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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Awesome report and pics Shayne You guys sure got into some great action fighting them prehistoric creatures!!! I've only caught one 11Lbs one on the Ottawa and thought that was the ultimate.... but after seeing your brother's.... well mine was just bait. Great job you guys and thanks for taking the time to post and share with us Leechman
  2. Thanks Glen for sharing.... Never seen this product before and wish I had cause them dam things will drive you nuts over a short period of time..... no matter what you do to eliminate them, they're always coming back for more and double in numbers Jacques
  3. An absolute awesome report Mike Truly enjoyed the read.... you can't beat a day like that Those brookies and browns are the most colorful and can put up quite a fight on lite gear.... even for their size. Again great job Mike and thanks for sharing Leechman
  4. Great report and pics jediangler For the short amount of time you guys spent on the water, certainly got into good numbers!!! Congratulations to both of you and good looking ride your bud Griff got Thanks for sharing Leechman
  5. No need to rince afterwards..... never have and they're very lively and shinny
  6. Huge eyes Great job you guys Thanks for sharing Leechman
  7. Great report, pics and videos Simon Good job on saving the runaway rod.... got to hate getting your foot wet LOL but yet again nice surprise to getting a nice eye on the other end of the stick I guess now that the eyes have moved into the bay, you will spend more time back there eh Again good job my friend and thanks for sharing Jacques
  8. Great report and pics Blaque Looks like you guys had a great time catching them beauty browns.... Congratulations to both of you Good job and thanks for sharing Leechman
  9. Another is a mixture of water and dish soap... works everytime for me Leechman
  10. Only one word can explain this awesome art work..... PRICELESS :worthy: Keep up to excellent work bushart!!! Leechman
  11. I've only seen this on fishing shows on TV but to actually see it in real time, never. I'll definitely give it a try next time I'm out fishing for gators Thanks worm dangler
  12. Great job you guys Beautiful huge lakers Leechman
  13. Super job Larry Great looking gators and congratulations on the new boat!!! Leechman
  14. Welcome to OFC Hairwig Real nice carps you got into!!! Congratulations Looking forward to reading your future reports. Leechman
  15. That is real nasty looking John.... I've seen the forecast last night on the weather channel... Hope you guys get some type of relief soon. Leechman
  16. WOW... another great report I think you made the right decision to move closer to home.... Sweet reward for your efforts! Great looking carp!!! Congratulations Marko Leechman
  17. Great report and pics Cliff Despite the weather being on the bad side, you guys certainly did extremely well on landing some beauties Congratulations on your PB Great looking gator It definitely looks like you guys had an awesome time up there Thanks for sharing those great pics Leechman
  18. I think that's a good idea to start with the pics first Man you guys sure got into quality fish.... got to love the St-Lawrence.... congratulations Great report and pics fil Super job and thanks for sharing Leechman
  19. It worked for me but mind you, I was fishing on hard water and the lake was stocked with speckles. When the paste stopped producing I would switch to Berkley power eggs chartreuse. Leechman
  20. Great report Garry Your dog Buck, certainly is a great partner to have on board.... you got to train him on getting the net instead of jumping out in the drink.... Hope he's doing ok after that episode. Thanks for sharing Leechman
  21. Great report and pics Ben You are so lucky to be able to get into quality eyes like that Excellent job You might want to bring along a paper puncher to mark a fin to be able to identify any fish you caught before.... that's what my brother-in-law and I do up at his lake for bass Here's an example of a bass I caught last year and notice the little hole in the upper part of the tail fin It doesn't hurt the fish and you would definitely see that if you catch the same fish twice Again awesome job Ben!!! and thanks for sharing Jacques
  22. Looks like a decent size Good job and thanks for sharing Leechman
  23. That's just a baby cat LOL The safest way of handling those is to grab it by the belly near the head, that way you avoid getting a stinger in your hand Great report Jim and thanks for sharing Leechman
  24. Great report and pics Bill You guys certainly got a lot of action today considering the 2-3ft waves.... Congratulations to both of you Thanks for sharing Leechman
  25. Great report and pics rickster It's a real cold opener for us up here to.... Friday was nice, Saturday rain all day and lot of wind..... Sunday freezing and still lots of wind.... Monday freezing in the morning and got nice in the afternoon. Glad your kids got into the action!!! Congratulations to all Some real nice eyes Thanks for sharing Leechman
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