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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Too funny Wayne ... I found a whole box of them (about 100) in the attic of a old house I rented in Guelph in 1979 (2nd yr University)... and that was one of them for sure ! Not sure what ever happened to them ... probably worth a couple bucks today Anyhow Dan ... in '72 ... I was watching Phil Esposito chastising the Canadian fans for their booing in Montreal, Ken Dryden was standing on his head and a guy named Tretiak was making it realllly hard for Paul Henderson and the rest of us to kick some Red-Army butt.... Living in Brampton in the apartment buildings across the road from the Steinbergs and up the street from Billy Davis' house ... I still used my Popiel's pocket fisherman and my super-slider-snow-skates .... and ... if I am not mistaken ... it was the first year I had a plastic street-hockey-stick blade ... which when heated could hold a curve the size of Ethiopia !
  2. Thanks for the info ... its getting harder to find minnows these days ... wish him our best !
  3. I agree fully Lew .. I am a little slower than some at picking up the new technology ... but I am almost alway thrilled when I do ... I dont know what I would do without my little Lowrance H2Oc ... there are lakes and streams literally within yards of places I have fished for years that I would never have known about ... and nothin beats following your cookie trail on open water to help you 'see' a drop-off coming before you hit it ... and thus allowing you to get you lures coming in at the right depth and from the right direction ... yep ... I thinks a new sonar is on the 'gotta-get-it' list ands thats the exact one I would opt for.
  4. Jeeze Lew .. when I saw the title ... it took me back ... when I started ice fishing ... a flasher was a guy in a raincoat that was wanted by the law ... Anyhow .. to be honest I have always preferred the sonar to the flasher .... If you are looking at the screen (IMHO) its exactly the same speed as the flasher .. but if you ARENT ... you get about a minute to see what you missed There is a alot to be said for seeing your jig AND the fish ... but if you tune your sonar right you can do that too ... and see the 'trail' of the fish coming up to the bait Anyhow ... at least you'll never wonder 'what if I also had a flasher' BTW .. I am jealous - thats one awesome looking piece of equipment ... blows the doors off my 20 yr old Humminbird ... hmm maybe a little boxing day shopping is in order after all
  5. Hi folks, I am thinking of venturing up to the muskokas to try out some of my new warm christmas garb ... so I wont freeze my off ... just wondering if any locals have ventured out onto Rosseau yet (south end near Port Sandfield or Windermere) ... and if so what the ice conditions were like. Thanks for your help and have a safe happy holiday/ beginning of the ice fishing season !!!
  6. Could be worse Lew ... we ditched ours when we found out it was attracting (and feeding) rats !
  7. Wonderful news Gary ! Merry Christmas !!!!
  8. Merry Christmas Rick, glad things are looking a little brighter !
  9. Hey Lew is this you sitting on the Google boat ???
  10. Merry Christmas Lew ... sheesh you must still be sleepin now ... after posting at 3:13 am !!! All the best to you and the family... hope 2008 brings you all the very best !
  11. I found it online ... http://www.joesclassicmovies.com/index.php...CFQNzHgodmAvnOQ $7.50 for the DVD seems like a pretty reasonable price
  12. You definitely did the right thing ... money is just numbers on paper ... your best friend ... would do the same for you in his own way I am sure.
  13. In case you're watching Santa .. hint hint .... I am looking to upgrade to a 10" power Auger ... dont get me wrong I love my fin bore and it works like a charm ... but after 4 or 5 holes in 2' or more of ice .. I am tuggin hard on the the ol' flask .... if you know what I mean As for batteries... I only lug them out for the sonar and the camera ... and they stay right near my heart to keep warm enough to be of any use ... I cant see the power drill being any use at all after a few hours in the (real) cold
  14. Great shots ... fauna AND Flora ... and some fish in there too !!!... I always love those adventures - they dont come often enough. Thanks for sharing.
  15. Yep .. backtrolling rocks for me ... but then most of my time is spent in a tinny with a 9.9 tiller .... and no electric ... I think if I had a bass boat and a foot operated electric I wouldnt backtroll too much ... but for now ... its my way of covering water AND being able to jig/cast/bottom bounce AND see whats coming toward the prop at a manageable speed ... and it really does put more fish in the boat (for me at least) Like Big Cliff said though ... backing trolling into the wind isnt a very good idea ... BUT thats when I toss the anchor out the front and 'back-drift' with the waves for power .... theres always an answer
  16. Funny you should ask Lew ... This year I bought a combination VCR/DVD recorder for christmas ... and I just finished copying our home movie VCR tapes to DVD - one of the first christmas' with our girls when they were just old enough to 'get it' - at that time my oldest was four and the younger one was two .... it brought a tear to my ... they're both grown up and in University now ... but I dont think they have changed a bit ... in fact I found an old dirty 'rag' in my tackle box - which was an ALLADIN TOWEL .... from that christmas ... it one of the biggest hits with the girls that year (1991)... which has new meaning to me after watching the video. Anyhow, my point here is ... take lots of photos, and lots of videos (if you can) ... they are TREASURES later on in life ... and they really do help you with the memories ... oh .. and do get your tapes copied over to DVD ... these were salvaged almost too late
  17. OK ... so I think I finaly have an answer for all those people who seem to think it is necessary for me to apologize for being a leafs fan (and call for someones head on a platter - these days it seems to be a coach or a GM) when they arent winning enough... and who want to jump on the bandwagon when we have a little stretch of success... Answer : I am a Leafs fan - get over it. In my world - hockey is a great sport to play, watch and to enjoy ... and being a fan means cheering for your team ... sharing their rapture with their success and sharing in their pain during loss ... to me it means BEING a part of the team ... and enjoying every emotion that comes with it - period. Furthermore - as any good team member understands, and as hard as it sometimes is to execute - it means NOT SECOND GUESSING every move your teams leadership or team-mates make. The only unforgivable sin is apathy. And ... the simplest answer I can give to the biggest question of all - WHY ? .... BECAUSE IT IS FUN ! So ... just shut up and enjoy (By the way ... this is not unique to the leafs ... you can replace the word Leafs here for any team name you support - its not about thinking my team is the greatest ... its about loving to support MY team win lose or draw) GOOOOOOOOOOOO LLLLLLLLLLLLLLEAFFFFFFFFFS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Yep .. sure is good to know we still have some room left for the wildlife even in the city .. I get tracks here by Etobicoke creek too ... and today my girls were following a possom around for about half an hour !
  19. Very nice .... now ... since you have all winter to figure it out ... for the challenge .... reverse the fin so you can watch your lure while trolling at depth .... I tried it by using a release from the camera to the line just above the lure but the key is to get the camera to run backwards without too much to-and-fro so you dont get sea-sick watching it
  20. Well I am looking at about a foot of it here in the West end of the city ... so while I am sure others got it worse, we didnt get 'missed' and for the 24 hrs beforehand I saw the weather warnings on the TV ... I am sure the lake effect is a major influence as is the Niagara escarpment on the west side of the city ....quite a major difference in climate above and below it
  21. Thats there is one purdy fish ! And yes I would have said a cross between a Bow and a Speck ... but without the typical leading white (char-line) on the fins ... cutt-bow would be my guess too.
  22. Great news .. but ... is it just me .. or wouldnt anyone lend these fellas a cell phone so they could call home ... two unnecessary extra days is a heckova long time to wait for a loved one presumed lost at sea.
  23. A Bells a day keeps the doctor away (I buy it by the gallon) Lagavulin .. taste like antifreeze to me ... I just cant drink it ... but a 21 yr Old GlenLivet ... is nectar of the gods ....
  24. Yup ... big and on the bottom ... Exactly the same technique for monster lakers ... they are just as happy vacuuming up the winter kill ... alot easier than chasing their food I guess ...
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