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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Thanks Guys .. I appreciate the support ... To be fair ... I knew it was gonna be tough ... it's prbably why i didnt try sooner (that and I really loved to smoke ...) ... heh maybe one day they will come up with something that you can be addicted to that WONT kill ya Any how ... I couldnt give up my coffee and alcohol too ... so at least I can enjoy my morning coffee ... I just do it outside .. and if (when) I get the 'craving' I do a deep-dive hyperventilate three good deeeeep ones ... gives ya a little tiny head-rush .. say Ahhhhhhhhh right out loud ... and have a sip of the java ... actually fools that dumb-assed braininto thinkin it got what it needed .. at least for now I think its actually a little easier for me since pretty much everyone I spend any time with quit a long time ago ... so the real tester (I know) will be getting out on a boat for a day with a not-yet-quit smoker ... thats gonna be tough ... but we'll cross that brdge when we get to it By the way ... I finally took the 'panic - pack' outta my pocket .... just in case the ol' mind trips-out and trys to fool me into thinkin its ok to have just one
  2. Great stuff .... were you on the left or the right of the 'flow' Love that liquid gold ... if you really wanna now its terrible stuff ... but dont worry, I'll be happy t take it off your hands and give you some 'REAL' roe in it's place :)
  3. and according to the SMOB-ometer ... I have re-couped almost 0.75 days ..... just on this basis I am thinking this is a losing proposition That and the fact that while I supposedly saved $53 on cigarettes .. I have spent almost $75 on gum, timbits, mini-brownies (which by the way are awesome), gummie bears, wine gums, licorice, pringles, miss vickies and the alll-time-favourite jube-jubes ... I think I was probably healthier before .. and most assuredly more fun to be with Oh . sorry ... I didnt realize you were here ... hows your day going ? (Editors note : ... and while there is no sign of nicotine in the serum ... the blood alcohol level seems to have compensated more than adequately)
  4. So sorry to hear about Dallas Mo, Try to think of the times you had .. they are yours for ever
  5. Wow ... I never really stopped to think about the fact that I have not fished in over 25 years without the pleasure of at least one and normally two packs of smokes .... was quite an experience out on the ice today... even though I was totally skunked ... there was a real fear that my beloved sport wouldnt work without the smokes ... Well ... I made it through a full day on the ice (including 2 1/2 hr drive each way) .... lets just leave it at that .... now gotta look forward to the first day on a trib and .... first day on a boat ... **shakes head ** .... one step at a time
  6. WTG Scott ... I went 0/0 on lake Joe today ... shoulda headed east I guess
  7. Thanks Guys ... yes ... it has now been over 5100 minutes (3 day 12 hrs 30 minutes to be exact ... the WANT is soooo definitely still there ... and I go outside every half hour or so and breath hard and do all the ritual things I would do if I was actually havin a butt .... read my email ... clear the snow off the deck ... come inside sorta fooled into believing its all better .. knowing that the nicotine would just have fooled me anyway so its not that far from the truth ... Hard to explain ... but my approach for cold turkey was to take this 'mental' approach .... like ... it is gonna hurt ... like if you broke your leg (only you know that no matter how bad a craving is it will NOT hurt as much as breaking your leg ... (and you know after a few weeks the broken leg will heal .. maybe never perfectly .. but it will heal .... so you know you can get through it .... ok its done ... (coulda/shoulda never started but I did ... 25 years ago ... and loved every minute of it .. knowing that sooner or later I'd have to tough it out .... not 100% sure that sooner is now .... but hey ... I am still at it ... one of the sites I read said it pretty well ... its not for forever ... just for today .... (until the addiction is weaker than me .... then maybe it will be forever) Anyhow ... again the inability to concentrate is probably the most wierd sensation of all ... and I have caught myself a couple of time just reaching for the 'panic pack' in my pocket ... almost subconsciously ... [edit] Wow ... thanks .. just spent an hour + at the whyquit.com site ... truth is I would NEVER EVER have even read it before .... but now it all seems so relevent ... uh oh ... this may be the real thing And by the way .. the panic pack is no longer in my pocket .... crap now I'm gonna have to go clean out all my 'secret' stashes .....
  8. . o O Put your hannnnnnds together forrrrrrr CANNNNNNNNDYYYYY !!!!!
  9. Yep ... cold turkey here ... ok .. little vodka .. little wine but no substitutes ...
  10. Very Nice ... was the ice pretty good up there ... looks a litle slushy ? Thinkin of sneaking away tomorrow ....
  11. Yes ... its now been 3640 minutes ... since I looked at the clock and said I should remember this time .... as I tossed that beautiful (not quite finshed) thing outta the window .... wondering only if I could make the rest of the Journey to Waterloo smoke-free .... Now suddenly I am trapped in this .... ah never mind .... cant concentrate right now
  12. OK ... so ... here's how it went for me ... the guy who would NEVER.... EVER... marry .... she WANTED to fish with me .. every chance we got ... in the boat, off the shore .... from a dock .... from a pier .... warm or cold .. day or night .... all right up until the 'wedding arrangements' got in the way ... no no no honey you go fishing .. I'll stay home and plan for the wedding .... Not sure if we ever fished after that .... oh yeah ...silly me .... of course we did ... when the kids were way tooo young for me to be trusted alone out on the water with both of them at once ..... But I digress
  13. Somebody please remind why its actuallly worth it ... because the whole .. you might live eight years longer thing just isnt cutting it
  14. I won one in the 'Great Star Salmon Hunt' about 25 yrs ago ... still going strong ...
  15. My rainsuit is yellow .. and I found a big 'ol pair of TALL yellow rubber rain boots at Zellers for about $40 with great replaceable liners so you stay warm AND dry ... no more rain running off your suit into your shoes .. just remember to pull your pants OVER your boots BY the way they are also GREAT for ice fishing in slushy conditions
  16. Good on all of you fella's !!! Thats what its all about. As Dr Jr said, If there's anything needed to help please PM me...
  17. Thanks .. I heard tell there might be some over at Dixie and the 401 but I was NOT gonna try to get there after the 2+hrs I spent just going basically around the block
  18. Well ... I cant believe it but it took me 2 1/2 hrs to go from Eglinton and Renforth to Eglinton and Orbitor ... a grand total of just over 1.5 km.... I made the mistake of looking for gas so I could fill up to go pick my daughter up at university tomorrow.... does anybody know whats up with the gas stations ? Any gas in the etobicoke/mississauga corridor ?
  19. Doh ... what was I thinking !
  20. No that wouldnt work Rick .. then they'd have to deal with the liquor licencing people ... and that's a whole different kettle of fish
  21. Good stuff Lew .. ya had us a little concerned ... have a great trip !
  22. Dont respond ... according to the RCMP (whom I contacted on one I got a few years back) these folks are likely trying to get information they will then use for identity theft ... a very scary thing since they use it to find out more about you and then borrow money ... against your house for example ...so dont play around with this ... delete it and forget it
  23. What great idea Cliff ... you have the Perfect location for it !
  24. A little ditty ... for Eric Clapton ... oooh would ya bite my ba-a-ait ... if I saw you in heaven and ooooh would it be the sa-a-ame ... if I caught you in heaven minnows taste good all the flies are food and the 10 inch jakes ... all get follows ... here in heaven !
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