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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Great report and pics joonmoon Happy 10th anniversary to both of you Certainly a moment in time you guys won't forget!!! Great job and thanks for sharing Leechman
  2. Looks like you guys had a great time even without the griddle cake mix and the crazy weather Great job you guys and thanks for sharing Jacques
  3. Great report and pics holdfast Must feel real good to hook into the first eye of the year!!! Beauty That is a beautiful area that you got to spend time in!!! Thanks for sharing it with us Leechman
  4. Great report and pics archie_james_c Good job on those lakers!!!! real beauties Thanks for sharing Leechman
  5. Great report and pics Cliff Congratulations to all three of you Beauty eyes and memories of a life time Thanks for sharing Leechman
  6. Isn't fishing the greatest sport of all.... WTG Bruce on another awesome outing Thanks for sharing Jacques
  7. My signature says it all
  8. Wish you guys best of luck weather wise and enjoy yourselves Tight lines Leechman
  9. I think I'll stick with trout butterfly if you don't mind Leechman
  10. I think that Pittsburgh will be the victors in the first game tonight.... Whats your choice??? Please keep it civil. Leechman
  11. Leecher


    Welcome to OFC Kyle Looking forward to your future reports Leechman
  12. WTG Simon Even if you didn't get into more eyes.... sounds like you guys had a blast with the snot rockets It's only a matter of time now!!! Thanks for sharing Jacques
  13. WTG Matt Beauty Keep them reports coming!!! Leechman
  14. There's no other words in my vocabulary that I could say or explain what I'm feeling from reading this report..... except for EPIC :worthy: It took me an hour roughly to read through this awesome story and want to say THANK YOU Drew Felt like I was tagging along!!! It was like watching a National Geographic documentary on TV!!!! Unbelievable Hope that you don't have anything broken on your motor after taking a beating on the under water rocks and stumps.... that would certainly cut down on your fishing Congratulations on your first prehistoric catch, a lake sturgeon Man those are something else eh. Caught one that was 47" on hard water in the Ottawa river and it certainly gave me some heart pounding moments before I was able to land it. Also hope that you just misplaced Dave's pocket knife after finding it again Thanks again Drew for sharing this fantastic journey Jacques
  15. Great report and pics you guys It certainly looks like a super time for everyone Just doesn't get any better than that!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  16. Great report and pics Kevin I know where that spot is Looks like your brother has the magic touch Congratulations Jason Great job and thanks for sharing Jacques
  17. Welcome to OFC monsterman Can't help with your question but I'm sure someone will. Leechman
  18. Excellent report and pics Mike Man talk about high waters Hope there weren't any damage to your cottage or the surroundings. It's such a beautiful countryside you guys got to hike in, aside from mother nature's sick sense of humour, truly paradise land Jason certainly go into a monster gator Congratulations to him Too bad about not getting into some specks.... I'm sure that you'll get them next time. Thanks for sharing that awesome trip with us Leechman
  19. Awesome dark slab!!! Congratulations Leechman
  20. Right on Richard!!! Congratulations Leechman
  21. Great report and pics johnnyb Beautiful countryside up that way.... loved the last pic of the sunset Looks like you guys had a good time!!! Congratulations on your PB's Again great job and thanks for taking the time to post your trip and share with us!!! Leechman
  22. It' been running OK thus far TJ Leechman
  23. Great report and pics Musky or Specks Beautiful scenery shots and good looking specks Thanks for sharing you trip with us Leechman
  24. Excellent report and pics Crazyhook Congratulations to Bella for landing them brutes Memories of a life time right there!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  25. Great report and pics Matt Sweet reward for your persistence!!! Congratulations on those beauties Thanks for sharing Leechman
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