This morning visited my brother to see how his deer blind was coming along..... he's almost finished, his is built differently then mine and to tell you the truth.... I prefer mine
I took the opportunity to take some plexiglas off his hands and when I got back home got busy building window frames, I even changed the front window to open from the top instead of the bottom.... made sense and gives me more room when I stand up
Here's one of the little window I made in the doorway. You can't see the plexiglas but trust me it's there
The other side
From the inside.... and you can see the reflection in it
Other side
This is the other window I added
From the inside.... I ran out of wing nuts so I had to improvise
I switched the hinges from the top to the bottom so that the window, when open, rest on the stud at the bottom
Moved the wing nuts to the top
On the next two pics is the windows opened
That is it for now If it's not raining tomorrow, might work on the door so stay tuned for some more.
Tight lines