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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. I found some ideas which may be of help to you: and you may wish to visit this link: http://www.dynamicaqua.com/handling.html
  2. Now, now.. don't let this fool you. Every year it is the same thing. There is still some cold yet to come. Hate to put a damper on the warm spell, but that's life.
  3. A welcome break. We are fortunate to be able to have warm climes compared to some of our US neighbours.
  4. Thanks fer the support (pun intended) fellers! I do not beleive there is much to patent here, just a bunch of paint roller poles and some cheap fabrene held together with velcro. However; I am working on a WIND DIFFUSER which incorporates 2 Violin strings and a Potentiometer hooked up to a a car exhaust muffler. So far all I get is a smelly off tone noise, but I swear I'm onto something.. Jethro has been heppin with his grade 6 education, so I feel success is around the corner.
  5. Thanks fer the plug!
  6. Try this: http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=19...earch&meta=
  7. Eee doggies, young feller..take yer shoes off an stay awhile!
  8. Carefull float tubing, that lake has horse leeches the size of your leg!
  9. Google up Ontario Out Of Doors mag, I think they mention it there.
  10. I'm always right.
  11. Good lord, man. Damn Tow truck driver, charging (or trying to) $280.00. Darn Restaurant selling those past due sammiches. People have no conscience. Glad you were able to get those fish, and youself out alive. Now, you are more experienced, and will have something worthwhile to talk about, at the bar.
  12. How old are the regs you read? I beleive there was an amendment, providing an extra week to carry it over to the 15th of March this year.
  13. Nice Whitey. Nice to get out fer a change, eh?
  14. 12 Midnight March 15, 2007.
  15. I learned my lesson 10 years ago with them outfitters on Simcoe. Oh, sure some will argue they had a good time That is why I depend on myself. I go to the area, and drive around and do a little reconoitering (sp). I use the web (Google). I read the reports, on this board. I ask fer advise. But the days of me paying these so and so outfitters big money to take me to their fixed location ice shanties and sit there like a fool, are over. That is why today, I can catch fish, if I don't I'm not a hundred dollars poorer.
  16. You have a Personal e-mail message (PM).
  17. The Mennonites were involved in what is truly "ICE FISHING".
  18. In conclusion.......... I deem Lake Skugog, also known as "THE BOG" as being a waste of time, money, resources, bait, equipment, and ad infinitum to hopefull/misled anglers. Any one who operates an Ice Shanty service, should do the right thing, and close down said operation, and not take money from unsuspecting customers.
  19. The problem with wooden poles, is that the length I need (6 feet) for those moderately windy days, will not fit in my car, or fit in most sleighs. Besides, I bet the diameter of such a wooden pole that would withstand Winds of the 60Km / hour or more would be too large. I bet the broom handle size would have snapped. Hence the collapsible paint roller poles. I dig your alternate support via guide lines onto ice screws.
  20. Yak, of course, sure (I think)..
  21. Thanks fer the report. Nice Pike. Did you try Google for the sled parts?
  22. Keram, Way to go. Your persistence paid off! Nice haul, nice size on them Perch. Thanks fer the tip re: the Ski wax on the ice rod guides. Nice pictures, you were successfull!
  23. Thanks fer the heads up, Gary. A welcome change fer some.
  24. Nice colors!
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