Mid July is the time for harvesting garlic and that's just what I did this afternoon.... The easy part about it is yanking the plants out of the ground, what follows is the longest.... cleaning.
Here I am in the cleaning process
All nice and clean
Crop to be dried a couple of weeks
I will keep a few of the bigger ones for planting this coming October and the rest, once dried will be sent into the food processor and mixed into olive oil, packaged into cubes for the freezer.
I also harvested a few sweet peppers today.... here's a shot
Tomatoes are doing great in this hot sizzling weather... here's a shot of my biggest plants (left is a Monte Carlo and right is Oxheart)
Lots of small fruits on the plant already.... a couple of shots
Monte Carlo
Cherry tomato.... lots of flowers on it
Green sweet peppers
Yellow wax beans
and last but not least.... cucumbers
Hope you enjoyed the tour
Tight lines