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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Which equates to one Team 7 musky and a couple of (mediocre) sunfish ..... team 7 rules !!!!
  2. I think the 'spirit' of the law is to prevent people from doing things that cant happen naturally ... in the 'letter' of the law you cant transport fish from one body of water to another period ... in the case you described I would say it would be VERY hard to prove that you did unless someone was watching you catch it and unless you released the fish into the second body of water...which wouldnt make a lot of sense to me anyways. So I wouldnt get too worried about it . I have to believe there are REAL crooks out there much more worthy of our limited MNR dollars
  3. I think Ontario should call a referendum .... wouldnt that be something
  4. NOD 32 here .. seems pretty good (knock on wood)
  5. A true convert ! Good stuff .. cant see ya going back to chasing carp now that you have tasted the 'real' thing ... speaking of which .. have ya kept any yet ... you really should you know
  7. Well ... based on the weather today, I think we may already have the problem licked in Toronto... I am gonna get my parka back out .... Seriously though, if you have ever walked along a river bed and looked up at the 'clay-banks' you will see strata of inches or more separated by feet (so I am guessing at least thousands of years) and a few good really dark bands in there ... maybe meteors .. who knows ... But I figure the REAL concern for global weather (based on all the pockmarks you can see on every other heavenly body) is when the next meteor will hit and where .... or when the next Mt St Helen will happen .. thats much more likely to effect the weather me thinks .... and in a fast meaningful (not likely to be good) way By the way ... if anyone wants to see Dinosaur tracks they are there all the way up the creek in my back yard
  8. Way to go ! And happy birthday !
  9. Painful as it is Joey ... lifes a lot simpler when you be nice ... too bad every body else doesnt always get that ... but regardless .... YOUR life is normally gonna be better when YOU be nice .... that and as Clampet pointed out (quite correctly) you might wanna give some thought to whether you will (ever) need them as a reference .... if so a little honey goes way farther than the vinegar ... even if you need to wash it off after use
  10. Those sure are some perdy Specks ! And I love those silvers .. never actually seen one in person ... I really need to get up that way next winter
  11. Interesting idea Joe .. actually I could see 'MY' compromise as becoming a 'second-hand' smoker .... that way I'd never have to start again ... and not 'really' ever have to give it (or the people I like so much) up completely Edit .... dont worry folks .. this isnt a cop out .. or a way to find an excuse to start back up .. its just a way for me to get around the concept of a bleak NEVER in the future (at least for today)
  12. O gawwwwd no .... I really hope that doesnt happen ... I cant promise it wont since I have seen a few folks who you would NEVER believe cross over to the 'dark' side .... but I really think its a little like the 12 step .... be there to support those that want it .. but dont preach ... and remember that there but for the grace of god go I .... always ..... And for me at least, its something I think I will always miss ....
  13. Thanks guys ... I figure another couple weeks and I can officially decide whether I like this habit I have lived with for so long ... my decision was to wait until I could be sure I was truly able to trust my judgement before making a decision .... I gotta tell ya ... I dont feel many of those benefits ... I think I do smell a little more stuff than I used to (my taste is about the same ... was always pretty good though ... I kept honed it on regular doses of Margaux, Pomerol, and the occasional Armagnac The hockey season is now over for me so I may have to wait til next September to see if my 'legs' (lungs) got any deeper ... Seriously though ... as someone who reallllllly never believed I would ever even try to quit .... I gotta say the biggest part was the fear of quitting and what life would be like without em ....and thankfully I am finding out ... it aint so bad ... least not so far
  14. If you don't mind me saying so, I think it might be time to give your Pussy a little trim Elly May ... startin to look just a little too much like BAIT !
  15. Well, I understand there are a few of ya actually keeping track . so I thought I would share ... After 40,653 minutes ... (about 28 days 5 hrs and 33 minutes) of no-puffy-crankiness I can share another lifetime first for me .... Had a night of poker with the boyz on Friday ... and although I DID go outside with them every 40 minutes or so .. I was true to the cause and can say I have now had my FIRST night of poker EVER without cigarettes ... a very strange experience indeed ... its funny because there are a LOT of things I am realizing that I have never experienced while not under the influence of Nicotine ... well actually now I am under the influence of not having nicotine ... so I imagine it will be a very long time before it actually feels 'normal' Anyhow, I have had a few folks PM me to see if the fight is still on so ... theres the update ... In the last 28 days here is the list of firsts (for at least 25 years .. and in some cases EVER) ... 1) First morning coffee 2) First dinner out 3) First long drawn out phone call 4) First day on the ice (ever) 5) First day on the tribs 6) First bottle of wine 7) First night out at the pub 8) First dinner/drinks out with 'still' smoking friends 9) First real-late nighter working (it was during an all-nighter that I started smoking over 25 years ago) 10) First Poker night (EVER !) 11) First post-shall-we-just-say-pleasurable-or-lets-just-not-and-pretend-we-did 12) First post-midnight coffee 13) First 2hr+ drive 14) First good argument (heh alot fewer of those than I would have expected under the circumstances) 15) First *blush* time I have ever seen the north side of 200lbs And for the VERY first time in over 25 years ... a cigarette is NOT the first thing I think about in the morning after bushing my teeth And I can absolutely confirm that a craving NEVER lasts more than 3 minutes ... so you dont actually have to QUIT .. you just have to go THREE MORE MINUTES !!!!! As such ... I am officially not quitting ... rather going on a new rule that says I MUST wait 3 minutes whenever I get the urge to light up And for the VERY first time in over 25 years ... a cigarette is NOT the first thing I think about in the morning after bushing my teeth (edit) Oh .. and as you can see from the above ... the first time (EVER) where I seem to forget that I have already said certain things and repeat them ... again .... oh wait maybe thats just a sign of age ...
  16. If I had no conscience I'd sell you my wife's ... it has been about $800 per oil change almost every single one since I bought it (second hand from a chrysler dealer) almost 4 years ago ... it now has 137,000k and is actually getting cheaper to maintain .. ... I think ... any how .. besides that .. it has a trunk the size of ethiopia .... in fact you have to climb into to it literally to retrieve the groceries .... and its pretty reasonable on gas ....actually I think my wife likes the car except for the fear of the big $$$$$ at every oil change ....
  17. TJ .. you are the MAN ! You gotta know Monique will actually love it .. and If I am wrong ... can I have the boat ?
  18. I would think the battery and charger would be as heavy (and cumbersome) as a 2.5 hp gas motor ... also my experience with the solar chargers has been disappointing at best .... you really need a big panel to get enough charge into the battery to run a trolling motor .. and unfortunately the time that you're most likely to have the battery charging is at night .. when there is no sun IMHO electric into the wind = fast drain .. little progress ... electric with the wind = extra weight for nothing on the portage ... Now ... tell me you want the electric for trolling I say GO FOR IT .... especially if you have dockside charging capability ... but I would like to hear from someone who has actually done this and 'liked' it.
  19. It is too wierd .. already almost April and new regs still aren't out ... how the heck are supposed to plan for all the dumb exceptions without studying the regs during cabin fever time .... sheesh we're all liable to run out at first light and get our selves in a heap of trouble ....
  20. Not being a Simcoe fisher-person (at least other than the big G2G) I didnt know they closed Simcoe down ... not that its an excuse (especially for a repeat offender) ... but I wonder if it is really for the fish (as they dont close down Lake Joseph) or if it is the only way to keep the die hards from drowning in the middle of lake simcoe come spring Anyhow ...KTFO ... yes, in Ontario at least, they can sieze your rod, tackle, car, VAN, your boat, your hut ... anything that could be deemed to have contributed to the offense
  21. Wow . now that takes all the fun out of run and gun
  22. OK GG ... first cuppa coffee and Ive got visuals .... come to think of it I cant honestly say I have ever seen that ...
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