow though with the directors meeting out on the back bay at midnight .. I just dont see jube-jubes and 20 yr old port working
  11. Funny you should mention that ... in fact I have NEVER been to a ZEC without at least 2 cartons of cigarettes ... this will be another lifetime first ... but after 74 days without a puff .... I am taking instead 8 packs of gum .... just in case .... a bottle of Porto, a bottle of scotch ..and just to be quite sure ... a bottle of vodka ......lots of wooly buggars, lots of mickey finns, some magog minnows .... but no butttttts
  12. Check .. check ... check ... the list is pretty much complete ... but what the heck ... and tonight we leave for the ZEC .. and all those fiesty Specks ... sheesh Im a poet ... and I think I even know it Camera - check ... OFC logo for Team seven inches ... check ... whoooo hooooo ... its offff we go the ZEC !!!!! Well in about 11 hrs and 1 minute .... but who's counting
  13. I recently went back to mono on the lighter (8lb and 6lb) lines ... I miss the stretch (give) in the line .... I also found alot of issues with fraying ... a little fray quickly turns into a broken line ... I am used to avoiding 'nicks' in mono .. but this fraying business was starting to PMO ... I do love the vansh for ice fishing especially straight off the spool ... but for my whisker 1300 its back to 6lb green mono for me ...
  14. Well I found all 5 faces .. cant name them ... but I could swear I see a little jiggly churchy girl .. and I believe I also see a little (original) OFC logo in there too !
  15. Enjoy Wayne ... and dont forget to take extra batteries for the camera ... Next week I go to the ZEC for members opening weekend so I am only just a little jealous ... one of these days I'll have to charter you to fly us in there (blindfolded of course)
  16. Happy Birthday and Mothers day Joey .... hope ya get double the fun ... my birthday is on fathers day alot of the time so I know that it matters
  17. I just wet MYSELF Wayne .. thanks .. I needed that
  18. I voted no ... but then that should be of no surprise to those that know me .... I am a member of several small 'private' boards ... and frankly there is little I see there that I dont also see here ... there is no replacement for a large community contributing to the enhancement of knowledge and because we all have different views .. the opportunity to share in the debates around those views ... and even though some may get a free ride who dont contribute directly ... the rest of us definitely get to enjoy the results of a community sharing with its own for the betterment of all. I say keep it that way... or you run the risk of stifling the voices that make the community so rich n the first place
  19. Since I go to 'rainy lake' where it is either raining or Bug infested pretty much ALL the time ... I just wear the mother of all rainsuits ... alll day long ... serves a double purpose ... besides looking just a little (shall we say) festive .... it does the job and allows me to forego the nasty trout repelling chemicals of all those other solutions .... besides ... when the weather turns nasty I am already dressed for it .. and when its bright and sunny I just soak myself and all is good ....
  20. Doug its pronounced ca- mill - jay ..... an OLLLLLLLLD (possibly even one of the first) VAX VMS usernames (the standard was first six letters of last name and first initial) ... became my nickname over the years.... But you can just call me Jon :)
  21. Nope ... dont do it for the money .. In my case I am up about $800 on smokes and down a couple mill or so .... you do it for YOU ...period...ok and maybe just a little for those who love you.
  22. Seeing as a few of you have followed up to see how the 'nico-battle' is going ... I should share with you that today is a pretty major milestone ... 2 full months ... without a puff... no patch ... no colts .... no cigars.... no nicorettes ... no xyban ... just plain old fashioned cold turkey ... and perhaps a little vino-rosso to wash her down Now ... during that time I have had some of the biggest challenges of my adult life ... details not needed here .... but if there was anyone wondering if they could make it ... even during the hardest of times .... let me telll you .. YES ... just dont let ANYTHING be an excuse .. and you'll find your way through it. I can honestly attest to the fact that if I hadnt been 60 days clean I truly believe I would have been a ICU patron with whats been going on in my life. Nuff said for now
  23. Way to go Joe ! Sounds like a great day out there ! Hurry up with those pics
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