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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. Thanks Cliff and Carole for sharing with us a very intimate moment. The one(s) that got away, did you sharpen the hooks....see what I mean, oh well next time. You guys are terrific!
  2. Great you guys got see those darn Walleye, and one that may have been....
  3. Eee, ooo doggies, OO7! I do beleive you got bitten, and now will want to return to the ice, at least maybe with warmer garb. Nice to see you did get some Perch. Ain't it a hoot. OO8 (licensed to fish) may be your next handle.
  4. Thanks fer the heads up on a worthwhile seminar to help us keep up with the changes of a great fishery such as Lake Simcoe.
  5. Easy on the eyes, hard on the ears.

  6. ***************************************** And when you Arrive Feeling like you're Barely Alive Take my Advice, Don't think Twice No, not any If s, Ands or Buts Do not mention the word Peanuts *******************************************
  7. Back in the (oh, here he goes again..) late 80's I think, there was a news item of some Inuktuk from Pond Inlet, NWT that discovered a whale that got trapped in an ever narrowing and freezing sort of large inlet or something. The story gathered momentum as the media seized upon it. A group, might have been Greenpeace, commissioned the use of a powerful helicopter to go and airlift the whale out. (Apparently the cost of the heli fuel alone exceeded 1 million dollars!) One of the newsreporters gave his little blurb, after when he landed at a makeshift landing strip,not too far from the scene. He elaborated that it was so cold, that when he got out of the small plane, he hadn't took 20 or so steps, when he felt a stabbing pain in his left eye, followed momentarily by another just like it in his third eye, oops, other eye. It was soon discovered that the intense cold had literally frozen his contact lenses to his eyeballs!! He was subsequently forced to wear a pair of eyeglasses that were donated to him fer the event by one of the natives, even though they were the wrong prescription. I never forgot that story, because he also mentioned that the Natives, were so acclimatized the the cold that they carried about their business with open parkas, seemingly unpertubed by what we would consider unbearable cold.
  8. Try nukin' the lemon fer 30-40 seconds, and check out the flow.
  9. The picture doesn't do em justice, they're half covered in snow, some of those Perch prolly went 25 pounds!
  10. Ray is a great guy! Not afraid of helping out a total stranger.

  11. Very special, mon vieux! Some great memories were made, eh! Those fish are a welcome break, we do not see those Speckeld Trout very often. The little devils cooperated very well. They will make a very scrumtious meal. Interesting snow buggy there, I can imagine Santa being envious. Well worth the trip, and awesome pictures.
  12. Great! You guys caught some nice fish, fer sure. That looks like the flats out from Herchimer's. Gerrit there are no pics of you. It is easy to forget something when going fishing. Did those boots keep his feet warm? How many hours in total on the ice?
  13. Thanks fer the report. I posted earlier today, but I just fish fer Perch, got 35.
  14. Sensible type person. Agree with most of his comments.

  15. A level headed gentleman.

    Someone who can make a worthwhile contribution.

  16. One of my favourite board members.

    A real gentleman, and very knowlegeable. The kind of guy you want fer a friend, even better than Jethro.

  17. Sounds like you'll be having a blast. Really lookin forward to the report.
  18. Good sized ones, eh? I beleive you that the bigger Perch need more finesse. The little gaffers rush right in. Thanks fer the report.
  19. Got mine 5 bucks for two scoops (of raisins) at the end of 10th line at the restaurant.
  20. You do a nice report Irish. It is nice to read. Thanks for providing an insight to the North, and it's wonders, especially those minus temps. That is a nice boat you purchased, and I can understand your pride. I'm envious.
  21. Well I use a 4" Rapala fillet knife. I keep it sharp in one of those little red plastic sharpeners that have the x shaped ceramic stones housed inside. A trick I discovered was to run my knife through either a slice of lemon or tomatoe, then run the knife through the sharpener. A dry sharpener doesn't work, and water doesn't help much. The acids in the tomatoe or lemon must interact with the ceramic in the sharpener, whatever, you can feel the knife edge grab when you pull it through. I fillet my Perch, cut around the rib cage, and then skin them. It can be quite a job, taking at least an hour or so for 35 fish. I use whatever coating mix. Today consisted of whole wheat flour mixed with Shreddies which were ground up with a rolling pin while still in the bag. Added salt and pepper. Broke 2 eggs into a mixing bowl, beaten lightly. Dumped about 2lbs of Perch fillet into the eggs. Forked them out 4 at a time into the bag of coating mix...shake shake shake. Added them to a large frying pan with about 1 cup of sizzling Becel margarine, and a tablespoon of Olive oil. Let them fry, observe the down side start to brown, use an egglifter, and flip them over, till they get a darker brown, careful not to burn as it will get smoky. Serve on paper towels, or newspaper. Oh, and if you like lemon juice, microwave a lemon that has been halved for about 30 seconds on high, and you will get 3 times as much lemon juice.
  22. Just a Quick report. Here's is the picture:
  23. Yes. Wear rubberized insulated boots, of course, and check fer the thickness every 10-20 feet or so. When snowmobiling thru slush, it is important to go as quickly as possible thru it or the machine will bog down in it.
  24. Do u have a bird feeder Lew?
  25. Now, that is funny!
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