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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Nice brifishrgy Eye opener is next coming weekend up here..... I just can't wait Thanks for sharing Leechman
  2. Got to love steady action Simon You guys certainly hit he basspot Great report and video as always Thanks for sharing Jacques
  3. When the sun is shinning everything's fine.... but when it rains..... all hell brakes loose Just can't believe how this day is unfolding so far When I got up this morning, it was pouring rain out and the wind was gusting pretty hard. Went down stairs to start a pot of coffee and went to the relief room.... started to hear dripping sound hitting metal coming from the outside, actually I thought it was from the inner wall..... thought to myself.... this is not normal. Checked through the kitchen window and water was coming over the rain gutter Thought to myself.... OK the drain from the gutter is clogged.... no problems, when the rain stops, I'll just try to unglogg it. Then it hit me.... if the water is coming over the gutter's edge and it's dripping along the outside wall and onto the hydro meter.... better check the basement for some leaks.... Rush down to the basement to check it..... wrong wordwater made it's way inside So I went upstairs to get paper towel and laid it along the wall where the water made it's way and proceed to think of a plan to unclog the gutter's drain.... Don't own a ladder long enough to reach it so I rigged an old fishing rod with a hook at the end and see if I could manage to remove some debris..... I managed to remove a piece of tree branch that was jammed between the gutter's end and the wall..... once removed.... water that was trapped started to gush out even more..... now here I'm thinking, well that's a smart move Einstein This is where the water was coming out and where I removed the twig. You can see that there some little debris stuck to the vinyl It was still raining while I was doing that and got a little wet from it My next attempt would be from the upstairs bathroom window but had to wait for the rain to stop..... so as soon as it stopped, went at it..... to my surprise, the gutter's drain was clogged with pigeon droppings actually the whole gutter was littered with it I remove the screen from the upstairs bathroom window and opened it.... with the rod, poked the drain hole and after a few tries was successful Was i ever happy to see the water finally drain by itsef..... now when that was all said and done, I looked over to the other end of the roof and this is what I see Not sure where this is coming from but how many times do you check the roof for this kind of stuff..... to tell you the truth I never check that but may be I should of Here's another shot and you can see the pigeon droppings all over the roof Here you can see the bottom of the gutter and it's real disgusting So this is the way my day unfolded so far and I'm not one bit happy about it.... actually I'm peeved right off Leechman
  4. Now that was a great come back Not so much in the second period but the third.... they did come out to play Referring on the other hand favored one team..... almost took my 12 gauge and shoot the dam 48" flat screen and that is all I'm going to say about it GO HABS GO!!! Here's a great song about the circumstances
  5. Mike don't tell me you got sick of landing a multitude of fresh chrome and substituted it for specks Somehow I don't believe you Joke Joke You're doing great in your approach for them brookies.... stealth is a must and spinners do get them to react and commit just as much as a hook and dewie under a small float would..... I remember my dad setup, a 16' telescopic bamboo rod and only a small hook rigged with a dewie was his arsenal to tackle a small creek. Suffice to say he would come back from his 2-3km journey with plenty of them small brookies in his trout pouch One great advice I remember my dad saying to me about brook trout fishing is..... if you see your shadow in the creek.... you're on the wrong side, move to the other side..... I think that advice just about sums it up. Again you're doing great and landed some beauties Great job and thanks for sharing!!! Jacques
  6. Specktacular report and pics Cookslav I've been looking forward to your report and must say, you're a couple of pounds heavier with the gear stuff than last years That was a great read, felt like I was tagging along. First fish and you hook into a beauty, under a sunken tree, on 4lbs test.... got to love that Must of been un-nerving fighting it with so much under water structure. Congrats on your PB And thanks for sharing your adventures with us!!! Leechman
  7. Awesome gator buckman Congrats and welcome to OFC Leechman
  8. Great report, fish and pics Marko Got to love steady action like that and like you said.... no biggies but quantity sure made it worth your while Thanks for sharing Leechman
  9. WTG Skeeter Nice one Congrats Leechman
  10. Nice hogs denisk Congrats Leechman
  11. Great report, fish and pics Shaun I was kind of wondering what was happening with you.... welcome back dude You guys got into a good mix bag!!! congrats Thanks for sharing your opener with us. Looking forward to your future reports!!! Leechman
  12. OMG, a freak of nature Congrats Greg and son on your 3rd place finish Leechman
  13. Thanks for the clip Ryan Too funny
  14. Here's the method I use. Take your filet knife and insert the point in the top of the head and come down between the eyes half an inch..... instant kill.... no fuss no pain Leechman
  15. Awesome Dave Congrats Looking forward to your top water action one
  16. You've gots another hour of waiting..... just so you know Good luck on your brookie hunt Mike!!!
  17. Yikesss.... certainly an ugly start Dave but glad you guys got into some Hope the motor problem is not to serious and that a battery recharge, terminal cleaning was all that was needed. Thanks for sharing your opening weekend with us Leechman
  18. Awesome video footage tb4me You guys sure got into a good mix bag of fish That laker did not want to leave crazy Great job and thanks for sharing Leechman
  19. Thanks Chris!!! She sure put up a great fight.... caught me by surprise Wanna trade Thanks Mike!!! First time trying the Big O this year.... great lure for sure. Next time out will be using it and the Black furry spinner a lot more.... seems to trigger a reaction.... I'm thinking that the trout are getting active on the hatching black flies now. Lots of them out
  20. Ohhhh that weather looks nasty and cold Good on you guys for sticking it out and getting rewarded Beauty bronze backs Great video as always Simon Thanks for sharing and keep them reports coming!!! Jacques PS Simon... 5" black sinking minnows rigged wacky style on an Octopus hook killer
  21. MONSTER Congrats to Ross
  22. Priceless Vinni
  23. Someone's going to be having a great meal or two WTG Bruce You must be pleased about catching those on your own rig Great job you guys!!! Jacques
  24. Nice one Drock Congrats on your first Leechman
  25. Great report and pics Mike Fisrt time seeing this specie.... pretty cool looking with that long dorsal fin Congrats Thanks for sharing and good luck with the brookies Jacques
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