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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Great report and pics Joeytier It's loads of fun catching them brookies... they sure put up a good tussle!!! Congratulations on your first Thanks for sharing Leechman
  2. Excellent report and pics Meegs You guys got to a slow start but in the end got into some quality trout.... Congratulations to all Like others said, thanks for taking the time to post and sharing it with us. Leechman
  3. Great job KelfuN on those beauty chromes Thanks for sharing Leechman
  4. Great report and pics Ice Fisherman 3 out of 3 is pretty good.... Good job on the nice salmons Thanks for sharing Leechman
  5. Great looking eye Bushart!!! Congratulations That second shot is amazingly inviting Thanks for sharing Leechman
  6. The waiting game is the greatest feeling of all!!! Have fun out there Cliff Tight lines Leechman
  7. Awesome report and pics Mike Must feel real good getting into your first brookies.... Congratulations I remember when I was younger, dad used to go every Sunday for brookies. He had 5 miles of creek to walk along and back then only had a 16' telescopic bamboo rod tipped with the smallest hook and worm. He would be gone for a couple hours and return with bag full of them..... don't know if back then there was any limit on harvesting but would eat trout for supper every weekend. That was the good old days. I do to this date remember the great tips he gave me, he would say "son, when walking along the creek, try a locate the darker holes, undercut banks and if you see your shadow in the water.... you're on the wrong side of the creek". Again great job Mike and thanks for sharing Leechman
  8. Great report, pics and video Steve You just can't beat a day like that Congratulations on the PB's Huge beautiful gators Thanks for sharing Leechman
  9. Great report, pics and videos Simon You certainly got to a slow start but when you guys located them, the fun began Sweet reward for your efforts on a good mix bag!!! Thanks for taking the time to post this report.... felt like I was tagging along!!! Jacques
  10. Great report and pic JohnF Aren't those G2G fun?? Looks like you guys had a blast out there!!! Good looking eye Gary Great job Thanks for sharing Leechman
  11. I used to tie the Trilene all the time and could not complain about it until I switched to the UNI.... that knot is one of the toughest and have confidence in!!! Leechman
  12. Great report and pics Ben Looks like a little chilly out there but for the quality of fish you guys caught.... reward is sweet Awesome job and beauty eyes!!! Great start to the season... just doesn't get any better than that. Thanks for sharing Jacques
  13. I'd say that this isn't what I expected to see from you guys I know that it has been raining quite a bit Saturday.... but to cut it short Just joking.... I've been productive in cooking over 10Lbs of spaghetti sauce and will be good for while Great report and pics Paul Nice size gators Jacques
  14. Great report and pics Seaweed Real nice looking slabs Too bad about the eyes... I'm sure that it's just a matter of time before you get into some. Thanks for sharing Leechman
  15. Great report and pics Berge Beauty chrome for sure!!! Congratulations to both of you Thanks for sharing Leechman
  16. Somehow I don't believe this to be your last drift LOL This decease of yours is quite normal behavior and not contagious at all LOL Wish I had tribs up here that hold chromes.... might have ended up in the same condition you are in... Poor old Mike LOL Just joking Great report and pics my friend Thanks for sharing Leechman
  17. Great report and pics Miller P The Mepps Black Furry is really a hot lure for specks and bows!!! Congratulations on this beauty Thanks for sharing Leechman
  18. Great report and pics Mike Getting onto fish and spending quality time amongst friends.... doesn't get any better than that Well done! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  19. Great report and pics Fishmaster Looks like you guys had a blast out there.... Congratulations to all involved Real hogs Thanks for sharing Leechman
  20. Great report and pics Mepps You got yourself into some pretty good fishing even though there was a lot of travel time.... Your son looks like he had a blast at the zoo... his smile says it all Thanks for sharing your trip with us Leechman
  21. Great job troutspeck That is a good mix bag of fish Thanks for sharing Leechman
  22. Good job ScugogBoy You certainly have yourself a hot spot for eyes on your dock Thanks for sharing Leechman
  23. Beauty report Ice Fisherman Sweet reward for your efforts!!! Congratulations Leechman
  24. Great report and pics Bruce A hundred fish day is an awesome day in my book!!! Great job and thanks for sharing Jacques
  25. Great report and pic Bob D You certainly got into a great number of them!!! You'll be eating pretty good for a while. Great job Thanks for sharing Leechman
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