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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Great underwater footage Brian..... and I hope I got your name right Last weekend, should of taken a video of the bass' we fed (me and my bro in law) while at my sister's cottage..... they were right there under the dock Thanks for shraring and keep up the great work!!! Leechman
  2. Great topic Laszlo I got my daughter hooked on fishing when she was 5..... Back at my sister's cottage.... she caught her biggest small mouth bass on my ultra light 4 1/2' rod.... live bait was the ticket for that one..... leeches that is setup wacky style... We don't go out often but the times spent together are priceless and truly enjoy them..... she usually kicks my butt too A couple of pics on the hard stuff 14" Perch Another jumbo I think little girls are just as much interested in fishing then boys..... just got to expose them to fishing at an early age Heck now when I come home with some fish for the pan.... she wants to know what is the stomach content and show her Leechman
  3. You the man Luc.... Nice Atlantic Leechman
  4. Awesome instructor Short story but very nice indeed!!! Congrats Leechman
  5. My my my Rick how you've changed..... Sorry Roy but you look stunned on that shot and I didn't know you smoke Sounds like you guys are having a good time Over here the byte is pretty tough too Leechman
  6. Sounds like you had to same results as I did on opener Mike..... Tight lip is an understatement I only seemed to be hooking into one at a time from shore this year for some unexplained reason May 13th was the new moon, and opener was April 3rd.... maybe it had an influence on the specks bite All I can say is that you guys sure got into some tough terrain getting to your gem lake and appreciate the effort you put into this report.... Heck them beauties in the pics looks similar to the ones we catch in lake X up here Here's the one I caught last weekend when we had the snow fall Congrats to all involved and and thanks for sharing your adventure with us Jacques
  7. Happy Birthday Joey Sounds like you had a great day..... wishing you a great evening!!! Leechman
  8. I'll give you that scu...... you certainly don't give up do you
  9. Lew, Here's a good link to different animal scat..... you be the judge Poop Images
  10. Dude I stand corrected they are omnivores but still will eat fawns.... Here's an excerpt of WikipediA
  11. Lew, that ain't deer poop.... deer scat will look like a pile of glossets. It's definitely a bear's... but if you want to make sure.... jab at it with a branch and see if there's any fur or fruits in the middle.... Bears are mainly carnivores and will eat just about anything.... they will kill and eat fawns (4 - 5 each year), that is why the does, when giving birth, will eat the amionic (spelling here??) sack and lick it's offspring until dry and cannot omit any smell. And also why the fawns have spots so to camouflage themselves with it's environment.... they are pretty hard to see. I know you have lots of deers around cause of the pics you posted in the past when you moved to your new house. Having them around and bears, I'm sure the old grumpy is scouting for some fresh food.... fawns are his target and trust me they have a pretty acute sense of smell. If I was you, I'd keep my garbage cans under locks too. Hope this make sense and helps you out. Leechman
  12. The Bruins and Flyers series ain't finished yet.... but bring any on..... HABS are fire
  13. I'll repeat myself..... the best team won tonight!!! GO HABS GO!!!!
  14. John the best team won tonight GO HABS GO!!!!
  15. GO HABS GO!!! Crank the sound up.... good one!!!
  16. Cats GALORE Congrats to the winners :clapping:
  17. Sounds like a great time out with captain lloyd Good luck Roy on the 15th
  18. Awesome report young_one Looks like you had a great time on the BOQ Nice eyes and thanks for sharing Leechman
  19. You're on a roll scu GO HABS GO!!!
  20. Thanks WJ Yeah I know..... I only seemed to be hooking into those beauties one at a time this year Go figure but for what it's worth.... here's a shot of the obstacles I had to deal with after she inhaled my Mepps #2 black furry.... You can clearly see the underwater structure and tree on surface Had a good hook set on the upper right of the next pic just a little past the birch tree that's laying on bottom and another shot Here it is again with my head chopped off a little Not a long one 14" but very thick and chubby One good thing is that there was no bugs out to drive us crazy 6 hours of fishing and was able to go around the lake 3 times to finally hook into this brute Everything was white early morning and by the time I left.... all gone Thanks again WJ and GO HABS GO Leechman
  21. No Kevin, not yet..... yesterday was all about fishing in the snow I did catch a nice one..... here's a sneak peak.... 14" square tail on an empty stomach B) In due time my friend.... and you're right, it's pretty dry now
  22. Welcome to OFC Kyle Nice trout by the way Looking forward to your future reports!!! Leechman
  23. Today I'm pretty cool about it.... but yesterday was another story. It always looks worse then it is..... got my fix today.... went fishing.... and caught a nice one
  24. Awesome gator Ben Great job and thanks for sharing!!! Leechman
  25. Now that would of been the icing on the cake wouldn't it Yeah I was real bummed out when I saw this but hey, only one thing to do is to remove the shingles and have a look to assess the damage. Thanks Kevin for your great advice Thanks Gerrit for your great advice Once I was able to unclog the drain, the water flushed out just like flushing a toilet. I've never had anything in there in the last 7 years..... looks like I'll have to look out for the dam pigeons That side of the house is exposed to sun all day.... facing south. I think the damage resulted from sun exposer..... who knows
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