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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. I second spro black..... lethal for top water bassin
  2. Thanks Bruce!!! I was satisfied after landing this one and what a feisty trout Thanks Brian!!! No LOL Had to fiddle with it until it was perfectly synchronized with the pics being displayed Thanks Johnny Bass!!! I knew there was bows in this lake and it totally caught me by surprise Thanks Ryan!!! I know that QMNR stocked this lake with bows at some point in time.... and this one might be native cause I did not see any fins clipped.... I will definitely keep at it.... next time around will be throwing spinners & cranks at them more often Thanks Chris!!! Thanks Mike!!! It sure is Thanks Shaynebow!!! I like the new handle LOL I'm definitely hooked..... man those bows sure put up a great fight Thanks Mike!!! I can't get over the fight they put up
  3. Great report, pics and excellent video Simon Man your in bass paradise up there eh Season opens in June over here.... so I guess I got some time before I can target them I have a few wooden lures that need testing Great job you guys and keep them reports coming!!! Thanks for sharing Jacques
  4. Great report and pics Bruce Always a great time when sharing the shoreline amongst friends.... getting into fish is bonus Nice bonuses Jacques
  5. Got to love going out with your son rickster That's what it's all about!!! Congrats to your son on his biggest Leechman
  6. Never caught a carp before but that is a nice one Congrats carpman3000 Leechman
  7. Awesome spinnerbaitking Congrats a real beauty!!! Leechman
  8. Welcome to OFC pikeguy Looking forward to reading your adventures!!! Leechman
  9. Great report and pics jayess Awesome Now I know what a splake looks like never seen one before!!! Leechman
  10. Killer report trevy727 Awesome in it's simplicity Leechman
  11. Thanks Kev!!! She was a blast to land.... that's for sure Ohhhhh you're too kind
  12. You was holding out on me eh I wish they'd gorge themselves were I was Beauty pic Kev as always Jacques
  13. I've been looking forward to this weekend anxiously for another go at the square tails..... all week been thinking about what I could of done differently in my presentation to increase my chance of hooking a few more ............fast forward to this morning Got on the road at 5:45am, temps was at 11C, overcast and no wind..... PERFECT!!! Had a good feeling about it Got to destination at 7:15am and quickly setup one of my rods with a walleye slip bobber type rig and dew worm. Target was bottom for the beginning.... Here's a view of what I was seeing while waiting Real calm and peaceful Some time past before I decided to try and setup my second rod with a mini Big O perch pattern.... and this after seeing a couple of fish break surface on the calm top..... so I pulled my first line in and started to cast my second setup..... first cast and FISH ON Now I don't know about you bow guys but this fish was going insane on me It cleared surface 3 times before I was able to land it It's not the biggest but to me and this lake I fish in, sure is a decent one..... here's the pic of my first rainbow trout ever.... and I don't look that happy at all about it 16 1/4" long I was pumped to the fullest after that and couldn't care less if I caught another It wouldn't fit flat in my cooler but I managed I tried casting the Mepps black furry #2 and did not get a sniff so I went back to my dewie rig setup but it also did not get any hits I did after that, walk the shoreline with the mini Big O setup but alas it was not meant to be Here's my PB and first bow ever..... along side the measuring tape and the tool used Again the mini Big O At 12:45pm called it a day and got home around 2:15pm..... Nothing found in the stomach..... was just running dry I've also created a video for those that can view it <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid732.photobucket.com/albums/ww321/leechman1/2010/Trout%20May01%202010/SpeckleMay01st2010.flv"> Enjoy!!! Leechman
  14. Well said
  15. Na na na nah.... Na na na nah.... heyheyhey goodbyy!!!! GO HABS GO
  16. Awesome game :worthy: GO HABS GO
  17. Love the colors on that brown Congrats justin on that beauty Leechman
  18. Awesome richyb Nice gobbler.... congrats Leechman
  19. Great report and pics TDunn Nice lakers for sure Question about the jigging.... what was the weapon of choice for that setup?? I hear that white power tubes works wonders for them LT's Leechman
  20. If you're fishing from shore.... like Fisherman said a big dew worm on a slip bobber type rig, similar to the ones used for walleyes. Use 6 - 8lbs mono on a spinning type setup and you're good to go I tie on a small swivel, a bell sinker type and the rig. You can also make your own with floating jigs. Here's a pic of the rig..... It's the one with the white bobber.... the red is the one I made... Mepps Black Furry is another options if you are going to be moving around the shore Hope this helps and good luck!!! Leechman
  21. Think you could of done better with your first..... kind of on the small side WOW Incredible skeeter..... Congrats man That's some quality kitties for sure Leechman
  22. Sounds like you guys had a great time along the shoreline Congrats to all involved Leechman
  23. Great report and beautiful pics Aaron Nothing beats a day out amongst friends. Thanks for sharing your opener with us Leechman
  24. Awesome flyguy5 Keep it up.... you're having a great opener for sure Leechman
  25. Great report, pics and video Simon Might want to try medium spinnerbaits for them crappies.... I remember catching them on the Ottawa O a couple of years ago with the full size ones Never know, just might trigger them to react Got to love hooking into some bronze backs at this time of year!!!! Beauties Keep at it.... I'm sure sooner or later some will commit Thanks for sharing Jacques
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