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Everything posted by camillj

  1. How to go Joe, I waded around a trib today and got nothin but suckers .. but we were almost 75 degrees here today to so I got a little suntan at least
  2. I'd be careful about observing the - no transporting fish between water bodies laws ... a) ya dont wanna be in trouble with the MNR ... but that is a REALLY big faux-pas ecologically with all this VHS and other nasty diseases .. parasites ... and all ... remember that parasites, fungi and diseases dont die when you freeze them or grind them up as chum or cut them into strips for bait .... (2 cents)
  3. Well I love to eat fish ...having said that ... I think if any limits were to change I would focus on two areas ... the commercial limits ... and as has already been argued, the total catch limits - no matter how you slice it anyone catching 20 fish in a day is messing harshly with the fishery - PERIOD - granted not all fisheries are equal so maybe the catch limit isnt the same as the keep limit ... but it shouldnt be unlimited ... anway frankly the REAL problems of habitat and spawing ground degradation arent going to get solved just by MNR or sportfishing regs so we are treating a symptom not the disease .... and thats all I have to say about that
  4. Many say that if ice didnt float we wouldnt have life as we know it on earth... But yes ... I have experienced the phenomenon on the tribs many times ... especially on a sudden severe cold snap after a warm spell in the winter (or early spring) ... suddenly there is a 'slush' clinging to the rocks and bottom ... which when released actually does float as you would expect it to ...
  5. hmmmmmm.... great pics .. but .... reallly .... I am thinking ..... family pet
  6. Whoa !!! What a Fat pig ! I like the smaller ones ... but wih a tape measure and a OFC logo you'd be welcome to join team 7
  7. Wow ... that is STRAIGHT out of the lake !!! Nice !
  8. Yep .. I'll never forget finally convincing my parents to come and watch me with my new-found talent going down the big hill at 'the creek' .... I made it all the way down before doing a huge face plant ... the next day I got skis and skiing lessons .... imagine that
  9. So much for global warming ....right now I'd settle for a little local warming
  10. My '69 Camaro had no 'button' or latch to pop the trunk .. but you could take the keys out with the car still running to get at the trunk .... and if you locked the keys in the trunk you were fine as long as you didnt turn the ignition all the way to 'lock' ... just drive home for the other set
  11. Wow ... I think I got 100% +++ .... scarey .. and some memories that just didnt need to be re-awakened .... anyhow ... some that really 'sprang back' .... and caused a smile included ... The button on the floor boards of our '70 Valiant .. which .. yes .... controlled the high beams The glass coke bottles .... and the paper straws which never seemed to make it till the end of the bottle My 45 collection which got stolen in first year University (after a party I supplied the music for)... and has never been replaced .... cassettes had already made it unnecessary to have 45's ith just your favourite songs on them for parties Tinfoil balls - the special additions to the rabbit ears specially designed to last at least three periods on a wednesday (or Saturday) night Jawbreakers - not mentioned but in the same league as the paper straws and rockets... The milk-box ... which in our first apartment was where the milkman would pick up our empties and leave the milk .... it actually opened right from the inside of the apartment out to the outside (two separate doors) ... dont think our front door locked in those days .. or else the milkman used to 'buzz' the super to get in .... who would have to come out to let him in anyways ... rollerskates that actually needed a key... to fasten them to your runners Superslider snow skates .... for those of us who couldnt afford fancy wooden skis Close and play - fancy new technology to play your records (practically idiot proof) pinpall ... that actually had pins (nails and springs) and no wires or lights Corvettes .... the first cars that had aything other than real metal in their bodies ... Car tires that actually had tubes (and needed them) Coke floats Drive ins which only worked if you hung the speaker inside the drivers side window When you knew everyone ever invited to Scuttlebut lodge When you knew everyone in the NHL (all six teams) Girls only played hockey in a field with a funny looking curved stick Goalies didnt wear masks And nobody wore helmets Hamburger Fries and a coke .. and change back from a buck was the slogan for the worlds newest franchise ... which quickly had a sign that said 'over a million served'
  12. Yeah musta been tough for the Habs fans to swallow .... getting blocked at the one yard line like that
  13. Sounds like a smart acquisition to me. Bunch of solid brands being added to an already strong line .... hopefully it all works out as a win win win.
  14. I did a 11.5 lb Pickeral back in the early eighties ..... in those days that was considered a once in a life time fish .... now you just go to quinte ... but this was from a little lake up in the Calabogie district .... anyhow it was done by a guy in Brockville named Jack Wilson .... a spectacular skin mount .. one of the best I have ever seen (in fact he asked my permission to keep a mold for future use) .... it has aged little over the past 25 years ... but not nearly as much as many I have seen and still looks almost as good as they day I got it. A few years back I did a little 19" Speck for my daughter ... the guys at Advanced (Weston Road in Toronto) did a masterpiece job on a replica mount ... even though I gave them the fish they talked me into the replica .... I cannot tell it isnt a skin mount ... except that 5 years later it still looks exactly as it did the day I got it. Edit : I just did a google search for Jack Wilson ... and (I guess it makes sense since it has been 25 years) ... he has passed away but was considered one of the best in the world .... no wonder I am so happy with the mount
  15. Yeah Joey, Thats why a 'put catch and selective keep' fishery works so well for Salmon and Trout .. the whole cycle is in the neighborhood of 4 years for most of them ... Lake trout being the main exception - Lakers could be decades old depending on the body of water they are from. Unlike Salmon, the Rainbow, browns and specks will return to the lakes after spawning and will return the following year ... but they too have a relatively short life-span and their size is more a reflection of availability and type of food than of age. Splake are a funny exception ... because for the most part they are produced by man-made cross between lakers and Specks ... and really only live 4 - 8 years and are infertile .... so they are put there by stocking programs with a view to being caught and eaten ... and they are very tasty !!!
  16. I bought this book years ago at Cdn tire ... great book about alot of Muskoka lakes ... http://www.backroadmapbooks.com/index-fm.php?bookId=musk
  17. As kid who grew up in Brampton I have great childhood memories of renting a boat on Heart lake (and lots of time spent fishing from shore there) also days spent at Glen Haffy ... both pretty close to home .... a little further north is belfountain ... again shore fishing spot wihtin an hour of Brampton.... the are conservation areas and have a small fee to access but offer fair to good opportunities for trout and bass
  18. You're absolutely right Boatman ... I was confused ... I also have a 1957 evinrude fisherman ... thats the one I was describing ... just ignore me
  19. Thats Too bad ... but the reality is the Canadian Market is not that large and the sponsors costs (if they really are in the 7 figures) are probably simply not justified by the potential returns from product sales .... having said that, I would be surprised i it really did need to be that high ... I would have thought that each event could be 'self-sustaining' ... of course I could be wrong On the other hand maybe we need to get old FLW on side .... they seem to have deep pockets
  20. mmmmmm .... nothin like outta season smoked musky fillets eh Roy ?
  21. Toronto Bay Marine maps.google.com 1050 Britannia Rd E, Mississauga, ON, Canada - (905) 564-0944 Ask for Ron ... he's got ALL the parts for that motor ... I oughta know ... he's my neighbor ....
  22. cool .... and congrats ... so where's the link ????
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